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The first three levels might be situational or preference, but I always level Erlang's 3 first and then his 1 to clear camps better at level two.
"72 Transformations" is a very strong ability and will probably be focused in leveling order. Not only is the damage from the Mink and the Turtle very high, but come with a lot of utility with the slow, attack speed boost, knock-up, and shield. The shield and the attack speed boost also scale higher when leveling.
Next I focus on leveling "Spot Weakness". It's a very powerful steroid that can be very frustrating to fight against after being slowed by the Mink. The cooldown is shorter than the description says at 14 seconds -- successful auto attacks actually make this ability cooldown shorter so it's always available.
"Pin" is nice to root an enemy for a second and pairs really well with the Turtle knock-up, but be aware that this ability's cooldown does not get shorter as you level it and the root duration does not get longer than 1.3 seconds -- So I put less preference on leveling this ability as the utility does not actually become more useful toward mid to late game.
Erlang's ult "9 Turns Blessing" gets leveling priority over the "Pin", in my opinion. The cooldown does not get shorter, but the heal gets much stronger and scales with your health and the mitigation boost sponges a ton of damage -- Be careful when ulting a team that has anti-heal or a lot of CC as Erlang can easily become stuck in a messy situation.
Dog-Man turn weasel and turn turtle. Okay?
Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
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Actually, there is 1 other start I remember using, but I think it was season 4 where I would go blessing, ward chalice and health pots , or maybe it was very early season 5. Haven't used that one in a long time. Think it was also when ward chalice was cheaper and very cost effective.
Suggest adding skill leveling direction.
It's not my preference but I mean you are playing an AA-warrior in support so I can see it being functional.
At least it's not something ridiculous like