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SMITEFire Community Guide to Neith (ADC / Mid-Lane)

114 15 134,038
by Hades4u updated December 21, 2021

Smite God: Neith

Build Guide Discussion 10 More Guides
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Neith Build

Ability Burst / Penetration Build

Notes Start: Charged Morningstar + up to 6x potions.

This build focuses fully on ability damage, utilizing high power, 30% CDR, and strong penetration.

If anti-heal is needed, you can switch out The Crusher for Brawler’s Beat Stick.


Start: Charged Morningstar + up to 6x potions.

This build focuses fully on ability damage, utilizing high power, 30% CDR, and strong penetration.

If anti-heal is needed, you can switch out The Crusher for Brawler’s Beat Stick.

Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane
Build Item Heartseeker Heartseeker
Build Item Manikin Hidden Blade Manikin Hidden Blade

Arrow / Crit Build

Notes Start: Gilded Arrow + Short Bow + 3x potions.

This build example starts with Gilded Arrow (upgrading into Ornate Arrow) and provides a good balance of attack speed, penetration and crit chance.

Upgrade Gilded Arrow to Ornate Arrow when you reach level 20.

Replace The Crusher with Qin's Sais late-game.


Start: Gilded Arrow + Short Bow + 3x potions.

This build example starts with Gilded Arrow (upgrading into Ornate Arrow) and provides a good balance of attack speed, penetration and crit chance.

Upgrade Gilded Arrow to Ornate Arrow when you reach level 20.

Replace The Crusher with Qin's Sais late-game.

Build Item Ornate Arrow Ornate Arrow
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher
Build Item Asi Asi
Build Item Demon Blade Demon Blade
Build Item Dominance Dominance
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer
Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais

Temper / Crit Build

Notes Start: Death's Toll + Mace + 4x potions.

This build example starts with Death's Toll (upgrading to Death's Temper and emphasizes basic attack function with a blend of attack speed and critical strike damage.

Replace The Crusher with Qin's Sais late-game.


Start: Death's Toll + Mace + 4x potions.

This build example starts with Death's Toll (upgrading to Death's Temper and emphasizes basic attack function with a blend of attack speed and critical strike damage.

Replace The Crusher with Qin's Sais late-game.

Build Item Death's Temper Death's Temper
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher
Build Item Asi Asi
Build Item Demon Blade Demon Blade
Build Item Dominance Dominance
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer
Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais

Trans / Basic Attack Build (DT or Bluestone Start)

Notes Start: Death's Toll OR Bluestone Pendant + Morningstar + Potions.

This build example starts with your choice of starter and provides a good balance of power, pen, and attack speed.

Sell the starter for Titan's Bane.


Start: Death's Toll OR Bluestone Pendant + Morningstar + Potions.

This build example starts with your choice of starter and provides a good balance of power, pen, and attack speed.

Sell the starter for Titan's Bane.

Build Item Bluestone Pendant Bluestone Pendant
Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Asi Asi
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais
Build Item Odysseus' Bow Odysseus' Bow
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane

Relic Choices

Notes Purification Beads is your standard 1st relic that counters crowd control; this is a core relic for squishy Gods. Can save you enough time to Back Flip to safety.

Aegis Amulet is your 2nd relic to counter burst damage and situations when you're heavily focused. Useful to save some time for your team to help or to retreat in tough situations.


Purification Beads is your standard 1st relic that counters crowd control; this is a core relic for squishy Gods. Can save you enough time to Back Flip to safety.

Aegis Amulet is your 2nd relic to counter burst damage and situations when you're heavily focused. Useful to save some time for your team to help or to retreat in tough situations.

Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads
Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet

Neith's Skill Order

Spirit Arrow

1 X Y
Spirit Arrow
1 3 6 7 9


2 A B
4 8 11 12 14

Back Flip

3 B A
Back Flip
2 15 16 18 19

World Weaver

4 Y X
World Weaver
5 10 13 17 20
Spirit Arrow
1 3 6 7 9

Spirit Arrow

1 X
Neith fires a shot that passes through everything. Each enemy hit takes damage and is Rooted. If the Spirit Arrow hits a Broken Weave, the Weave detonates, dealing an additional 100% of the damage and applying the Root to all enemies in the area.

Ability Type: Line, Root, Damage
Damage: 90 / 155 / 220 / 285 / 350 (+90% of your Physical Power)
Root: 1.6 / 1.7 / 1.8 / 1.9 / 2s
Cost: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60
Cooldown: 13 / 12.5 / 12 / 11.5 / 11s
4 8 11 12 14


2 A
Neith neatly unravels the world weaves, damaging all enemies in the target area, reducing their Attack Speed while increasing her own, and healing Neith for each enemy hit, up to 3. Any Broken Weaves in the area are removed, healing Neith an additional amount.

