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Sun Wukong- The Saiyan Monkey

9 5 31,756
by ZangsLegacy updated September 21, 2012

Smite God: Sun Wukong

Build Guide Discussion 5 More Guides
Tap Mouse over an item or ability icon for detailed info

Sun Wukong Build

EarlyGame Laning

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion

EarlyGame Jungle

Build Item Hand Of The Gods (Old) Hand Of The Gods (Old)
Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion

CoreBuild 1

Build Item Frostbound Hammer Frostbound Hammer
Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer
Build Item Devourer's Gauntlet Devourer's Gauntlet

CoreBuild 2

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Frostbound Hammer Frostbound Hammer
Build Item Soul Eater Soul Eater
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer

Late Game

Build Item Qin's Blades Qin's Blades
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Potion of Power Potion of Power
Build Item Girdle of Might Girdle of Might

Late Game 2

Build Item Heartseeker Heartseeker
Build Item Qin's Blades Qin's Blades
Build Item Girdle of Might Girdle of Might
Build Item Potion of Power Potion of Power

Sun Wukong's Skill Order

The Magic Cudgel

1 X Y
The Magic Cudgel
3 8 11 12 14

Master's Will

2 A B
Master's Will
2 4 6 7 10

72 Transformations

3 B A
72 Transformations
1 15 16 18 19

Somersault Cloud

4 Y X
Somersault Cloud
5 9 13 17 20
The Magic Cudgel
3 8 11 12 14

The Magic Cudgel

1 X
Sun Wukong's Magic Cudgel grows in length, and he slams it down, damaging all enemies in front of him. Minions and Jungle Camps take an extra +20% damage.

Ability Type: Line, Damage
Damage: 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 / 260 (+60% of your Physical Power)
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 12s
Master's Will
2 4 6 7 10

Master's Will

2 A
Sun Wukong strikes around him, damaging, Slowing, and Slowing the Attack Speed of all enemies hit.

Ability Type: Circle, Slow, Damage
Damage: 90 / 140 / 190 / 240 / 290 (+65% of your Physical Power)
Movement Slow: 30% for 3s
Attack Speed Slow: 30% for 3s
Cost: 60
Cooldown: 11s
72 Transformations
1 15 16 18 19

72 Transformations

3 B
Sun Wukong transforms into an Eagle, Tiger, or Ox, and charges forward.

Eagle: Is the fastest of the three forms. Immune to Slow and Root effects.
Tiger: Mauls the first enemy he runs into, Stunning and causing damage.
Ox: Knocks aside all enemies in his path and causes damage. Immune to Slow, Root, and Knockup effects.

Ability Type: Dash, Crowd Control, Damage
Tiger Damage: 100 / 170 / 240 / 310 / 380 (+80% of your Physical Power)
Tiger Stun: 1.4s
Ox Damage: 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 (+60% of your Physical Power)
Cost: 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 / 85
Cooldown: 16 / 15.5 / 15 / 14.5 / 14s
Somersault Cloud
5 9 13 17 20

Somersault Cloud

4 Y
Sun Wukong leaps onto his cloud for up to 5s, leaving a Pet behind to fight. While on the cloud Sun Wukong is invisible and regenerates Health. He may leap off before the duration expires, dealing damage. The Pet inherits 100% of Sun Wukong's Health and Protections and 50% of his Basic Attack Power. The Pet is killed instantly if hit by a hard Crowd Control excluding Banishes and Knockbacks. If the Pet dies, Sun Wukong is revealed on his cloud.

Ability Type: Circle, Heal, Damage
Damage: 200 / 275 / 350 / 425 / 500 (100% of your Physical Power)
Healing: 3.5% per second
Radius: 25
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 110 / 105 / 100 / 95 / 90s


Hello, Zangs Here This is my guide on how i think Sun Wukong Should Be Played

Ign- ZangsLegacy
Youtube Channel-SSJ4Fluffy

Great Early/Mid/Late Damage
Easy/Fast Jungling
Leap And Ultimate Can Both Be Used To Escape
Long And Short Ranged Abilties
Great TeamFighter/Ganker

