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Serqet (S10 Conquest Support)

73 16 113,685
by AmoralOne updated February 9, 2023

Smite God: Serqet

Build Guide Discussion 15 More Guides
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Serqet Build

Standard Build

Notes For your actives start with Blink Rune, and then get either a team fight active, or Belt of Frenzy

Spectral Armor is a flex item! If you dont need it fill it with what you need!


For your actives start with Blink Rune, and then get either a team fight active, or Belt of Frenzy

Spectral Armor is a flex item! If you dont need it fill it with what you need!

Build Item Heroism Heroism
Build Item Prophetic Cloak Prophetic Cloak
Build Item Runeforged Hammer Runeforged Hammer
Build Item Gladiator's Shield Gladiator's Shield
Build Item Shogun's Kusari Shogun's Kusari
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Corrupted Blink Rune Corrupted Blink Rune
Build Item Belt of the Berserker Belt of the Berserker

Aggressive Build

Notes For your actives start with Blink Rune, and then get either a team fight active, or Sundering Spear


For your actives start with Blink Rune, and then get either a team fight active, or Sundering Spear

Build Item Sentinel's Boon Sentinel's Boon
Build Item Runeforged Hammer Runeforged Hammer
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Gladiator's Shield Gladiator's Shield
Build Item Shogun's Kusari Shogun's Kusari
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Corrupted Blink Rune Corrupted Blink Rune
Build Item Belt of the Berserker Belt of the Berserker

Amoral's Test Build

Notes For your actives start with Blink Rune, and then get either a team fight active, or Belt of Frenzy


For your actives start with Blink Rune, and then get either a team fight active, or Belt of Frenzy

Build Item Sentinel's Boon Sentinel's Boon
Build Item Jotunn's Ferocity Jotunn's Ferocity
Build Item Pridwen Pridwen
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Gladiator's Shield Gladiator's Shield
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Corrupted Blink Rune Corrupted Blink Rune
Build Item Belt of the Berserker Belt of the Berserker

Situational Items

Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade
Build Item Relic Dagger Relic Dagger
Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak
Build Item Spectral Armor Spectral Armor
Build Item Heartward Amulet Heartward Amulet
Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item Contagion Contagion
Build Item Pestilence Pestilence
Build Item Lono's Mask Lono's Mask

Situational Relics

Build Item Phantom Shell Phantom Shell
Build Item Temporal Beads Temporal Beads
Build Item Blighted Ankh Blighted Ankh
Build Item Hastened Wings Hastened Wings

Serqet's Skill Order


1 X Y
1 4 6 7 10

Cobra's Kiss

2 A B
Cobra's Kiss
2 8 11 12 14


3 B A
3 15 16 18 19

Last Breath

4 Y X
Last Breath
5 9 13 17 20
1 4 6 7 10


1 X
Serqet dashes three times from side to side, dealing damage and applying Deathbane Poison to each enemy hit. This ability can Critical Hit, and Serqet is immune to Knockup while dashing.

Deathbane Poison reduces a target's Physical Protection for a short time, and remains in a lingering dormant state for 20s.

Ability Type: Dash, Debuff, Damage
Damage per Hit: 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 (+50% of your Physical Power)
Protection Reduction: 5% for 3s
Range: 50
Cost: 60
Cooldown: 13s
Cobra's Kiss
2 8 11 12 14

Cobra's Kiss

2 A
Serqet launches her two blades forward, dealing damage and applying the Cobra's Kiss Poison. Cobra's Kiss Poison drives gods to madness, forcing them to attack nearby allies dealing this damage again, or walk harmlessly towards Serqet. Cobra's Kiss remains in a lingering dormant state for 20s.

Ability Type: Line, Crowd Control, Damage
Damage: 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 / 100 (+75% of your Physical Power)
Madness Duration: 1.2s
Range: 40
Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Cooldown: 12s
3 15 16 18 19


3 B
Serqet vanishes, Rooting herself in place. She may leap once, revealing herself and dealing damage to enemies. She will stay hidden until she leaps or cancels this ability. Enemy gods within range 12.5 will also reveal her.

