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Spoiler Alert !!!! ( The Adventures of..... EARL)

5 2 20,367
by BYtheHORNS updated June 16, 2014

Smite God: Ullr

Build Guide Discussion 2 More Guides
Choose a Build: Hunter build
Hunter build Jungle Earl
Tap Mouse over an item or ability icon for detailed info

Ullr Build

Heavy Stacking

Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Devourer's Gauntlet Devourer's Gauntlet
Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais
Build Item Rage Rage
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer


Hello BYtheHORNS here with my guide on Ullr the Nordic god of frost and Glory.

But more on him in a bit First I would like to talk about the format of the guide. As I am not the most experienced user of BBcoding, I am still experimenting with what I find to look good. As you will surely notice when reading this guide my first test subject if you will are: spoilers, there are quite a few and If you could do me a favour I would really appreciate any feedback on the placement and quantities of spoilers to help improve this guides and the ones to come.

Secondly this will be what i call the concept draft ( a rough copy of sorts ) mainly to see the feedback on the builds strategies and criticisms on my presentation of this guide.This Guide will be updated with more info on match-ups routes builds etc. on the subject of feedback however i would greatly appreciate any feedback you have on my guide ( please be constructive about it ).

Finally I would like to thank you for clicking on this guide and reading even this first little bit it lets me know my title choices or picks for gods I make guides on are interesting enough for you to click on it.

An introduction to Earl



(* All Stats are base stats at level 20 *)



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If you would like to use this format for one of you're guides here is the coding:


Spoiler: Click to view

Levelling and Strategies


1Bladed ArrowThrown Axe
2Wield axes/Wield Bow
3Hail of Arrows/Glory Bound
4Invigorate/Expose Weakness


Now one of the most important notes about Ullr is his passive Weapon Master which reduces the cool down of you're opposite stances abilities by 1 whenever an ability is used. Being able to capitalize on this is crucial it can mean the difference between a kill or a tale for the enemy to regale on in the future. keep track of these remember you're total cool downs and just subtract 1 to the ability you want to use in the opposite stance ( NOTE: Wield bow and Wield Axes are not affected nor do they affect Weapon Master ) while it can be tricky in the heat of battle if you can master this it will make you're skills as an Ullr player that much greater.

Welcome to the Jungle.

PROs/CONs of Jungle Earl

  • Great Gank potential
  • Decent Mobility Between Glory Bound and Invigorate
  • Decent Clear
  • Is REALLY fun and seems to suit his character
  • Great chase down
  • If used properly has great "escape-iness"

  • Is really vulnerable early
  • Skill shots can be easily avoided
  • Pretty squishy not mage squishy but squish either way
  • has a fairly Steep learning curve ( which is not always a bad thing )

Beginning Jungle Routes
Pristine / Invader Jungle routes

Pristine Side

- Start at the RED buff, solo it with Hand of the Gods
- Meet you're solo laner at BLUE buff
- Stay in solo lane until around when the mid camp is going to spawn
- Go to and retrieve mid camp
- Cut through middle or gank then check other mid camp if up get it
- then go to SPEED buff
- Retrieve the small fury camps and then roam

Invader Side

- Start at the SPEED buff with you're solo laner ( use H.O.G
- Retrieve BLUE for you're solo laner then head into solo lane
- Stay in solo lane until the mid camps are going to spawn
- Retrieve mid camps then cut and check for others if up retrieve those ( This is the best time to check for early mid gank )
- Retrieve the RED buff
- Then clean out the small harpies and roam
Ganking Tips
  • Using Glory Bound to jump over walls especially mid lane is great for surprising enemies
  • Thrown Axe is you're best way to secure damage onto an enemy so make sure you're team mate is ready before Ganking to make sure damage is there
  • Vision is vital for everything in smite and Ganking is no exception so pick up those wards and scope out the scene before taking aim at you're prey
  • WATCH YOU'RE MANA BAR the only thing worse then getting juked is not killing an enemy because you have not used you're mana wisley
Match Ups
Before you continue With the Match ups you should note how this format works for the counters section I will state why they are dangerous for you're general Earl-iness and in the second section will be tips to get around you're struggles when facing these gods. But for the Easy pickings I will note why they are easy to face then Possible complications.

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This is a video to simply show off basic clear and ganking potential of Ullr while the game itself is not great it shows of enough warrant it's place here until I can retrieve better footage.
Spoiler: Click to view

Update Log

"Concept draft" publication - June 14 2014

For Honour!

Thank you for taking a look at my guide on Ullr the god of glory and snowy stuff!

( remember this is a rough draft of sorts more will be added later i just wish to get feed back on my formating and current content in order to improve my guide)

Until Next time Stay frosty !

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Saberxbro | January 2, 2015 7:30pm
Ne Zha's a guy XD
Other than that, this is a good guide. Also, since you have the hunter build, why not put in a bit more about being the adc as Ullr?
Cloudless | July 25, 2014 5:17am
Very nice guide, the pictures look awesome. As a fan of Ullr myself, I'll certainly try some of your tips in game, especially when going against that pesky Jungling Ne Zha. Very well done, aside from a few minor grammar errors. (I'm no nazi, so s'all good, man.) Can't wait to see more aside from the concept draft. This guide can totally turn out to be a great one.
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