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Transcendence, when rushed along with boots gives you a huge power spike early game. This gives you the early game advantage, which can carry over late game.
Why pick it?
Its default mana increase is greater than the MP5 and HP5 that the starter items can give you. Also, the stacks being built early game can bring you online earlier than other gods.
Let's compare
Death's toll
This is the least viable starter item because of its very small power spike and its incredibly small mana regen mechanic. If i can explain, in every minion wave there are between six and nine minions. If you can get basics in, you can get about 25 hits before the next wave comes, which relates to 50 total mana gain.
To say the least this is ineffective.
Transcendence increases your default mana pool and it gives you max mana stacks, sure you will need mana buff, but a pot or just returning to base could be better after the initial teamfight. Because you will most likely be getting kills and minion waves in, you will be gaining mana stacks. That makes death's toll obsolete.
"But what about the health regen?" I hear you screaming.
Who needs health regen when you have a team?
Almost 1/5 of the gods in smite have a healing mechanic. Use it.
This pairs well with a sobek who has huge sustain or a Cupid or aphrodite who can give you dem spicy heals from level 1.
Bluestone pendant
Does NOT give you as big of a power spike as you think. It ain't no soul stone. It only does bonus damage when you use abilities, which can be useful paired with his magic cudgel, BUT it doesn't give as big of a spike as trans.
End of discussion
Watchers' gift
This is by far the most viable option, the bonus gold gained by it greatly decreases the time it takes you to get online. This results in you being far ahead of the competition, allowing you to snowball early and make sure that you get the items you need to survive the late game.
Feel free to replace sovereignty with another prot item if neccecary.
If you REALLY have to, you can play with hydra's lament. I do NOT reccomend it, even after the most recent patch when it is more viable.
*send spicy meme stories with this build to AngryDuck14 on smite or Nerdius_maximus on steam! (Steam and smite use the SPQR banner most often)
Remember! This is a game, a team game, but also is just game.
If you want to try hard that's on you, I personally try hard at everything I do, your call.
If you want to get better, I would suggest watching a streamer or a YTer that is a pro smite player and get all up on his case. That's how I got in the top 10% anyway.
Also, for the love of god don't play on console and come over to PC claiming you're good. The reaction times are so much faster on PC that you will be so far behind that you can't even comprehend what's going on in a teamfight until you see an aOe ult, and by then you're dead.
Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
SMITEFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new god, or fine tune your favorite SMITE gods’s build and strategy.
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He also has a terrible hit chain, meaning he wont be meaning as much use of lifesteal as he would just more protections and health in general.
Frostbound is okay on warriors, but wukong has a built in slow, and like I said bad auto attacks. Since we dont have much magic defense, bulwark wouldnt be a bad pickup.
Crit on warriors is expensive, and while it might be more fun, Youd literally be better off just having another hunter on your team since they make better use of the items.