Ability Type: Circle, Leap, Damage
Damage: 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 (+100% of your Physical Power)
Range/Radius: 65 / 15
Cost: 70
Cooldown: 16s
Last Breath
5 9 13 17 20

Last Breath

4 Y
Passive: Serqet gains increased Critical Strike Chance.
Active: Serqet leaps to an enemy, Stunning them and gaining 50% damage mitigation. She then applies the Last Breath poison and pushes them 30 units away. The poison deals true damage to the target over the next 5s, and prevents them from healing. If an enemy dies while infected with Last Breath, they will explode, applying the poison to all enemies within 20 units.

Ability Type: Target, Debuff, Damage
Damage: 102 / 150 / 198 / 252 / 300 (+130% of your Physical Power as True Damage)
Stun Duration: 1s
Healing Reduction: All Healing
Critical Strike Chance: 0 / 5 / 10 / 15 / 20%
Radius: 10
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 90s

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This guide is made by the mentor team from the SMITE Official Discord. Anyone can join and receive help from the mentors, participate in inhouses, look for people to play with, or just talk about the game with other people who enjoy SMITE.

How To Serqet

This god is very good for control. Using her dash for early damage will help to burn the enemy pots and actives, on top of using her taunt to control the enemy. The name of the early game is who can out sustain who, Serqet is great at adding pressure to the enemy, and forcing them to use more pots, and actives before they would like. You can usually find kill potential in the early game with her kit. You must be careful though because you are an assassin with assassin health. Minions will chew you up.

Moving into the mid game you will be looking for easy picks in the jungle, and looking to invade enemy buffs with your team. Your ulitmate does true damage so this is great for invading the enemy solo's blue and forcing them to give it up or die. You have a lot of control with your ult as well, choosing which way to throw the enemy. You can also use this ability to escape damage if you latch onto something before the damage hits you.

Late game you will be looking to blow up a single target that is out of position. Even though you are support, and building mostly defense, you can still very easily solo the enemy back liners if you are careful. Serqet is great at bating abilities and ults as well. Jumping in the backline will cause the enemy to turn and attempt to burn you, but using your dash ability you can slide through them in hopes they burn their kits, or ults trying to kill you.

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smitebrasil (1) | February 22, 2022 5:03am
Não faz sentido!
AmoralOne (11) | February 22, 2022 5:56am
Not sure what you need explained Mr Streamer but if you can answer that I will break it down for you.
Kriega1 (143) | February 22, 2022 5:30am
ShiroSenkou2455 | July 17, 2021 8:39am
all your guides are the same items for every god.
AmoralOne (11) | July 17, 2021 10:17am
All of these builds are the current META builds for x god - a lot of the builds are the same for that reason! Some of them are different though like the healers, artio for example! You can always mix items around as well to make up for something you are lacking in game!
Change_main (2) | March 3, 2021 10:33am
do you use this as a sup build or jung or both?
AmoralOne (11) | March 3, 2021 10:34am
All of my guides are Support guides only :)
Change_main (2) | March 3, 2021 11:19am
gotcha sorry i should have idk read the title of the guide but thanks :D
Change_main (2) | March 3, 2021 10:34am
wait omg the tiitle nvm im blind
The6thEspada | February 17, 2021 11:41am
Just went 3/1 two games in a row made them surrender at 10 both games this is amazing.
AmoralOne (11) | February 17, 2021 11:48am
Glad you are enjoying it! Its so much fun :)
The6thEspada | February 19, 2021 1:13pm
What do I replace the boots with?
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Didacted (6) | February 16, 2021 8:12pm
Meta defining player back with yet another innovative build and informative guide. 5 stars.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AmoralOne
Serqet (S10 Conquest Support)
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