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Sobek - The Disrupting Tank (Updated 9/24/12)

1 4 15,203
by Iszoloscope updated September 24, 2012

Smite God: Sobek

Build Guide Discussion 12 More Guides
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Sobek Build


Build Item Boots of Celerity Boots of Celerity
Build Item Hide of Leviathan Hide of Leviathan
Build Item Hand Of The Gods (Old) Hand Of The Gods (Old)
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Void Stone Void Stone
Build Item Spear of the Magus Spear of the Magus
Build Item Hide of the Nemean Lion Hide of the Nemean Lion
Build Item Purification Beads (Old) Purification Beads (Old)

Sobek's Skill Order

Charge Prey

1 X Y
Charge Prey
2 15 16 18 19

Tail Whip

2 A B
Tail Whip
1 4 6 8 10

Sickening Strike

3 B A
Sickening Strike
3 7 11 12 14

Lurking In The Waters

4 Y X
Lurking In The Waters
5 9 13 17 20
Charge Prey
2 15 16 18 19

Charge Prey

1 X
Sobek charges forward at a frenzied pace. If Sobek hits an enemy, he does damage, becomes briefly CC Immune, and throws the enemy behind him. Sobek is immune to knockups while dashing.

Ability Type: Dash, Crowd Control, Damage
Damage: 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+50% of your Magical Power)
Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Cooldown: 12s
Tail Whip
1 4 6 8 10

Tail Whip

2 A
Sobek whips around in a circle, knocking enemies back and doing damage.

Ability Type: Circle, Knockup, Damage
Damage: 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270 (+40% of your Magical Power)
Radius: 20
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 12s
Sickening Strike
3 7 11 12 14

Sickening Strike

3 B
Sobek does an axe attack that damages all enemies in front of him and lowers their healing received. In addition, Sobek heals for each enemy hit, up to 4.

Ability Type: Cone, Heal, Damage
Damage: 90 / 125 / 160 / 195 / 230 (+30% of your Magical Power)
Healing Reduction: 40%
Healing Reduction Lifetime: 5s
Heal: 22 / 29 / 36 / 43 / 50
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 12 / 11.5 / 11 / 10.5 / 10s
Lurking In The Waters
5 9 13 17 20

Lurking In The Waters

4 Y
Sobek submerges himself, where he gains 20% protections, regenerates Mana, is immune to Crowd Control, may pass through player-made walls, and he Slows all enemies. When Sobek emerges, he damages all enemies in the radius. Cancelling the ability decreases the damage.

Ability Type: Circle, Debuff, Damage
Damage: 300 / 450 / 600 / 750 / 900 (+80% of your Magical Power)
Submerge Slow: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50%
Submerge Lifetime: 5s
Submerge Mana Regen: 10% per second
Radius: 30
Cost: 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120
Cooldown: 90s

Chapter Title

Basic Guide to Sobek

I noticed no one had a Sobek guide on here, so I thought I'd throw down one to help people get on some sort of track with him.

Remember MOBA's are all situational. Following a guide exactly will make you fail hard/

This basic starter build is something ive used with great success.

ill be adding more to this as the days go on. thanks for your patience.


I go with 1st tier Boots of Celerity and 1st tier Hide of Leviathan right out the gate.
The boots help dodge skill shots, to chase down almost dead enemies and to get away.
The HOL is a great early defensive item that has everything Sobek needs to be a great initiator and disrupter.

Finish your boots on your first trip back and maybe 2nd tier HOL if you can.

Breastplate of Valor is a great next pick for some extra armor and CD Reduction is great on Sobek for obvious reasons.

Void Stone is a great defensive item that also gives Sobek's abilities a great boost in power and the aura is great for yourself and magickal teammates. (Rod of Will is a great replacement for this if you need some CC reduction)

Spear of Magus seems like it was made just for Sobek. Health is always good for a melee tank, and the magical power and penetration just makes your abilities that much more stronger.

Hide of the Nemean Lion is sitiational, i do like this item alot because of the reflective dmg on it, but if your enemy team is stomping with magical dmg id suggest replacing this with Magi's Blessing.

Abilities good on Sobek are Hand of the Gods, Purification Beads and Creeping Curse.

As with any MOBA, items become Situational based on the enemy team, ESPECIALLY as a tank/initiator. Just see who on the enemy team is pwning the hardest and counter build against it. easy as crocodile pie.


Skill Order and Why

Grab Tail Whip first, the damage is decent for some early game harassment.

(OPTIONAL- If you think you're going to be pushed to your tower before you hit lvl 2 , grab Charge Prey first so you can fling enemies back into your tower)

You'll only need 1 point in Charge Prey because the damage is minimal compared to Tail Whip but the fling back is invaluable so one point will suffice.

Max Tail Whip first because the dmg output is better compared to other skills.

Max Sickening Strike second. This will help you get some clutch health back or to simply finish off a weak fleeing enemy or add some extra damage in your rotation. The range on it is pretty nice and its cone damage.

Grab your Ultimate whenever possible.

