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Hi everyone! This build of mine has been tested out mostly in Arena, where it works like a charm. It's a good choice in Joust or Clash as well. Haven't tried it out consistently in Conquest yet.
It should suit players who prefer proactive and aggressive play, where they can support their team, but also carry on their own, depending on what the situation requires. Good when playing in random teams, when your tanks and supports don't do the best job of keeping squishies alive, and you find yourself needing some extra defense. Or when there aren't any tanks in your team to begin with, and you need to improvise.
The basic idea is simple - you have a lot of health (hide + regrowth), as well as protections (fully stacked hide) for a hunter. You can take punishment, however be ready to escape with 3 when too damaged. 30 cdr allows you to almost spam 2, so keep healing yourself all the time. This is where Regrowth comes in handy, as its passive allows you to either escape more easily or chase after opponents. Regarding relics, having both HW and Blink give you and your team a definite movement boost, so combine them with Regrowth's passive whenever necessary.
When it comes to offense, you will lack serious damage up until mid-late game. That's why you have 30 cdr: keep spamming 1 and rooting them, letting your team deal the killing blow if you alone can't. Don't forget to combine 1+2+ult to make up for the lack of their individual damage, plus keep opponents under heavy cc. I personally level 1, 2, then 3, and ult whenever available. You can go about it however you want. By mid-late game you'll stop noticing any major disadvantage in power/pen anyway.
If I had to single out any noticeable weaknesses of this build, the one that comes to mind is being prone to dying when placed under heavy cc + silence. If you can't heal, backflip or sprint away, your defense won't last long while more than one person is attacking you. So if their team uses cc heavy gods, pick up Beads and maybe Aegis instead of HW and Blink.
Good hunting, and good tanking.
Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
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