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Banner for Ah Muzen Cab guides

Stings like a bee

1 1 5,469
by ImSimba updated November 12, 2023

Smite God: Ah Muzen Cab

Build Guide Discussion 3 More Guides
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Ah Muzen Cab Build

Build Item Bluestone Brooch Bluestone Brooch
Build Item Soul Eater Soul Eater
Build Item Heartseeker Heartseeker
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher
Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane

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Branmuffin17 (401) | November 13, 2023 1:33pm
Hi Simba,

Some comments:
  • You state that Ornate Arrow is a must..."maxing out your atk spd quicker allowing Silverbranch Bow to gain its true potential..." Ornate is one of the SLOWEST items to max out your AS. In order to see the peak benefits, you have to be level 20 and have 2,000 or more gold in hand. It's an item for the long game.

  • It's ALSO an item for crit builds specifically. If you're getting this item, you really should be investing in at LEAST one other crit item. Deathbringer will get you above 50% crit chance when Ornate is at full stacks, but you could also consider adding another crit item on top of that. If you don't want to go crits, and still have good AS, you can opt for either Leather Cowl -> either upgrade, or Death's Toll -> Death's Temper.

  • Odysseus' Bow is not a great early game item IMO. It provides 0 power, and though it does increase AS by a lot, you really want power so you can make your individual attacks stronger. Since crits also increase in damage from power, O-Bow isn't really synergistic with it.

  • You have no lifesteal in the build. If this is a build for Arena or something that might be fine, but for any other mode, lifesteal is typically very helpful. In keeping with the high AS theme, you'd probably consider Asi.

  • I would make sure you're significantly overcapping on AS, and wait to get Silverbranch Bow until late-game when you're actually overcapping. You're not that early in the build.

    Basically, I'd adjust build order. Get DT or Cowl -> Asi -> The Executioner -> Qin's Sais -> Odysseus' Bow -> Silverbranch Bow. If you can determine that you'll be overcapping at the time you'd get O-Bow, you can consider Silver before O-Bow if you want.
ImSimba | November 14, 2023 3:23am
Heyo Muffin,

Thanks for reaching out!
  • You're absolutely right, I just felt like my games were usually long/"quick" enough to get that sweet stack of Silverbranch Bow. For the Ornate Arrow I never saw an issue reaching 2000 gold, but I rarely play ranked either, mostly arena & joust so there is that hehe.

  • Yes I actually included Deathbringer in my notes as an alternative to switch Griffonwing Earrings for, if your support or someone else had an item like Shogun's Kusari that provided the extra 30% atk spd you need for Silverbranch Bow. You are also correct about Death's Temper and Hunter's Cowl, they could be a better pick, I simply just believe those extra 20% increased damage from The Ferocious Executioner + the crit Ornate Arrow & Deathbringer would scale much better off the little extra higher base physical damage Ornate Arrow puts out compared to the other 2 start items.

  • You could be absolutely right on this, I don't know if the chains actually proc and deal crit & apply debuffs when your basic do. I simply just include it cause I think it does and I personally love to see those extra 100's of extra damage hop from enemies to enemies in teamfights. But it could just be visually pleasing and very inefficient like you're saying.

  • Yea in actual ranked, swapping Odysseus' Bow for Asi would prolly help out a lot.

  • Yep that's what I have done with it, I didn't really put the items in any special order, but I could move them around to a more appropriate order and mention that in the notes, thank you!

Thank you for your input, I got close to 0 knowledge about the "serious" ranked side of smite, I'm purely playing for fun in arena, joust, ***ult and clash, so after reading your suggestions, it made sense to why you'd go for these changes, I can see that.
I'll definitely make some changes to the build and apply some of your suggestions.

Thank you so much for the feedback, means a lot!
Branmuffin17 (401) | November 14, 2023 11:58am
Hey Simba,

I would say it's not even so much about ranked or not, serious or not, getting the most out of your build through whichever intention you have is still good. Even if you're mostly just playing Arena, it still applies, and understanding build efficiency and build order is always helpful.

Odysseus' Bow chain lightning does NOT apply crit damage or apply debuffs.

I would consider lifesteal for all modes outside of Arena. It can still be fine in Arena, but base is so close it's potentially less important unless the extra health would have kept you alive.

Anyway, good luck on your future matches!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ImSimba
Stings like a bee
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