Ability Type: Circle, Heal, Damage
Damage: 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+100% of your Physical Power)
Attack Speed Buff/Debuff: 30%
Buff/Debuff Lifetime: 4s
Heal: 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80
Weave Heal: 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160
Radius: 20
Cost: 70
Cooldown: 15s
Back Flip
2 15 16 18 19

Back Flip

3 B
Neith back flips through the air, creating a Broken Weave as she leaps while damaging and slowing enemies in the area in front of her.

Ability Type: Cone, Leap, Damage
Damage: 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+80% of your Physical Power)
Slow: 30%
Slow Duration: 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4 / 4.5s
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 16s
World Weaver
5 10 13 17 20

World Weaver

4 Y
Neith charges up and fires an arrow across the entire world, seeking its target and passing through all obstacles. Enemy gods take damage and are Stunned. The arrow can be fired quicker for diminished results.

Ability Type: Target, Stun, Damage
Damage: 235 / 300 / 365 / 430 / 495 (+115% of your Physical Power)
Stun: 1.5s
Cost: 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120
Cooldown: 100s


Hey everyone, welcome to the SMITEFire Community guide to Neith. In this guide, we'll be going over all the essential info you'll need to get started with the Weaver of Fate!

This guide was written by community members like you! Thank you to the following SMITEFire members for contributing to this guide:

Please feel free to leave any comments or suggestions if you have feedback on the guide. We are continuously working on improving the guide and any feedback is valuable!


Passive - Broken Weave
  • Broken Weaves are created at locations where enemy deaths occur, as well as when Neith uses Back Flip.

  • Always be aware of where your weaves are. They provide enhanced function with Neith's Spirit Arrow and Unravel, and can also be used as zoning tools, as enemies may be afraid of stepping into the area range of a weave.

Ability 1 - Spirit Arrow
  • This is Neith’s simplest wave-clear ability, as well as her most straightforward poke. It can be used as a standalone ability, but whenever possible, should be combined with a Broken Weave for maximum damage and the area root.

  • For stronger clear in the early game (laning phase), use Back Flip in the midst of the minion wave to create a Broken Weave, then hit all minions with Spirit Arrow for double the damage.

  • If an enemy is within range of a Broken Weave but is not aligned with your shot, aim for the weave, as it is stationary and can more easily guarantee damage is dealt.

  • The ability doesn’t fire immediately, and has an average travel time, so learn to lead enemies that are on the move when looking for a direct hit.

Ability 2 - Unravel
  • This is Neith’s self-healing ability, and can be used on minions and gods.

  • When at lower health, combine with a Broken Weave for increased healing effect.

  • When boxing, use this for the attack speed debuff against basic attacking enemies to gain a temporary advantage.

  • This ability will heal you based on the amount of enemies you hit, maxing out at 3. It'll heal you more if you target a god, and will always prioritize the bigger heal from gods if you also happen to target minions.

Ability 3 - Back Flip
  • This is Neith’s primary escape ability, and should often be saved when threat of enemy engagement is nearby.

  • Chase: With a relatively quick travel time, this can be used to chase a retreating enemy, though it is awkward to use since she moves backward from the direction she’s facing.

  • Gank: Use this to surprise an unsuspecting enemy, especially when they are already engaged with your teammate. Approach them from behind, preferably from their side of the map, to apply a movement slow and a Broken Weave. Their retreat will be threatened by the threat of the weave.

  • Teamfight: When committing to a teamfight, use this to hit multiple enemies with the large cone for the slow and the Broken Weave, and follow it up with Spirit Arrow.

Ultimate - World Weaver
  • This is a global ultimate, and can hit any enemy god on the map, no matter where they are.

  • Use this anytime to spot exactly where enemies are, which is a great addition to placing wards. Whenever you do this, you don't need to fire your ultimate, you can always cancel it without penalties.

  • Gank / Kill Secure: this ultimate is most popularly used as a setup to a gank or to secure a kill for you and your teammates. It shouldn’t only be used to finish off an enemy, as they may also have means to avoid the damage.

  • Save teammates: If you know teammates are in trouble and are trying to escape, use this on the attacking enemy for the stun.

  • Warning: The damage can be blocked by Aegis Amulet and specific enemy abilities, such as Chang’e’s Moonlit Waltz. Enemy teammates can also step in front of the attack and block it.

Leveling Priority


Spirit Arrow should always be prioritized first, as it is her primary wave clear and damage source. You can max this ability by level 9.

Her ultimate World Weaver is typically next to prioritize, though you can level Unravel before it if you prefer the increasing heal and utility.

Back Flip is always prioritized last.

Game Play

Game Start

You'll typically start at the Damage (Red) buff camp. Help the mage clear it, then head to the Void (Purple) buff camp. Finish the camp w/ your Support, take the buff, and head to lane.

