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Season 5 Geb build and guide I guess?

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by CaptainChromosome updated September 7, 2018

Smite God: Geb

Build Guide Discussion 4 More Guides
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Geb Build

Full support

Build Item Guardian's Blessing Guardian's Blessing
Build Item Boots Boots
Build Item Reinforced Shoes Reinforced Shoes
Build Item Iron Mail Iron Mail
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Silver Talisman Silver Talisman
Build Item Heartward Amulet Heartward Amulet
Build Item Jade Mountain Helm Jade Mountain Helm
Build Item Jade Emperor's Crown Jade Emperor's Crown
Build Item Spellbound Kusari Spellbound Kusari
Build Item Shogun's Kusari Shogun's Kusari
Build Item Cloak of Concentration Cloak of Concentration
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord

Support + engage

Build Item Guardian's Blessing Guardian's Blessing
Build Item Druid Stone Druid Stone
Build Item Stone of Binding Stone of Binding
Build Item Magic Shoes Magic Shoes
Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Iron Mail Iron Mail
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Talisman Talisman
Build Item Heartward Amulet Heartward Amulet
Build Item Silver Breastplate Silver Breastplate
Build Item Hide of the Nemean Lion Hide of the Nemean Lion
Build Item Ward Stone Ward Stone
Build Item Void Stone Void Stone

Build Item Cloak of Meditation Cloak of Meditation
Build Item Magic Shell Magic Shell
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings
Build Item Horrific Emblem Horrific Emblem
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune

Geb's Skill Order

Roll Out

1 X Y
Roll Out
3 10 11 15 19

Shock Wave

2 A B
Shock Wave
1 4 7 12 16

Stone Shield

3 B A
Stone Shield
2 6 8 14 18


4 Y X
5 9 13 17 20
Roll Out
3 10 11 15 19

Roll Out

1 X
Geb turns into a mass of rolling earth, damaging and Slowing enemies he encounters, stopping at the first god he hits. He increases speed as he travels, his damage scaling from 75% to 100% over 3s. Once at his top speed, Geb becomes immune to Crowd Control, and will also Knockback enemy gods.

Ability Type: Dash, Knockback, Damage
Damage: 100 / 175 / 250 / 325 / 400 (+50% of your Magical Power)
Slow: 30%
Slow Duration: 1 / 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2s
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10s
Shock Wave
1 4 7 12 16

Shock Wave

2 A
Geb creates a shock wave, which ripples out from him in a cone, causing damage and knockup to all enemies. The damage decreases the further the enemy is from Geb, down to 80% at the maximum range.

Ability Type: Cone, Knockup, Damage
Damage: 100 / 165 / 230 / 295 / 360 (+50% of your Magical Power)
Range: 55
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 14s
Stone Shield
2 6 8 14 18

Stone Shield

3 B
Geb targets himself or an ally to put a Shield around. The Shield blocks all damage and lasts until its time expires or it takes enough damage to be destroyed. The Shield also cleanses any CC when applied.

Ability Type: Target, Buff
Shield Health: 50 / 95 / 140 / 185 / 230 +15 per Geb's Level
Shield Duration: 3 / 3.5 / 4 / 4.5 / 5s
Cost: 60
Cooldown: 17s
5 9 13 17 20


4 Y
Geb becomes immune to Crowd Control as he pulls apart the earth, dealing Magical Damage and stunning enemy gods hit. Targets take additional damage based on their current Health.

Ability Type: Circle, Stun, Damage
Damage: 120/225/330/435/540
Additional Damage: 15% of current target's Health
Stun Duration: 1.6 / 1.7 / 1.8 / 1.9 / 2.0s
Radius: 30
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 90s

Geb Threats

Tap each threat level to view Geb’s threats


How to Geb 101

Geb is a very supportive guardian with 3 damaging abilities that all apply a form of CC. His 1 is a dash with a very long wind-up to reach its max speed. This ability is NOT meant to be used for its raw damage, instead its main use is to either gank, engage, or as an CC immune escape tool. Geb's 2 is his main damaging and CC ability. Although it doesn't do much damage at its longer ranges, it does do a solid amount at close range. However, it's main use is to apply an almost lane-wide mini-knockup to enemy gods which will allow your team to either engage or to disengage. Finally, your 4 or your ult is a 2 second long aoe stun that deals percent max-health damage so remember, you CANNOT kill with this ult. This ult is a make-or-break ul, this ult will either completely CC an entire enemy team and your allies can grab the deicide or the enemy team can either use beads or any other means of CC immunity and turn the tables on you and your team. This ult however, is very predictable in certain situations just like Ymir's 3. This is why blink is a very relianle engage tool to help either land your 3, ult or burn the enemy team's beads. Oh, I almost forgot about Geb's 3 which is his shield. This shield can be applied from a distance and even over walls onto either you or your allies. The shield's health doesn't scale with your power or health, it scales with your level instead. The max health for the shield is around 400 to 500 health. The shield also cleanses you or your allies of any CC however, the timing does take practice. Remember the shield should not be used as a Khepri ult, don't wait until your ally is low health to give them a shield. Use the shield to absorb ults, a couple hunter auto attacks, or an ability from a blaster carry such as Scylla's 2. However, if your shield is down and so is your ult, if you can try to sacrifice yourself to save the allied carry you should. But, if you can't just escape with your 1.

