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Conquest mid game has always been a little foggy for most players. Most of my teammates don't even know when it starts or how to end it. In this guide, I will be showing y'all how the mid game works and what to do when it happens, as well as how to end it.
Good question, The mid game usually starts about 15-20 minutes into the game in competitive, and around the 10 minute mark in pubs. If you don't reach this time, the mid game usually starts when the support starts rotating. If you are a support player asking, "well when do I start roasting?" The answer is... kinda foggy, I'm going to go into it in the next section anyway. If the support doesn't start rotating, you want to initiate mid game as it gives one team a large amount of gold and XP and that team might as well be yours.
"How do I initiate mid game as a non-support player?"
Well first, you want to start rotating yourself. If you're playing ADC and your mid has some heavy poke on his enemy tower, Finish it off while the enemy isn't looking or when you have the player advantage and the enemy jungler is dead. (This is only a reccomendation, if you feel like you can go in without getting killed, do it)
As the solo or mid laner, start stealing buff camps if your jungler isn't doing that, or by going for Gold fury if you can get your support to rotate in. Gold fury is KEY in mid game, It gives you a big boost in gold and XP to your entire team and lets you jumpstart into late game faster. Keep in mind that the objective of mid game is to get to late game, by whatever means possible.
"What do I do as a solo laner if my support refuses to rotate?"
If you're tyr, Gank as often as your ult is up. If you're any other warrior (or jing wei) start rotating into the mid lane to get those crucial mid game kills. Kills will give you and the mid laner a big advantage over the enemy team.
"How do I initiate mid game as a support player?"
Simple answer, start ganking mid. Complicated answer, is complicated. First, if you don't have sovereignty already, get it ASAP, because the bonus HP5 on the mid laner gives them the sustain to take a tower when they otherwise would have backed. The goal of the mid-game support is to start setting up kills for the mid laner, jungle, and ADC. The solo laner should have enough damage to get online by themselves.
Farm HARD. If you aren't taking your tower, farm the jungle with your jungler and get that crucial XP bonus. If you get kills while taking objectives, that is great. Getting ahead of your lane enemy is key in mid game. If you have the burst to start rotating to mid and get a quick kill, do it, no need to fear.
The jungler never really has a mid game, they just jumpstart straight into late game if they're farmed, or keep farming if they're behind. The mid game for you is probably going to consist of a gold fury or two and some form of gankege on the solo and mid lane for kills.
The mid laner' job in the MID game (haha get it?) is to rotate to gold fury and take the advantage that way. Your kills at this point don't really matter, unless you're negative K/D, so just set other people op and defend GF when needed.
Your job is to take all 3 tier 1 towers before the enemy does, this will grant your team a crucial gold bonus and will keep yourself farmed out of lane. The ability to get kills in this part of the game is crucial as well, although you should not need to leave your lane if you have competent teammates, rotate in for a quick kill or assist in order to stay farmed.
Ok, you have the most fun part, and yet the hardest part. You should have initiated mid game with that gank we were talking about earlier,"But what do I do afterwards?" you may ask. Well, that's pretty simple, Keep ganking and don't forget to place wards, you need them to increase team survivability. You need them to mainatain visibility throughout the game, so focus on placing wars.
Any player can end mid game by wither roaming for kills, or killing the fire giant. The fire giant, being a crucial late-game buff, can skyrocket you into late game.
Another way to start late game is to have your first god over level 15, which gives your team a huge advantage and a large amount of killing capability.
Initiate mid game when the enemy isn't ready.
Bring in the big rotate on a lane when're they didn't expect it.
Bring out the big farm early with a good 'ol successfull lane gank
Or get a very early GF, which is almost impossible to do.
So, this is just a guide based on a dude with 2k hours on smite, the best support, and the by far perfectly average mid player.
I'm looking for feedback, so COME AT ME INTERNET!!! SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT!!!!
My next guide will probably be on Nike after christmas, because that's when I get my break.
I wish you all the best of luck, Happy mid-game
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