Early Game

By the time you reach the minions, they will already be fighting each other. Clearing this first wave is a race between you and the enemy, as whoever clears first will automatically gain an advantage, which can be used to poke and pressure the enemy. Taking early damage can put people on the defensive and can mentally be the first step in dictating who will dominate the laning phase. It also can force the early and higher use of potions, depleting the enemy of their sustain. This can then lead to an earlier first-back, which means even more pressure and a lead in farming XP and gold.

If you find yourself out-pressured, back off without taking too much poke while concentrating on clearing the wave. If you manage to out-clear your opponent, try to get some poke in on the enemy gods.

After 3 minions die from the second wave, you and your Support should reach level 2. The goal is usually to clear these 3 minions before your opponent does, as gaining your second ability before the enemy can allow for even more pressure. Keep an eye on the positioning of both Supports and the minions' health bars as they will dictate if and how a level 2 fight will happen:

  • Winning: you and your support hit lvl 2 first
  • Even: both teams hit level 2 at the same time
  • Losing: enemies hit level 2 first
You want to know your matchups and which abilities will be gained by your Support and the enemy ADC / Support. Some level 2 abilities won't be a large threat, while others (e.g. Sobek's Charge Prey or Ymir's Frost Breath) have stun/root/displacement actions that can put the other Duo under immense pressure and lead to an early kill.

In a situation where you win or go even in the level 2 race, and your abilities provide high pressure, you may plan to be aggressive. In this case, your Support will usually be positioned closer to the enemy, behind or next to your front melee minions. If you plan to be aggressive, the moment lvl 2 is reached, your Support will try to go in on the most vulnerable enemy god (though preferably the ADC) by CCing them. At this time, you want to switch targets from the minions to the enemy god. You want the Support to hit the opponent first to draw minion aggro. If your level 2 ability is a movement ability, be cautious about using it aggressively, as your main goal is to survive and gain pressure on your opponent.

In a case where you lose the level 2 race or your Duo's level 2 does not provide strong aggression, you and your Support will want to be positioned defensively, and may even want to fall back out of range behind the archer line. You will be the likely target of the enemy Support, so you need to determine proper positioning if you see them approaching you. If you feel safe enough, you can attempt to finish more minions to reach level 2, otherwise you’re better off backing off to not get CCed and severely poked by your opponents. During the retreat, you'll want to maintain proper range to prevent getting hit by CC, but this can also give you an opportunity to get in a few basic attacks on the enemy Support to dissuade them from continuing to pressure. Your Support may also try to help by drawing aggro, allowing you to do some damage on them and/or retreat. However, they will also not want to take much damage at this point, so don't rely on them to save you.

Note that during this time, it can make it advantageous for the Jungler to rotate for a gank, if the enemy has pushed up near your tower, making their retreat a lengthy distance.

Using Spirit Arrow to clear the wave and apply some damage onto the enemy duo will be your primary objective. Once you hit level 2, you can start applying solid zoning pressure by using the Broken Weave created by Back Flip near the minion waves. The added damage from hitting the weave with your Spirit Arrow should allow you to maintain early lane dominance, which you can use to apply pressure and poke the enemy. Even if you don't secure an early kill, dealing damage will force them to use up their potions and back early, helping you gain an early lead.

During the rest of the early game, your primary focus is to farm the waves and secure the Void and nearby camps between waves. Keep a close eye on the positioning of the Supports as fights may be initiated at any time. Also keep an eye on the minimap for possible ganks. In cases that you out-pressure your opponent, you can try and go in to steal camps on their side of the map after clearing minions, but you should only do so when they still have to deal with your wave and are pushed back near or under their tower.

Mid Game

During this phase, the Supports will have usually started to rotate into the Jungle and other lanes, allowing the ADC to farm more efficiently to gain levels and gold. You will find yourself 1v1 against the enemy ADC. Depending on matchups and how the early game went, you can be winning, drawing even, or losing lane. Identify your situation accurately and adjust your playstyle accordingly. Your main goal during this phase is to keep farming, but depending on the situation, you may attempt additional actions.

If you’ve been winning the lane, you can attempt to maintain pressure by outclearing the minion waves and poking with basics and abilities when possible. If you know you’re safe, you can try pushing them back under their tower and forcing them to lose some farm, or damage them enough to force them to back. If you force them to back or you get a kill, you may consider going for the tower or the Gold Fury with teammates. Remember to ward the nearby Jungle to avoid getting ganked when you’re farther away from your tower.

If you’re at a stalemate, you can consider calling for a gank to tip the pressure in your favor, or if you’re not confident in fighting and the enemy has strong poke, focus mainly on continuing to farm.

If you’re losing your lane, and especially if you’re behind in levels, your safest bet is to continue farming as close to your tower as possible to avoid being caught out and ganked.

