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Skadi Joust Destroyer

7 1 87,398
by jlaw2000 updated April 11, 2016

Smite God: Skadi

Build Guide Discussion 8 More Guides
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Skadi Build

Purchase Order

Build Item Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi
Build Item Soul Eater Soul Eater
Build Item Hastened Fatalis Hastened Fatalis
Build Item Shifter's Shield Shifter's Shield
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer
Build Item Malice Malice

Skadi's Skill Order

Piercing Cold

1 X Y
Piercing Cold
1 8 11 12 14

Rune Of The Hunt

2 A B
Rune Of The Hunt
2 4 6 7 10


3 B A
3 15 16 18 19

Winter's Grasp

4 Y X
Winter's Grasp
5 9 13 17 20
Piercing Cold
1 8 11 12 14

Piercing Cold

1 X
Skadi throws an icy spear forward, dealing damage to enemies and Slowing them for 3s. Kaldr's basic attacks deal double damage to targets afflicted by Piercing Cold.

Ability Type: Projectile
Damage: 90 / 140 / 190 / 240 / 290 (+80% of your Physical Power)
Slow: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%
Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Cooldown: 12s
Rune Of The Hunt
2 4 6 7 10

Rune Of The Hunt

2 A
Toggle: Skadi marks a target for Kaldr to hunt. While toggled on, Kaldr assumes Beast form, chasing and attacking the marked enemy. If a marked enemy dies Kaldr attacks other enemies nearby. When toggled off, Kaldr stops attacking and returns to Skadi, reverting to his Elemental form on the way. This ability can be activated at rank 0 and Kaldr gains new skills as it ranks up.

Ability Type: Pet Command
Basic Attack Damage: 50 / 50 / 57.5 / 65 / 72.5 / 80% of Skadi's
Rank 1: Kaldr gains a dash attack dealing 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110% Basic Attack Damage
Rank 3: Kaldr's kills heal him
Rank 5: Kaldr's attacks give Skadi 10% increased movement speed
Cost: None
Cooldown: 0.5s
3 15 16 18 19


3 B
Skadi freezes the ground for 5s at a target location. The icy area deals damage to enemies that touch it and continues to deal additional damage every .5s they stay on it. Gods who step on the ice are slowed and lose control of their movement while sliding across. Also, Skadi gains movement speed and Slow immunity while standing on the area and persists for 3s after it fades or she leaves.

Ability Type: Circle, Crowd Control, Damage
Initial Damage: 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 (+50% of your Physical Power)
Damage Per Tick: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (+5% of your Physical Power)
Movement Speed: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%
Slow: 15%
Radius: 16 / 16 / 18 / 18 / 20
Cost: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75
Cooldown: 16s
Winter's Grasp
5 9 13 17 20

Winter's Grasp

4 Y
A snowstorm surrounds Skadi as she chooses a location for Kaldr to attack. If Kaldr is too far he will leap there.

Upon reaching the location a snowstorm also surrounds Kaldr. The initial hit of either snowstorm Roots enemies in the area and Kaldr is restored to full health. The storms persist for 4s while dealing damage to enemies every .5s.

Ability Type: Stim
Damage (Initial Hit): 45 / 85 / 125 / 165 / 205 (+35% of your Physical Power)
Damage (Per Tick): 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 (+10% of your Physical Power)
Root Duration: 1 / 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2s
Radius: 20
Cost: 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120
Cooldown: 90s

How to play

Skadi is a ruthless goddess and an unapologetic kill thief if you play her right.

Basically you build ATK speed first with life steal with Ninja Tabi and Soul Eater, then power and protections with Shifter's Shield followed by crit and power from Deathbringer and Malice.

You build run of the hunt early to get Kaldr to finish enemy gods for you only using Piercing Cold at less than 70% to damage gods for Kaldr to finish quickly. Building rune of the hunt first helps Kaldr do more damage faster so that you don't have to put yourself in danger early and helps his kills heal him with minions and gods he kills. Use Permafrost mainly for hitting multiple minions early game to build gold faster and to push enemy gods back.