Your skill sequence will be , Charge Prey > Tail Whip > Lurking > Sickening Strike
(of course this is all situational)

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Westighouse (102) | September 24, 2012 3:17pm
That is because you do nothing on this site but make a bad guide and argue with everyone without actually listening to anyone that has said anything about this terrible guide. Not my fault you are unable to read the rep, the post count, the forum thread and see the orange name.

As I had said, you are the type of person that refuses to listen to anyone ever because you are a know it all. No worries youll soon hit puberty and mature out of that soon enough. Untill then, archive this "guide" and try a different Smite website.
Iszoloscope | September 24, 2012 7:28am
prove your point? what is your point? to belittle people? to make yourself better then others.
recognized member of this website? i have never heard of you. my friends have never heard of you.

ya. recognized. whatever you say kid.
Westighouse (102) | September 24, 2012 7:23am
See how you just prove my point more and more?
Your guide is bad and you are a bad player that builds bad items. You refuse to listen to an entire website telling you the same thing and you refuse to listen to a recognized member of this website telling you the same thing as well. I feel sorry for the people that play with you each day or each time because clearly they suck if you are beating them with this ****.
Iszoloscope | September 24, 2012 7:12am
lol i gotta say is my builds are great everytime i play Sobek.

and i never said anything about solo-que. my games are all planned , the same time with the same people on the same days. my life is full of schedules, it makes things more productive and organized.

i do however got to defend my boots
the boots help me chase enemies to fling back into my team. if i were were wearing other boots my team would not get 50% of the kills we do when i play sobek.

I do however will be the humble one and say i do appreciate your input, you input is valid and i take everything into consideration.
I understand your view on the boots, your view on the sash (which i have to agree with now after a few more experimental builds)
Also understand, all the items i previously posted were just viable items on Sobek and the hammer was a mis-click. So oops, better shun me from the community.

As time goes on, I'll refine and evolve this guide.
its sad that people cant shut their mouths and realize this.

Now to figure out a way to delete these ill-mannered and non-constructive comments polluting my guide.
Westighouse (102) | September 20, 2012 6:59pm
You can disagree all you like and Ill just come back with why you are wrong on each post.
Ready? Here we go.

You own each game, good for you. I have gone full games without buying a single item and winning. solo queue means nothing is to not base skill and correctness of such things. Solo queue is filled with people that are testing things, trying new things and or are generally bad at the game.

You think that health buff is better over mana buff, that right there shows your inexperience to such games. Please save the "I have played MOBAs for X amount of years" line for someone that cares.
You have an ability that is a cone effect, and heals you. You should not be taking damage early game anyhow. Green buff is useless that early.

Given to your jungler. As the current jungle stands you should not have a jungler. Your left and right lane should win the lane and then take the buffs. This is such a giant XP, buff and gold advantage. You can walk into lane almost level 6 and they are still trying to get to 3. Trust me, seen this done many times on other pro teams, done this myself and the snowball that starts is scary. They will change the jungle buff placements because of this. So for right now, mind you this is right now, that statment is invalid.

You are right the sash does give you HP and mana. Know what else gives you HP and mana? Better items. The whole point of the sash is to have the stacks at max at all times. As a tank this is just plain dumb to build. Another point of your inexperience to MOBAs. I would be more than willing to show you better items, but I get the feeling you are one of those know it alls and wouldnt even listen anyhow.

My moral views are what makes people willing to learn from what they are doing. Something you are clearly unable to do.

The boots are garbage. It should be VERY clear why and was shown way. 3rd point of inexperience on your part and that unwilling to learn from what you are doing.

I dont need to try your build to know that in a game, its bad. Once you know the game and have played for a while you will that you too can do such things. As you see I am not the only one that thinks this guide is bad, I am just the first to go indepth of why it is bad and dont really mind you going off on me about it.

I never once said to copy a build. Infact many people I have told that guides are that, a guide. You are now into assuming such things that in fact false. If you would be so kind and open your eyes, maybe pull your head out from your *** you would see the things we are ALL trying to tell you and teach you. But your quick to defend and quick to insults. You wont last long here and you certainly wont make friends here.

There is much more I can say about your guide that is dumb. Like the chest and hammer that both slow. As you say, having the same effect on the team is dumb. What about having the same effect on the same god? Something to think about.
I shall use your own words. If you want to be a bad player thats your prerogative.
Iszoloscope | September 20, 2012 3:21pm
@Asmoday I will have to disagree with you on all levels of your post.

i own with Sobek everygame with little deaths and good assist scores.

mana buff is good but health buff is better, Sobeks ult combined with mana pots will suffice if you are smart and pool your mana when you need to.

mana buff should be given to your jungler anyway since all junglers in the game have good life regen/ regain abilities.

sickening strike is good, but worthless to be relied upon for sustain. its a clench heal/dmg ability.

warlock sash adds health/mana and damage. it is also relatively easy and cheap to get.

your "moral" views are pointless and a waste of time to argue.

the boots are awesome. being able to stay on top of an enemy to fling and slow is key.

all i see is you theory crafting my build, i dont think you have ever tried it. dont knock it unless you try it

also you need to stop playing MOBA'S if you think an exact build is going to win you the game.
items are dependent on enemy team and your own team. two people with the same aura item on the same team is pretty dumb. i did put up a list of viable items depending on team compositions, that should be good enough. but the in game item search is so good its kinda dumb to need a guide

if you want to be a sheep player thats your prerogative. have a good day sir.
Westighouse (102) | September 19, 2012 1:55am
This guide isnt good. Sorry to be harsh but the truth hurts at times. The boots are of no use and a waste of money. Your point of getting there faster doesnt help in that you take more damage while in the role of a tank. When team fights start you should never be alone on the other side of the map, specially as a tank, unless you are in solo queue and the other team has downs.

