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Hello, this is Brickpunch, today I will present you my third guy, this time about Sun Wukong.
Sun Wukong is a pretty good warrior, good mobility, but the main reason you want to play him is because of how he can move around a teamfight and really dictate it. The main reason being his aoe cc, mobility and his ultimate.
The Magic Cudgel I max this skill first, it's your best wave clearing tool, your longest ranged ability and a big part of your dps from early to mid game.
Master's Will The last ability you want to max. The main use of it is the aoe knockback. It's a very strong knockback because of how big the aoe is and it allows you to get a little closer/away from your enemies.
72 Transformations Max this skill after your 1. The bird form is mainly going to be used for mobility (getting back to lane faster, retreating, getting to a point faster).
The tiger form is when you want to focus 1 specific enemy, it does very high damage once maxed untill late game. The Ox form is the one you want to use when you want to initiate a fight/ adding more cc to a fight w/out focusing one target but everyone in general. It can also help clearing a lane.
Somersault Cloud Third ability to max because maxing it doesn't provide much utility. It's a very versatile ability. You can use it to initiate, run away, or fight in situations where other gods should surrender.
Like mentionned before, your 1 and 3 are decent at clearing waves. Your 2 is great cc, your 3 is versatile. But there is more, depending on the situation:
- When going for a kill, there are many ways to combo your abilities with Wukong.
you could go tiger for a stun, AA (auto attack) 2 for cc, AA, and 1 as they run and are out of range of your AAs.
- Other way to kill. This time your start with your 1 for the quick ranged damage, then you go tiger, AA, cc from 2, AA. Your 1 has a quite low cooldown, so this combo possibly allows you to hit your enemy twice with your 1.
- Then you could also deal damage but only use your forms of cc if they run away or to turn the fight to your advantage.
You could also initiate with the ultimate, it's a very strong thing to do when the enemy doesn't see you. Once he sees you attacking him he might start attacking your decoy thinking you are ganking him. When he used some abilities on the decoy jump on them, and do one of the combos listed over there.
- During teamfights/ fighting many enemies with teamates:
Here you will just be looking to annoy the enemy as much as your can with your knockbacks and the decoy. Try to hit as many enemies as you can with your abilities.
Other tips: You can get FoG (Fist of the God) for extra aoe cc during your combos.
Warrior Tabi, obviously you will need this item first. Better movement speed, attack speed, power, penetration. Nothing too special tho.
Focused Voidblade, It's kind of.. a core item for warriors in my opinion, it allows you to deal more physical damage while being able to take more physical damage. The 25 penetration is very powerfull early game, at this point you have 40 penetration wich allows you to do pretty much true damage to squishy caracters.
Runic Shield Same as Focused Voidblade but this it is made to allow you to take more MAGICAL damage, also gives a bit of nice hp5 (Health per 5 (seconds)) for more sustain.
Magi's blessing This is where the real fun begins. And where you get the ultimate teamfighter (without ultimate). The cc reduction and cc immunity it provides is very powerfull, it allows you to keep the fight going without ever being stoped by any kind of cc. Also gives more health and defense for more tankyness.
Deathbringer At this point it's the late game, your abilities aren't doing much damage, you will need to rely on those auto attacks. This item gives high power, crit chance (stacks with your passive) and the crit damage bonus is insane!
Last item, normaly Titan's Bane, some power, and great pen. Late game enemies will start getting pretty tanky, it is almost needed.
My first active is Fist of the God, the stun provides even more area cc, at tier one (Hand of the God), it will help you for your lane clear/jungle clear.
Heavenly Agility This item is AMAZING!! At least on wukong. So here it is:
- More mobility, also for teamates.
-Health Regen increase by 25%.
The health regen is extremely powerfull if you pop it right BEFORE using your ultimate. The health regeneration (5% per second) that is already super high will get even higher! It will pretty much give you a second life.
Shielded Recall (Teleport to towers), I almost only get this item when I'm solo laning. It allows you to get back to the lane instantly, so you don'T lose much farm, and your tower doesn't get damaged. Also very good when you need health and mana back.
Aegis Amulet I sometimes get this item when there is a high burst enemy or there is something like a big nuke that I might need to avoid (poseidon, he bo, freya, etc.
Eye Of Providence Great when solo laning and even jungling for preventing ganks and counter jungling. Also very usefull at tier 3, I'd always get it if noone else wards in your team.
Purification Beads When you enemies have too much hard cc, that even Magi's Blessing has a hard time helping you.
Early game: this build is focused a lot more one solo laning and disrupting teamfights.
As a solo laner you need to farm as much as you can and keep the pressure on your lane. Try to sustain yourself as much as you can, this is where the teleport to towers actives can come in handy. you can also look for some ganks with your great cc.
Mid game: Still try to stay in your lane as long as the enemy tower isn't destroyed. once destroyed try to keep the lane pushed so they don't get your tower. If your tower went down then keep the pressure on your lane and try to destroy the tower with the help of teamates. Once you are done with these things go help people around, try to get objectives, ganks, etc. while keeping the farm going.
Late game: Here you are pretty tanky, have great damage and cc. Your point is to win teamfights by disrupting the enemy and absorbing their cc.
I know that yet again my guide looks like a big wall of text but that's because I think it's the main way showing what I want to show. Thanks and tell me if this guide was helpfull!
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I would switch titan's bane for Jotunn's wrath. It will max your penetration, give you nice cooldown reduction, and some physical power as well. Late game your abilities are weak, but early game you need them pretty much all the time. I would put this in right before Void Blade simply because the earlier I get it, the better my lane tends to be throughout.
Yeah I thought about it, but the thing is late game tanks are extremely tanky, and even enemy warriors (like you), titan's is going to be a lot more usefull to deal damage to them then simply 15 pen. But if there is only 1 or none tanky god in the enemy team I might actually go for jotunn's.