Very Mana Hungry
Hard To Recover EarlyGame Screw Ups
OutPushed In Lane Easily

Creeping / Jungling

Sun Wukong is easily one of the best junglers in the game
he can clear Jungle Camps Fast But Without But Early Game Wukong Can not jungle Without HotG
(Hand Of The Gods) His Mid Game is where his jungling comes in to play he can clear the Camps/Creep Waves within seconds around the 9+ Levels With His Furious Monkey Furious Monkey + Overhead SmashOverHead Smash Abiltys Can basically take out the Harpy/Fury Camps

I Would Give Sun Wukong's Jungling A Rating Of


Sun Wukong's 1 Somersault Somersault is a leap that slow's and does damage i get this third and max it second for chasing you always want to save this ability for chasing an escaping god Or To escape your self from ganks to deadly ultimates like ymirs or hades

Sun Wukong's 2 OverHead SmashOverHead Smash Is His Strongest skill I get OverHead Smash Second And Max it First because early game i could easily take 1/4 maybe more on a squishy god its a great finisher and i only use it as a finisher

Sun Wukong's 3 Furious MonkeyFurious Monkey Is a great a great poke as its a long ranged good damaging skill that bounces between gods/creeps i get this skill first and max it Third if there are for example 2 gods next to each other and no creeps Furious Monkey will bounce between them both for a maximum of 4 times i get it first purely for early game poking

Sun Wukongs 4 Year Of The MonkeyYear Of The Monkey Year Of The Monkey Is a great ganking ability or just all around ultimate i get this every chance i get at Level 5/9/13/17/20 this is the ability that completes the one and only this ability is great for 1v2 teamfights 2v2 its for sure one of my favorite ultimates so far

Team Work

Sun Wukong is a very very usefull asset to a team fight with his ulti alone will almost always make your team win a teamfight aslong as u have a capable team ofcourse im always glad to have a good Sun Wukong on my team during team fights id say hes the most usefull jungler at this time to have in a teamfight

Within The Next Week I Plan On adding Ranked Play,How To Counter And More chapters as the time goes on this is still WiP Guide


I Usually run in to the fight use Year Of The MonkeyYear Of The Monkey then throw Out Furious MonkeyFurious Monkey lower there health from my left clicks if there low enough hp and not escaping use Your OverHead SmashOverHead Smash

And if there escaping use your Somersault

If You Did this correctly you almost always will get a few kills

How To Counter Sun-Wukong

Theres A Few Ways To Counter Wukong I Will List A Few
Witch Stone
Physical Protection Items
Counter Jungle Him At Early/Mid And Late Game (If Hes Jungleing)
He Gets Countered By Ranged Gods The Best Counters Are
~ Hel
~ Cupid
~ Artemis

Its Really Difficult For Sun Wukong To Kill Tanks
Compared To Bakasura,Kali,Bastet

So Having A Tank And Cupid For Example Will counter Him Easily


Over All Wukong is a beastly allaround god he can Jungle,Lead TeamFights, And Gank id say hes a Very Very Useful member to any team as long as they know what there doing

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ZangsLegacy (6) | April 27, 2013 10:54am
see the title worked i named it saiyian monkey to piss people off xD Mission complete
predatorvmt | April 14, 2013 8:06am
The Saiyan Monkey?
Hell no. Sun Wukong is the real OG.
SonGoKu is based on him: monkey born in the wild, ruler of the beasts and demons, cloud riding, "At-will Gold-bound Staff", potent nature-born body,fast learner and smart.
And you call the original after the imitation ? That's a fail. Please fix.
bestbakaeva (1) | September 21, 2012 6:38pm
ZangsLegacy (6) | September 16, 2012 2:37am
thanks that means alot thanks for the review i will work on the grammar,add more colour and get rid of the rating
HiFromBuddha (115) | September 16, 2012 2:31am
Guide review, sorry I've been a bit lazy recently :p

-Love the build layout.
-And I love all the build variety!
-Guide has got a good layout in general as well.

-It is a bit of a wall of text.
-A bit iffy on rating your own god (it's just unneeded to be honest)
-A few grammatical errors here and there.

Put slightly more colour and highlight any key terms. It will help people who just want to scan through and quickly want to know the basics. Also, I recommend going through and spell/grammar checking it, even if it means putting it on word to help find them (as they are somewhat hard to notice). Also, but the ability, god and item names as icons. To help with all the coding, you can find it here:

This is a pretty good guide all around. I rate this guide a 7.5/10.
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