What do these items even do?

Guardian's blessing is well, a starting item that provides some health and defense however, the main perk of this blessing is that it gives you bonus gold if you get an assist on either a minion, jungle creep, or a kill on an enemy God. Every time you do get an assist on anything you get 1 stack on the blessing. This item stacks up to 50 stacks in which when it reaches its max stacks it will give you more gold per sec and bonus health. Reinforced shoes allow you to tank more with its damage mitigation passive and provides you with a decent amount of health, damage and movement speed. Sovereignty gives you a good chunk of health and decent physical defense but, the passive of this item is that it provides an aura that provides your allies and yourself bonus Hp5 and physical defense. Heartward is almost exactly the same but, instead of physical defense it's magical and instead of Hp5 its Mp5 which is always nice. Jade emperor's crown gives you some physical defense, power and health but provides a debuff aura to the enemy team that lowers their physical power by 50 which for how low the cost is and its stats, its pretty good. Shogun's Kusari provides you with some Magical defense, Mp5 and some health and gives off an attack speed aura to your allies. Void stone is a staple when it comes to a more bruiser or more aggressive guardian playstyle. It gives you a good amount of power, health and mgaical defense and provides an debuff aura to enemies that lowers their magical protections. Mantle of Discord is always a safe choice if you want some extra defense and tankiness plus the passive of it makes it so that you can engage more often and get away. Finally, Stone of Binding. It's cheap and is ideal for its pressure and presence in the early game. Its mixed defensive stats with its power is good and all but, the passive is all worth it. It applies 10 both magical and physical penetration to you and your allies any time you hit any minion, jungle creep or enemy God with a damaging cc ability. Oh right before I go, let's talk about the relics that you should get. Shell is honestly really dumb right now in how useful it is but, it should be always picked up on supportive guardians. Shell applies an shield to you and your allies for around 300 or 400 health. The upgraded version of this relic should be picked up around on your second to last or if you are on your last item in your build. Meditation gives you and your allies a good chunk of health and mana. This is usually outclassed by shell but it is still useful because it gives mana unlike shell. You should upgrade this around when you are starting your 4th or 5th item. Blink is an amazing engage tool that let's you teleport a short distance in front of you if you haven't taken or dealt damage in the last 3 seconds. Heavenly wings gives off an air speed boost to you and your allies that cleanses and gives an immunity to slows for 3 seconds (I think that's the amount of time anyway). This should be use to either engage, negate slows to engage more easily or to disengage from a teamfight. And finally Horrific emblem. This relic applies a slow to enemy gods for 3 seconds which is useful to, like sprint, engage or disengage with ease. However, this relic should be upgraded around late-mid or late game due to its crucial teamfight effect which is that it makes any enemy God deal 20% less damage during the effect. Alright well, I hoped you liked my guide and actually read the whole thing and not skimmed through it, anyway seeya.

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Gulfwulf (81) | September 7, 2018 2:01pm
Hey Captain,

Some feedback:
  • Heartward Amulet isn't that great any more. I'd consider another magical protection item like Void Stone if you have two other magical gods on your team or Pestilence if the enemy has a lot of healing via self-healers like Hercules or aoe healers like Hel; it's also a good counter against Aphrodite.
  • Jade Emperor's Crown is bought way to late to be of any real use. I'd get Gauntlet of Thebes 4th instead. Jade should be bought right after full boots or not at all. To be honest, I'm still not sold on its value over Sovereignty because the later has HP5 while the former just has power and protections. Sure it has the 20 power aura, but that doesn't really mean much when the enemy ADC and/or jungler has over 150 or so power.
  • You don't list situational items like Winged Blade, Witchblade, Spirit Robe (this is pretty much a staple on supports due to the sheer amount of CC in the game), Midgardian Mail, and Mystical Mail, which would be useful in your 2nd build because of its aura and CCR.
  • I think void stone should be bought earlier, like 2nd or 3rd item because it has a bigger impact early game. It still has an impact all game, but it falls off as your opponents start building magical protection.
  • I would prioritize Stone Shield over Roll Out because the former gains extra health and duration for the shield while the later just gets 75 damage/level plus increased slow duration.
  • Shogun's Kusari is really only useful if you have 2 or more AA attackers on your team like an Artemis ADC and a Bellona solo. Note that this is just an example. You can go with non-aura items like Genji's Guard if you feel you need more protections; I think the bare minimum aura items a support needs is two.
  • Your actual guide could use some improving, what with some BBCode to break up the information and more chapters. Here are two really good guide on how to do that: A Template for Guides and Spruce up your words! A Guide to BB-Coding. Both of these guides are great references on how to make your guide more visually appealing and easier to read.

I hope the above helps you with your guide. And welcome to the site. :)
Gulfwulf (81) | September 7, 2018 3:05pm
Two things I missed:
  • Jade Emperor's Crown only lowers enemy physical power by 30, not 50. If it was 50, I could see getting it.
  • Stone of Binding's passive only applies to enemy gods, not minions. Also, it's a bridge item that should be sold mid to late game.
CaptainChromosome | September 25, 2018 10:08am
Yeah, I started to look back on this build after I made it and yeah, most of the stuff you listed on here is true. I rushed this and really should've taken more time lol. Anyways, thanks for the info my dude.
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Season 5 Geb build and guide I guess?
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