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Now this is logical after the first return you buy boots and start building it.
So you finish boots first as you are a jungler than Jotunn and then the second dmg item. Hydra and Void shield can be switched depending on the situation.
Now i like to build some sustain and protection to my builds. So magi's is a good item becasue it provides protection, health and CC immunity. You can alos goo with Mantle of discord
My last item is void shield because i like it :)
for CC immunity go with Magi's. For more sustain go with Mantle. If you need more magical protection go with genji, for more physical go with Breastplate. Masamune and ancile are great mixture of protection and offense.
All of these items can be built into his kit.
Buy wards kids.
It depends on your preference and play style.
Tap each threat level to view Set’s threats
Hi All,
now please be nice and be aware that Set just came out so this build is not 100% a go.
* Note that im not an expert with Set i just sharing my experience with him *
1. I try to go near the CDR cap (never over cap)
2. Try to maintain DMG.
3. Try to build in prot. and health ( sustain )
So i try to maintain balance between those three aspects.
Sustain should be built in becasue the more Set survives the more dmg he can do.
Please note that this build might change and you should always fit your built for the situation and team consistency.
Please feel free to add comments if they are there to make this guide better.
So Set is a bit difficult and interesting at the same time.
1.You need the 1 and 2 and 3 to engage. to engage you need to hit 2 send it out with 1 and than hit it with the 3 ... this can be difficult and need practice... ALOT to avoid unintentional teleports. Never engage if you cant hit your clone with 3.
2.Always keep one clone for escape. Never spam both 2 clones only if you can secure the kill.
3. You can pop the ulti earlier before engaging or for sustain as it lasts 12 seconds.
*Also Set is not your average jungler, there are opinions that it could be played on other positions/lanes too.. I need to test.*
* Note that im not an expert with Set i just sharing my experience with him *
Any God with CC
(besides tanks and non squishies dont want to attack tanks head on)
Set has no CC to engage he can port in and out but once he is CC-d and got no sustain built in he will die fast.
(i dont count his slow and semi-blind as they are not as strong as a hard CC)
Dont count the sandstorms physical protection as it is not that big of a deal.
Sustain should be built in becasue the more Set survives the more dmg he can do.
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