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Smite Pro League Season Ticket Guide (Updated 7/30/15)

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by OmgAsia updated July 30, 2015

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Hey everyone! OMGASIA here again. I know I know. You're all like, "But Asia! This isn't a God Guide! What the heck you doing girl?" I'm answering questions a LOT of people seem to have! That's all. So sit back and learn something, if you wish!

Without further adieu: Welcome to Smite Pro League 2015's Season Ticket!

What This Guide Covers
  • What the Season Ticket is and how to access it.

  • What rewards you get from purchasing, and how to earn them.

  • Information on the competing teams.
What This Guide Does Not Cover
  • What teams to select to win for the matches

  • How to play any of the gods, or any game mode. This guide is strictly about the Season Ticket.

  • How to paint your nails like Kawaii Pop Bastet. Come on, that's totally irrelevant. Why did you think that would even be IN this?

The Basics

What is the Season Ticket anyway?
The Season Ticket is Hi Rez's little gift to us for S2. It allows us to support eSports financially while also getting to earn cool in game rewards.

What does SPL stand for?
SPL is short for Smite Pro League. Think of it as the major leagues for Smite. There are teams worldwide, and the players are some of the best in the game. They play competitively to see who is the top, as well as for cash prizes.

How much does it cost to purchase the Season Ticket?
The Season Ticket costs 300 gems, so roughly $6 USD. Keep in mind the minimum amount of gems one can purchase is 400, so if you don't already have them you'll be paying $7.99 USD for the pack of 400.

What do I get for buying the Season Ticket?
Purchasing the Season Ticket gives you immediate access to the In Game SPL picking system (more on this in the Fantasy Points Section) as well as two exclusive Xbalanque skins and the SPL Loading Frame. It also gives you the opportunity to earn an exclusive icon and exclusive skins for Nemesis and Kukulkan. For more information on the cosmetic content check out the Rewards Section.

How long does the Season Ticket last?
The event will run until just before the Smite World Championship 2016. We still don't have an official end date.

What does Hi-Rez get out of me purchasing the Season Ticket?
Hi-Rez is using the season ticket to help fund and promote Season 2 (referred to as S2.) Each purchase adds $2.50 USD to the S2 World Championship prize pool. In addition, users who purchase the Season Ticket will be using the SPL Loading Frame, which gives information on the next pro match to everyone who sees it. It's a bunch of non obtrusive advertising.

How do I purchase the Season Ticket?
You'll buy the Season Ticket in the Smite Store. Just visit the store in game, go to the Bundles section, and purchase "Season Ticket 2015" to gain access.


To learn more about each reward, just click on it to expand :)

Immediate Rewards

Right when purchasing the Season Ticket you'll get these.

SPL 2015 NA Xbalanque Skin

SPL 2015 EU Xbalanque Skin

SPL Loading Frame

Unlockable Rewards

When you get the required amount of points these will be automatically unlocked.
For information on earning Fantasy Points (FP)check out the Fantasy Points Section.

Treasure Rolls

1000 Points - Executioner Nemesis

2000 Points - Whoose Gonna Win Player Icon

3000 Points - Void Wyrm Kukulkan

4000 Points - Golden Season Ticket 2015

5000 Points - Nox Announcer Pack

6000 Points - Swagni Announcer Pack

7000 Points - Iron Crow Hou Yi

8000 Points - Diamond Season Ticket 2015

10000 Points - Dr. Vanus

15000 Points - Epic Season Ticket 2015

More content will be added!

Earning Fantasy Points (FP)

When you purchase the Season Ticket you will be able to start earning Fantasy Points (FP). There are two ways two gain FP. To learn more about each method just click to expand.

Playing Smite: +15 FP Per Win

Smite Pro League Predictions: +20 FP Per Correct Guess

Summer Split

For more in depth stats such as Team Standings and Top Performers, check out SMITE eSports.

For recordings of the games check out SMITEPros.

You'll notice That the term ADC has been replaced by Hunter and the term Support has been replaced by Guardian. I've done this to match the official SMITE eSports pages. You'll also see the W#D# format. W and D stand for Week and Day respectively. W1D3 is a match that happened the first week and third day.

North American Teams

European Teams

Conclusion and Comments Section

Thank you to Smite Wiki and SMITE eSports for the images used in this guide.

Thanks for taking the time to read my guide! Do you have any questions or anything else you'd like to see included? Please comment and let me know!

In addition, please feel free to use the comment section to talk with others about your experiences and strategies for wagers on games. While I'm not telling anybody how to pick their teams, feel free to cheer yours on and spread information about the Smite Pro League.

Update Log

Summer Split Updates

Other Guides by OMGASIA

Just click on the image to go to the guide.

This are my main guides, and are kept up to date.

Smite Pro League Season Ticket Guide

These are the current new god guides. They still have up to date information.

Out of Date
These guides are not up to date but are still used by many as a reference, and as such I haven't archived them.