No matter which situation, be careful during this phase to keep up wards and proper map awareness to prevent being surprised by the enemy Jungler or Support, turning your 1v1 into a 1v2. Also keep an eye on the minimap to see if any fights in the nearby jungle break out; you may consider rotating to try and help your team out. Keep in mind that your main focus is still on farming, so make sure you can get some kills / assists out of it, and won’t die yourself, as this can make you lose your lead or push you even further behind.

Remember that placing Wards will help spot nearby gank attempts, but you can also spot for teammates by triggering your ult but not firing.

Also, with the global ult's stun, you can help set up kills or peel for retreating teammates that are far away, or at the least, force the enemy to use a relic. Don't just use the ult for a kill finisher.

Late Game

At this point in the game you will be mainly grouping with your team to secure objectives on the map. Sticking together is important in any teamfights.

During teamfighting you want to position yourself in the backline, behind your tankier teammates and at range of your opponents. Your goal during a teamfights is to dish out a lot of damage, and the way you do this is by staying alive as long as possible. To help achieve these goals you can remember the next 3 rules:
  • Focus the closest targets in range: During most teamfights your opponents frontliners will try to get into the backline to disrupt their damage or even kill them. The reason you want to focus on closer targets instead of the most damaging targets is that you will be severely out of position if you try to go for the damage dealers, as they often are in the enemy backline. Your goal is to try and be as safe as possible while doing damage, therefore it can be more beneficial to kite/backpedal that solo laner that is trying to kill you.

  • Focus the most threatening target: In cases where multiple enemies are trying to attack you, prioritize the enemy that is the highest threat for killing you. So if the Jungler and the Solo Laner are trying to kill you, you will want to try and kill the assassin first as they will kill you more quickly.

  • Focus the more easily killable target: If you have 2 targets of roughly equal threat, your best option is to focus on the one that is easier for you to kill, due to either lower health or low to no mobility.
After winning a teamfight (and hopefully killing multiple enemies), your main objectives will always be to focus on objectives. If you’re healthy enough, go after any nearby towers or phoenixes. If enough of your team is healthy and you know the enemy is either dead or is low health and has to retreat to heal, you should prioritize killing the Fire Giant. Be mindful of respawn timers and your health, and don’t overstay trying to push an objective.

Remember that, as an ADC, you typically have lifesteal from items like Devourer’s Gauntlet or Asi, and you can heal up quickly by attacking minion waves and jungle camps.


Thank you for reading this community guide to Neith! If you'd like to contribute regularly to guides like this, just send Hades4u or Branmuffin17 a Private Message. Everyone who contributes to one of these Community Guides will be credited in the guide.

If you liked the guide, don't forget to vote and leave a comment with your thoughts! If you have any suggestions, criticism or other feedback, comments of all sorts are appreciated. Good luck in your Neith games!

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RxParalyze | December 16, 2021 6:06pm
I like the split builds. :)
Kriega1 (143) | December 17, 2021 6:20am
A few of the builds are outdated.
Falcrus (3) | November 25, 2020 3:42am
Take this jungle upvote for a good guide!
Kriega1 (143) | August 27, 2020 3:25am
Another thing, please add multi pots instead of mana pots for the hunter’s blessing start. (Since usually the build paths running that start would be for ADC instead of Mid).
Branmuffin17 (401) | August 27, 2020 12:58pm
Done, thanks.
Kriega1 (143) | August 26, 2020 11:35am
Build 1. Swap order of Titan's and Heartseeker in ability build. Also mention you can swap Titan's Bane for Atalanta's, and Jotunn's for Fail Not.

Build 2. Swap Malice and Wind Demon around.

Build 3. Not 100% sure about Titan's, though it is a valid option in this build path. Due to the mid season buff to her 2, I would consider as an alternative: swapping Titan's for Silverbranch and boots for Berserker's/Odysseus'.

Get rid of Sprint as an option, add Shell.

For recent SPL builds you can see them here (I think most Neith games this split were BigManTingz on Team Radiance), since Smiteprobuilds is no longer updated:
Branmuffin17 (401) | August 26, 2020 11:42am
Hi Kriega, will implement most of this, thanks. Mostly looking to provide solid base builds, not situational counter builds from individual SPL matches, which seem to be a bit more all over the place.
Branmuffin17 (401) | August 26, 2020 11:57am
Actually, I'd like further discussion on the Silver + build path for build #3. I honestly still hate the concept of Silver, but cannot deny its strong base stats. Seeing that it's a build meant for basic attacking, Titan's doesn't quite fit that mold but still can have very strong potential effect in damage support. Getting to 60% pen for a single hit (assume best function through her 1 or ult) can be pretty significant.

At this point, would you be more inclined to go Silver or Titan's?
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SMITEFire Community Guide to Neith (ADC / Mid-Lane)
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