Soul Eater and Shifter's Shield help you live a lot longer as a ADC or Solo as when you hit 50% life, stacks you have built up with Soul Eater are consumed returning 1% life to you with each stack and Shifter's Shield switching between power above 50% life and extra protections below 50% if you need to make a quick getaway. The increased movement speed from Ninja Tabi and Hastened Fatalis helps you chase down fleeing gods faster so they don't get away and helps Kaldr run faster to chase them down if it is too dangerous for you.

After level 5 if you are facing a particularly skittish god or need your own tank, send in Kaldr watching his health and hit your winter's grasp when he is at 1 health left to heal him to full and make him unkillable for 5 seconds while stunning and damaging enemy gods who stay in his range. This can also be used against towers to quickly drop them at higher levels instead of waiting on minions or friends to take hits from the tower.

During late game you become an unkillable murder machine with both Deathbringer and Malice upping your crit to 40% and increasing crit damage by 40% and putting a DoT on enemies that you crit for 75% of your power. You can easily kill well built guardians in no time flat with the crit damage making up for the lack of physical penetration.

Overall using this build I average about 15-25 kills in joust and 10-20 in conquest as it is very safe build and relatively cheap compared to others with the only real gold sinks being Deathbringer and Malice.

I hope you find this goddess as fun as I do and give this build a like if you find it helpful!

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MajesticBlueberry | October 10, 2016 10:31am
i really enjoy using this build. its a bit of a late gamer. but it comes in when you need it. i generally die around 5 or so times before racking up a good 12-16 kills and i love it. plus the speed that you get is great for escaping and doing a nice little turn around to grab a kill.
Ladykatryn | April 13, 2016 7:25am
I would like to try this build for the sake of it, but I have to agree with the pen part. Once you have items that gives you penetration there is no stopping Skadi and Kaldr, you will get kill after kill.

But like I say, I would like to try this build :)
DucksRock (41) | March 22, 2016 12:19pm
No. Soul Eater compared to Asi or Bloodforge with Skadi is a no.
asi will get you and your dog pen, and Bloodforge power.

Where's your titan at boy? no srsly, you rly need that pen.
Your gonna get singled out if you dont get trans in the dou, cause it gives so much ****ing benefits.
Bullfrog323 (27) | March 22, 2016 11:42am
jlaw2000 wrote:
Penetration is only good for killing guardians as most other classes either don't build protections or in very small amounts so it's almost useless.

No ... that's just not true.

Penetration is the way to build to deal damage to squishy targets (100 protections and under).
Over than 200 protections, you get more benefit from power and attack speed than penetration
(except maybe Titan's Bane, but even for that item, I'm not sure).

That's just the way damage is calculated in Smite.
The more protection you have, the less each point of protection worths.
So, removing 20 protections against a low defence target is way more effective than removing 20 protections against a high defence target.
CakeSlapping (29) | March 22, 2016 10:32am
jlaw2000 wrote:
Also penetration has horrible diminishing returns vs the increased attack speed and damage output of increased crit power + 75% AP DoT.

I am inclined to disagree...
jlaw2000 (1) | March 22, 2016 9:36am
Like I stated in the how to play section, the Deathbringer and Malice 40% crit chance and 40% bonus damage and DoT more than makes up for any protections and can easily kill guardians in 5-7 hits which at almost 2.0 ATK speed come out very fast. Penetration is only good for killing guardians as most other classes either don't build protections or in very small amounts so it's almost useless. Also penetration has horrible diminishing returns vs the increased attack speed and damage output of increased crit power + 75% AP DoT.
CakeSlapping (29) | March 21, 2016 11:53pm
You have 0 penetration in this build, so you'll be losing A LOT of damage through mitigation.

I'd recommend trying to fit a Titan's Bane, The Executioner or a Void Shield into the build somewhere, so you have some penetration to deal with enemies' protections.
jlaw2000 (1) | March 21, 2016 8:31pm
So I don't know how to do fancy embedded links and what not but I still hope you like this guide!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author jlaw2000
Skadi Joust Destroyer
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