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Skadi: Goddess of Winter: Ranged Magical Guardian

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by N1gga_Ninja updated May 12, 2016

Smite God: Skadi

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Skadi Build

Ability section

Skadi strikes fear into her enemies hearts causing them to become CHILLED.
Chilled reduces all basic attack damage by 3%,reduces ability damage by 2%,and reduces ALL damage taken by 5%.

Ability 1: Slip'n Slide: Skadi slides forward leaving a trail of ice behind and while she is sliding she also shoots ice in front of her.Enemies that walk over the ice take damage and are slowed.

Damage:50\100\150\200(➕ 50% of Magical power)
Slow Duration:2s
Slow amount:5%/15%/45%/45%/50%

Ability 2: Fear My Taunt: Skadi creates a blizzard around herself confusing enemies fearing them away from her then taunting them towards.This ability does no damage.
Taunt duration:.25/.50./.75/.75/1
Fear duration:.25/.50/.75/.75/1

Ability 3: Cold hearted: Chooses a selected god in which she then freezes their heart making them have no pulse and making them appear to be dead.While the selected gods heart is frozen they will be unable to move and immune to damage yet they can still fire basic attacks. After there heart is unfrozen they will be brought next to skadi's current location.This ability doesn't do damage.
Ability duration:2s
Damage immune duration:2s

Ultimate:Ice Gust: Skadi sends forth a huge gust of ice (a little less wider than au puch's ult) dealing damage on impact and slowing all enemies hit.if three or more enemies are hit then skadi grants her allies 5% increased basic attack and ability damage
Damage:50/150/350/500/750(➕ 100% of magical power)
Slow amount:3%/6%/9%/12%/15%
Slow duration: 3s


Pros:Team Buffs
Has an escape
Cc for days
A straight up BEAST MID-LATE GAME.

Cons:Slow movement speed
Slow attack speed


This is my first ever post on smite fire so don't go raging on me.But trust me I know what everyone is thinking... 750 damage plus 100% of magical power! But her ult and number one are her only damaging abilities but anyways she is meant to be the ultimate team fight support and provides tons of cc in team fights.

But yeah I could use some feed back its just an idea I came up with but yeah hope everyone enjoys���

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Devampi (105) | March 5, 2016 3:45am
As said by others before this shouldn't have been posted as a guide.

after that the idea is flat out OP for a guardian and also missing information.

her passive how is it applied and how does it work. It looks like it reduces the ability and basic attack damage but also let's your enemy take 5% less damage. Being stronger against your team then the enemy team.

ability 1:
Looks like a good ability only missing CD and Mana costs.

ability 2:
Looks also pretty good except for missing CD and mana costs and radius around you. is it more like an wrath/HoG range or a shards of ice range. Also if they get feared out of the ability would they still get taunted?

ability 3:
I don't really know how I feel for this ability could be Op or not (again CD manacosts missing gives half a picture)

ability 4/ult:
This sounds really Op not because of the numbers but more because of the range. compared to Ah Puch ult this is an insta hit and not a sort of DoT. just 1-2-4 and you have a huge amount of damage. The range is just way to big for the damage. Even Ah Puch ult doesn't reach that damage in that range. Because the range is that big and we're talking about a guardian it shouldn't even be higher then 500 on base scalings.
The slow on it isn't really good too.

And another thing your scalings are off. all scalings are even because things like this are implemented by a linear formula (y=ax+b)as thios reduces the changes of bugs and take less time so a scaling of 100 on lvl 1-2 can't change to a scaling of 200 on lvl 2-3
GameGeekFan (50) | March 4, 2016 7:52am
paradoxiam10 wrote:

Gave this a thumbs down. Any and all info on future gods to be released is subject to change. To make a guide off of data mined info is stupid and you pretty much wasted your time.

Not to be rude but please read and check your info before posting. Please.
CakeSlapping (29) | March 4, 2016 7:11am
paradoxiam10 wrote:

Gave this a thumbs down. Any and all info on future gods to be released is subject to change. To make a guide off of data mined info is stupid and you pretty much wasted your time.

It's not data mined info...

Author has posted a fan made God concept in the wrong section of the site...
paradoxiam10 | March 4, 2016 6:34am
Gave this a thumbs down. Any and all info on future gods to be released is subject to change. To make a guide off of data mined info is stupid and you pretty much wasted your time.
IntellOyell (2) | March 2, 2016 11:03pm
where did u get to see her abilities?
TenPace (3) | March 2, 2016 10:21pm
Sorry, you don't know what everyone's thinking.

IDK if you did it on purpose, but you posted this as a guide, not a forum topic. And you can't make a guide to a nonexistent character. So... yeah.

I don't think it's an awful pitch, but I do know it's in the wrong place.
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Skadi: Goddess of Winter: Ranged Magical Guardian
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