These guides were made just for the release of the God and are no longer kept up to date.

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OmgAsia (7) | July 6, 2015 6:11pm
Praeox wrote:

A pity that chst have only non-exclusive skins, thank for the info! And weren't Executioner and Void Wyrm limited skins?

They are limited, but you can get them through the season ticket.
Praeox | June 29, 2015 4:44am
A pity that chst have only non-exclusive skins, thank for the info! And weren't Executioner and Void Wyrm limited skins?
OmgAsia (7) | May 21, 2015 10:26am
Devampi wrote:

as you say betting is the wrong word the word you searched for is predicting. As for betting you need to have something to bet on

Yes, that was the word I couldn't get to come to mind! Thanks, I'll edit this up :)
Devampi (105) | May 18, 2015 4:21am
OmgAsia wrote:

Okay, so betting isn't really the best term here, but I'm using it anyway. There is no risk, only reward. You cannot lose points by taking advantage of this section of the Season Ticket. Simply pick who you think will win each match. Right now only the Summer Split is available, but the Winter games will be added later. How do you place your bets? It's Cake.

1. Access the Season Ticket 2015 Screen. Just find this button on your homepage and it'll open it right up.

2. In each match up, select the team you think will win. Remember, you can't lose anything here, only gain. Make sure to place your bet at least 5 minutes before the game takes place. There is no changing in the middle, that's cheating! Not sure who to bet on? Check out the Meet the Teams section to gain some insight on the teams themselves.

3. Wait and even watch the game if you're so inclined! The game has to take place before we know who wins, of course. Games are always more fun to watch when you have stakes in it, eh? Cheer on your selected team in hopes that they net you some FP! Points will be awarded to your account automatically if your team wins.

as you say betting is the wrong word the word you searched for is predicting. As for betting you need to have something to bet on
OmgAsia (7) | April 30, 2015 5:07pm
Bullfrog323 wrote:

I went to buy this Ticket in the Store, and I saw these chests :

Cloud9 Chest
FNatic Chest
Team SoloMid Chest
Titan Chest

All of which have a duration of 256 days.
Which brings us to Monday January 11th 2016.

Without being an official date, it can give a good idea on when the SWC 2016 would happen.

It's a good estimate, however Hi Rez has officially said that they do not have an ending date for the Season Ticket, so I'd hesitate to say it is positive.
Bullfrog323 (27) | April 30, 2015 4:42pm
I went to buy this Ticket in the Store, and I saw these chests :

Cloud9 Chest
FNatic Chest
Team SoloMid Chest
Titan Chest

All of which have a duration of 256 days.
Which brings us to Monday January 11th 2016.

Without being an official date, it can give a good idea on when the SWC 2016 would happen.
Bullfrog323 (27) | April 30, 2015 4:35pm
That's what I thought.

So, since SWC 2015 happened early January, we can expect something near that date for SWC 2016.
Which would be ... in 7 months.

So, better start getting those points now.

Anyway, thanks for that guide, really helpful.
OmgAsia (7) | April 30, 2015 4:07pm
Bullfrog323 wrote:

Thanks for this guide.

Just some quick questions :

1- Do we know when this event will end ? Or, if you like, how much time do we have to collect these points ?

How did you get to this result ?
For me, if you only win 1 game a day, it would take you almost 7 months, not 3.
That bring me back to the the first question ...

1- The event will end around when the World Championship 2016 starts. There is no final date yet. You have until the end of the event to collect the points.

2- I got that result by being bad at math. You're right, it's closer to 7 months. I'll fix that :) Sorry!
Bullfrog323 (27) | April 30, 2015 2:18pm
Thanks for this guide.

Just some quick questions :

1- Do we know when this event will end ? Or, if you like, how much time do we have to collect these points ?

Even if you win only one a day, it'll take you just over 3 months to earn all the rewards

How did you get to this result ?
For me, if you only win 1 game a day, it would take you almost 7 months, not 3.
That bring me back to the the first question ...
Zilby (132) | April 30, 2015 9:01am
Fair points, I'm sure each team's standings in S2 will change rather frequently. Good that you at least have their stats accessible since that is probably the easiest way to keep up to date :]
OmgAsia (7) | April 30, 2015 4:24am
Zilby wrote:

Nice info guide :)

Only thing I could think to add is maybe each of the teams' ranks so we know who to bet on!

Thank you!

I was thinking about that, as well as adding histories about the teams. The reason I didn't is because I'm not sure I'll be able to update them quickly enough as they change, and I couldn't find enough history about each team to be consistent. I would hate to have my non-updated info be the reason somebody misses 20 Fantasy Points. That's why I included the Stats pages so people can see how they are doing, as well as links to the eSports page that has standings on it :)
Zilby (132) | April 29, 2015 7:38pm
Nice info guide :)

Only thing I could think to add is maybe each of the teams' ranks so we know who to bet on!
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