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Strong beginner Ne Zha guide

1 3 16,220
by KimJungGio updated March 25, 2015

Smite God: Ne Zha

Build Guide Discussion 4 More Guides
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Ne Zha Build

Build Item Bumba's Mask Bumba's Mask
Build Item Rage of the Gods Rage of the Gods
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer
Build Item Rage Rage
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane
Build Item Malice Malice
Build Item Fist of the Gods Fist of the Gods
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings


Welcome to my first guide and build.

Today we'll be talking about NeZha.

Pros and cons of Ne Zha

Before actually showing the build i will cover the pros and cons while playing NeZha


Nice crowd control
ALOT of damage
Good combo
Good movement speed


Squishy early/mid/late game
No leaps or dashes(except ult)
Can't kill minions
Weak early game

The Build

I'm giving you guys two builds.

The first build is mainly damage and crits
Warrior Tabi
Jotunn's Wrath
Titan's Bane

This is for the more defensive players (i don't use this one)
Warrior Tabi
Titan's Bane
Shifters Shield
Magi's Blessing

The second one is only for the beginning Ne Zha player. I recommend the first one.

Fist of Gods (important)
Purification/Sprint (choice)

Skills and play

Now we now what NeZha is good with and what items we should buy but how do we play him?

First, his skills
1. Universe Ring Toss
2. Flaming Spear
3. Armillary Sash
4. Wind Fire Wheels
Passive. Immortal Spirit

1. NeZha throws his ring that bounces to other enemies when you hit'em. This damages alot and also slows them. For each enemy hit you gain speed.
2. This allows you to get more Att. Spd. and more Crit. chance.
3. Pulls you towards the enemy, hit the enemy and then stun the enemy (can crit.)
4. Ah, his ult such awesome such wow. You fly up with the enemy and you enter some weird mini game. You need to time the hits for crits when you throw him back to the ground you''ll do some extra damage and leap back to the place where you started the ult.
Passive. Every basic attack you hit will add 0.5 hps

Combo anyone?

NeZha is weak early game so to make kills you're going to need her ult.

The combo is (1) - 2 - Basic Att. - Ult

This combo is mana hungry so make sure you have enough mana for this.

Once you've got max. build you don't need your ult anymore except for a dash maybe.

Combo: (1) - 2 - 3 - Basic Att. - (Fist of Gods) - Basic Att. (keep hitting'em)

(everything between () is optional)


So there you have it a NeZha build. Ne Zha is a very good jungler but don't expect to just unleash hell in teamfights, because of her squishness.

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Mskiko | October 4, 2015 5:24am
what about hastend fatalis i love that on all my assassins and hunters lol xD?
Diomedes232 (6) | April 23, 2015 9:20am
In higher level play you need to have at least Magis blessing on a melee characters or else you just get CCed Kited and killed and honestly you should have a hybrid item in there as well like Winged blade is cheap and glorious with great offensive and defensive stats
Metabreaker_United (3) | March 28, 2015 4:30pm
ok first of all, ze zha is a DUDE. he, not she. his title is the third lotus PRINCE -_-

second, use bccoding Jordenito has a pretty good guide for that

third, i thought the usual ze zha build was warrior tabi, then first jotunns and only then deathbringer. i play him in masters and i almost always go warrior tabi, jotunns, deatjbringer, magis blessing, hydras lament, malice/rage depending on how far ahead i am. but thats just me

also, since ne zha stuns with his pull, i usually go WoG instead of fist to get early gfs, since in this meta the support usually has to hold off on hog 3 for sov and heartward due to less gold gained

add jungle route, teamfight section, situational items

but mostly change it bc ne zha is a dude
SexxyHexxy (2) | March 25, 2015 8:15pm
Ne Zha is a PRINCE. Change your build to use the proper pronouns please. He is indeed a man.
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