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Solo Arena Skadi (50k+ DMG)

49 7 57,752
by F1lthyUnicornn updated September 7, 2022

Smite God: Skadi

Build Guide Discussion 1 More Guides
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Skadi Build


Build Item Leather Cowl Leather Cowl
Build Item Morningstar Morningstar
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads

Full Build

Notes Make sure to build all items BEFORE upgrading Deathbringer to its fourth tier.


Make sure to build all items BEFORE upgrading Deathbringer to its fourth tier.

Build Item Hunter's Cowl Hunter's Cowl
Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Atalanta's Bow Atalanta's Bow
Build Item Envenomed Deathbringer Envenomed Deathbringer
Build Item Shadowsteel Shuriken Shadowsteel Shuriken
Build Item Asi Asi


Notes Wind Demon, Qin Sais, and Rage can be swapped with Shadowsteel Shuriken, Asi, and Deathbringer (respectively), if you want to sacrifice attack speed for crit.
Death's Embrace can be swapped for Hunter's Cowl if you want a bit more mana stock.


Wind Demon, Qin Sais, and Rage can be swapped with Shadowsteel Shuriken, Asi, and Deathbringer (respectively), if you want to sacrifice attack speed for crit.
Death's Embrace can be swapped for Hunter's Cowl if you want a bit more mana stock.

Build Item Demon Blade Demon Blade
Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais
Build Item Rage Rage
Build Item Death's Embrace Death's Embrace

Skadi's Skill Order Notes This can realistically be build however, just prioritize Piercing Cold and Rune of the Hunt.


This can realistically be build however, just prioritize Piercing Cold and Rune of the Hunt.

Piercing Cold

1 X Y
Piercing Cold
1 3 6 7 10

Rune Of The Hunt

2 A B
Rune Of The Hunt
4 11 14 16 18


3 B A
2 8 12 15 19

Winter's Grasp

4 Y X
Winter's Grasp
5 9 13 17 20
Piercing Cold
1 3 6 7 10

Piercing Cold

1 X
Skadi throws an icy spear forward, dealing damage to enemies and Slowing them for 3s. Kaldr's basic attacks deal double damage to targets afflicted by Piercing Cold.

Ability Type: Projectile
Damage: 90 / 140 / 190 / 240 / 290 (+80% of your Physical Power)
Slow: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%
Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Cooldown: 12s
Rune Of The Hunt
4 11 14 16 18

Rune Of The Hunt

2 A
Toggle: Skadi marks a target for Kaldr to hunt. While toggled on, Kaldr assumes Beast form, chasing and attacking the marked enemy. If a marked enemy dies Kaldr attacks other enemies nearby. When toggled off, Kaldr stops attacking and returns to Skadi, reverting to his Elemental form on the way. This ability can be activated at rank 0 and Kaldr gains new skills as it ranks up.

Ability Type: Pet Command
Basic Attack Damage: 50 / 50 / 57.5 / 65 / 72.5 / 80% of Skadi's
Rank 1: Kaldr gains a dash attack dealing 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110% Basic Attack Damage
Rank 3: Kaldr's kills heal him
Rank 5: Kaldr's attacks give Skadi 10% increased movement speed
Cost: None
Cooldown: 0.5s
2 8 12 15 19


3 B
Skadi freezes the ground for 5s at a target location. The icy area deals damage to enemies that touch it and continues to deal additional damage every .5s they stay on it. Gods who step on the ice are slowed and lose control of their movement while sliding across. Also, Skadi gains movement speed and Slow immunity while standing on the area and persists for 3s after it fades or she leaves.

Ability Type: Circle, Crowd Control, Damage
Initial Damage: 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 (+50% of your Physical Power)
Damage Per Tick: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (+5% of your Physical Power)
Movement Speed: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%
Slow: 15%
Radius: 16 / 16 / 18 / 18 / 20
Cost: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75
Cooldown: 16s
Winter's Grasp
5 9 13 17 20

Winter's Grasp

4 Y
A snowstorm surrounds Skadi as she chooses a location for Kaldr to attack. If Kaldr is too far he will leap there.

Upon reaching the location a snowstorm also surrounds Kaldr. The initial hit of either snowstorm Roots enemies in the area and Kaldr is restored to full health. The storms persist for 4s while dealing damage to enemies every .5s.

Ability Type: Stim
Damage (Initial Hit): 45 / 85 / 125 / 165 / 205 (+35% of your Physical Power)
Damage (Per Tick): 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 (+10% of your Physical Power)
Root Duration: 1 / 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2s
Radius: 20
Cost: 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120
Cooldown: 90s


I want to start this off by saying that I'm a Rank 10 Skadi main on PC and a 2-Star Skadi on Xbox. I am by no accounts the best at either this particular God or Smite in general but I've found something that works for me and I rarely have trouble getting at the VERY least 30k-40k damage per game. My average is around 12-13 kills with an average of 45k damage with this build and I've been asked by random folks to share it (hence this guide).

How to play this build efficiently.

Early game:

If you have a good team, you may be able to get a couple of kills. However, your best bet is to just stand back and try to avoid direct fights until later on. Make getting Transcendence your number one priority and then once purchased, focus on minions or getting easy kills to build the stacks. Then you can move on to the other items. Once you get the first few items fully built, you should be able to hold your own against most enemy Gods that don't have a lor of crit as your crit won't be built up until later.

Mid Game:

By the time you have three or four of your items built, you should have no problem knocking some Gods down but by this point they should be about as far into their builds as you are so the fights will be even (save for a few Gods such as Anubis or Kukulkan that have unreasonably high MP). It gets a little easier to chase wounded enemies down for the final blow at this point, especially if you use your 3 to give you that speed boost.

Late Game:

At this point, unless you're ganged up on, you should be unstoppable. You'll be critting for close to 800 (depending on the target's protections) and doing around 300-400 basic attack. USE KALDR WHENEVER YOU CAN. His attacks increase your attack speed, allowing you to melt away any enemy that stands in your way.


Hunter's Cowl: This build focuses on attack speed and crit so Hunter's Cowl is great for maxing out your attack speed by mid to late game.

Transcendence: This is where a lot of your base power comes from, which is why it's so early on in the purchase order.

Atalanta's Bow: This is where you get your first little bit of crit plus another boost to attack speed. Alternatives include Ichaival and Silverbranch Bow, but I prefer the passive of this one.

Envenomed Deathbringer: Again, another high crit item with the added bonus of increases your crit damage. I don't recommend swapping this out but I don't control your life.

Shadowsteel Shuriken: This is where I'm not sure if I've made the right choice but the reason I choose this over Wind Demon is for the base attack speed boost and crit boost. However, after a little bit of testing, there isn't much of a difference so use whichever you prefer.

Asi: This is the cherry on the cake for Skadi (in my opinion). It tops off your attack speed while giving you just a tad bit more lifesteal. Plus the passive on it allows you to stay in the fight longer if you run into a sticky situation, provided you kill someone.

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Ronin5814 | September 29, 2022 8:11pm
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League of Legends Build Guide Author F1lthyUnicornn
Solo Arena Skadi (50k+ DMG)
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