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Sun Wukong Quick Assassin

0 0 12,622
by GamerX530 updated November 1, 2012

Smite God: Sun Wukong

Build Guide Discussion 2 More Guides
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Sun Wukong Build

Build Item Reinforced Greaves (Deleted) Reinforced Greaves (Deleted)
Build Item Frostbound Hammer Frostbound Hammer
Build Item Soul Eater Soul Eater
Build Item Voidblade Voidblade
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings
Build Item Cloak of Meditation Cloak of Meditation

Read Here For Jungle Wukong.

Ok, so there are people who prefer Sun Wukong in the jungle and in my opinion he is one of the best yet. So first you are gonna pick up Rank 1 Warrior Tabi and Hand Of The Gods. Continue upgrading your warrior tabi and just follow the rest of the build you should have no problem. Now jungle route , well depends on what you like but I suggest you go to Green,Blue and Red if you want early kills or go for Yellow its your choice.

Team Work

Team Work is key for this build , but in a 1 against 1 duel you will do great. Now your ultimate is very important and it can get you a lot of kills if you use it at the right time ! You can also use it to help a low health ally escape by using it. Also Sun Wukong is really fast and his passive makes him a lot faster, so when another lane needs help you should run to them to help out.

Speedy Kills

Now the guide isn't called quick assassin for nothing. With this build you can take out enemies really quick. Note that this will not work out just in your first time , you have to play a few matches to get good . But trust me it's worth it. Ok so first thing in a 1v1 duel you just want to jump at your enemy using your first skill. Hit with you third skill and second afterwards then just auto attack because frostbound hammer will slow them down and their dead. Now in a 2v1 or 2v2 you want to jump at them when their close to each other with your first skill use your third skill and exactly afterwards use your ultimate and they should be dead meat if not use your second skilled and autoattacks. Note that if you're up against tanks you should get "Qin's Blades" instead of "Brawlers Beatstick" this item should help more. And if you're up against magical gods get "Magi's Blessing".


For abilities well not really needed but in some cases they're important. If you're up against a stun duo get purification beads to escape their stuns. Get sprint to escape and chase enemies easier , or if you want to be a team player get heavinly agility which i suggest more scince it's almost the same and cooldown is shorter. But Sprint is better for chasing and scince there is a low cooldown on heavinly agility it's better for escaping more often cause of the lower cooldown.

Skill sequence.

Now for the skill sequence just get :
Level 1 , Furious Monkey
Level 2 , Overhand Smash
Level 3 , Summersault
Level 4 , Furious Monkey
Level 5 , Ultimate.
Then from there just focus furious monkey and overhand smash and ultimate when you can.
For summersault just get it in the late stages of the game.

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AcHillesxVeil7741 (2) | October 24, 2013 9:02am
flyrom99 wrote:

Use bbcode please. Put the name of the skill or item in square parentheses with 2 on each side. Furious Monkey

Square (( ))? they are called brackets bro Fenrir FTW
flyrom99 (9) | November 11, 2012 8:36am
Use bbcode please. Put the name of the skill or item in square parentheses with 2 on each side. Furious Monkey
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