Your point of getting green buff first is incorrect, you want to either get blue buff or the enemy blue buff first. This allows you to push lanes and stay there longer. Taking damage in early game is just a sign of poor play and over agression. Wait for them to make the mistakes and them punish them for it.

warlock's shash is a terrible item for a tank. Your job is to go into a fight, disrupt them as much as possible and die. When you die you lose all stacks that you have built up. There are better items than this.

(if you want to see what skills do what , stop being lazy and mouse-over the damn skill icons above)
This line is saying, I dont give a damn about my guide or helping you out.
Just use the code to put the skills there and be done with it if you like. Agression in your guide leaves a terrible impression on everyone that reads it.

Sickening Strike should be grabbed first as it allows sustain in the lane when pushing along with your blue buff (Assuming you are in solo queue)

You are over playing the situational portion of the game as you are correct dont get me wrong, but you are just saying "Dont follow this guide learn how to play on your own dont come to me for help"
This is the impression that I get from you. You are not here to help people, just put up a half *** "guide"

So, in summary.
Lacking content of this will get a downvote from myself.
Iszoloscope | September 19, 2012 12:16am
PhillGaunt : Im sure you could do a dmg build with this one as well. This is only a starter build. I personally dont believe in copying a build item for item because your items should be dependent on the enemy team make up. of course there are stats that Sobek does benefit from more then others like cooldown reduction and hp5.
I believe the items I have shown here will give you a good start. Personally I think Sobek's main purpose is to initiate and disrupt. To take aggro off your carries and to just plain be annoying as hell. Being tanky helps with this.

I agree with your views on playing a tank in soloque. A good team has to have good communication. Though sometimes you will get a good team who knows what you are up to as a tank and know when to follow and fall back. remember though as a tank you want to give the kills to your carries.

Boots of celerity are utility and Sobek is a utility tank. Being able to get into position faster for a tail whip after a fling is the difference between a kill and almost a kill. Also as a tank you need to be there when a team fight breaks out anywhere on the map. if you are on one side and your team is on the other side of the map, getting there 1 or 2 seconds faster can make the difference in winning the fight. You wont need defensive boots because all your other items should be defensive (depending on who is the biggest threat on the opposing team)

@Xanthious - threats are always a fools next words when he has nothing intelligent or constructive to say in a debate.
Xanthious (5) | September 18, 2012 5:56pm
My game name is xanthoious or drunstoppable, and i would melt you
PhillGaunt | September 18, 2012 1:25am
I don`t really get the point about this guide. I`ve been waiting for a Sobek guide, but not for this type. Is this meant to be a carry/dd sobek? How do you buy this three items first and still be a tank?

I play Sobek a lot, but the better opponents i face, I find him kind of unflexible and not really a threat. Speccing tank you won`t really be able to kill a good opponent at all unless you manage to throw him into the tower or your laning partner`s stun. He lacks burst damage and also has no stun abilty.

Also I find it kind of difficult to tank for a random team in solo cue. If you decide to play aggressive and open a fight, it often happens that the random team does not follow you and attacks but retreats instead. Result: No fight opened and you might be dead. If you play defensive on the other hand the team will want you to open fights.

Boots of celerity also don`t seem to usefull to me. Especially if your laning partner does not also use similar boots. Because of Sobeks charge even without the boots it often happens that in moving forward he gets too far away from his laning partner and has to face the two opponents alone. Additionally they don`t add protection or damage.

Generally I more and more get the impression that playing a tank in a solo cue game is often useless. With most of the teams you don`t manage to get the right amount of coordination and teamplay to become useful as a tank/supporter. But if you don`t manage to coordinate, you are useless as tank, you won`t kill anybody, won`t be very good at laning etc...

Even more general: Solo cue seems to be more dependant on the random players you get to play than your own skills. You can give your best and be fu.... by yout team. You can suck hard and still win because of good team members.
Iszoloscope | September 18, 2012 1:05am
i disagree. its a basic guide. it tells you why you should get what items and abilities. this is a MOBA, copying an EXACT build is what will get you a loss. im sorry i dont want you on my team if that is what you do.
Xanthious (5) | September 18, 2012 12:52am
this guide teaches you nothing about playing with sobek nor does it even give a build or suggestions on abilities...
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Sobek - The Disrupting Tank (Updated 9/24/12)
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