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SubJuly God Ideas (Final Version for Judgement)

1 2 10,329
by Subzero008 updated August 9, 2014

Smite God:

Build Guide Discussion 12 More Guides
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Subzero008 will not be judging Arka's idea and Aphnex will not be judging FatalityFirefly's idea due to potential bias.

Subzero008's Yang Xiao-Long

Subzero008's Yang Xiao-Long

FaTaLiTyFiReFly's King Worm, the King of Worms

FaTaLiTyFiReFly's King Worm, the King of Worms

Janitsu's Donger, the One and Only

Janitsu's ****er, the One and Only

Pentargonite's Batman, the Dark Knight

Pentargonite's Batman, the Dark Knight

Firraria's Dexter, the Serial Killer

Firraria's Dexter, the Serial Killer

FerrumSlash's Reisen Udongein Inaba, Lunacy-Inducing Moon Rabbit

FerrumSlash's Reisen U****ein Inaba, Lunacy-Inducing Moon Rabbit

Dark Jaw's Xenomorph

Dark Jaw's Xenomorph

HolyPudding's Tirek, the Magic Reaper

HolyPudding's Tirek, the Magic Reaper

Mekali's Kranon the Relentless

Mekali's Kranon the Relentless

shakz180's Elsa, the Snow Queen

shakz180's Elsa, the Snow Queen

Devampi's Ezio auditore Da firzenze

Devampi's Ezio auditore Da firzenze

HiFromBuddha's Dante, the Demon Hunter

HiFromBuddha's Dante, the Demon Hunter

Aphnex's Nightmare, the Dark Wielder

Aphnex's Nightmare, the Dark Wielder

All4Games's Dusclops, the Beckon Pokemon

All4Games's Dusclops, the Beckon Pokemon

RazeMage's Temari, The Wind Ninja

RazeMage's Temari, The Wind Ninja

M4XiiMUS's Akatosh, the Dragon Lord of Time

M4XiiMUS's Akatosh, the Dragon Lord of Time

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Mekali (17) | August 11, 2014 12:03pm

I actually quite liked this guide, it was very detailed and full of information but like Jordenito said it lacks in BBCoding, other then that some pretty good ideas but some are a bit silly.

Actually this isn't a guide XD

It's just a list of entries from Subzero008's contest.
wetcoolguy101 (12) | August 11, 2014 11:55am
I actually quite liked this guide, it was very detailed and full of information but like Jordenito said it lacks in BBCoding, other then that some pretty good ideas but some are a bit silly.
Mekali (17) | August 10, 2014 3:07am
Pwenta-Chan!!! Your back :DDDDDDDDDDD
Pentargonite (62) | August 10, 2014 1:53am
Oh damn, couldn't update it
LunarFrost (1) | August 9, 2014 9:11pm
Greenevers wrote:

Why is this a top guide o.o

Because people like to see other people use their imagination and bring a new sense to Smitefire :)
Greenevers (105) | August 1, 2014 10:31am
Why is this a top guide o.o
revo88 | August 1, 2014 10:06am
Some of the ideas are really complex. But nice effort from all.
FerrumSlash (70) | August 1, 2014 9:34am
So when do we get the results?

i'm pretty hyped :)
Subzero008 (112) | July 29, 2014 12:00pm
RazeMage wrote:

Ummmm, i think you forget mine.....

Fixed. Thanks for reminding me.
Mekali (17) | July 29, 2014 9:43am
Nice lists of entries.
RazeMage (58) | July 29, 2014 9:13am
Ummmm, i think you forget mine.....
Jordenito (66) | July 29, 2014 7:49am
OMG worst guide ever no BBCoding wall of text can't read downvote
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