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Surtr Solo (S10)

111 20 134,473
by Promin updated February 3, 2023

Smite God: Surtr

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Surtr Build

Solo Start

Build Item Bluestone Pendant Bluestone Pendant
Build Item Spiked Gauntlet Spiked Gauntlet
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion
Build Item Teleport Fragment Teleport Fragment
Build Item Claw Shard Claw Shard
Build Item Horn Shard Horn Shard

Solo Core

Build Item Bluestone Brooch Bluestone Brooch
Build Item Soul Eater Soul Eater
Build Item Gladiator's Shield Gladiator's Shield
Build Item Manticore's Spikes Manticore's Spikes
Build Item Genji's Guard Genji's Guard
Build Item Abyssal Stone Abyssal Stone
Build Item Persistent Teleport Persistent Teleport
Build Item Belt of the Berserker Belt of the Berserker

Situational Defense Items

Build Item Pestilence Pestilence
Build Item Breastplate of Vigilance Breastplate of Vigilance
Build Item Shogun's Kusari Shogun's Kusari
Build Item Midgardian Mail Midgardian Mail
Build Item Absolution Absolution

Surtr's Skill Order

Flames of Muspell

1 X Y
Flames of Muspell
3 8 11 12 14

Giant's Grasp

2 A B
Giant's Grasp
2 4 6 7 10


3 B A
1 15 16 18 19

End of Days

4 Y X
End of Days
5 9 13 17 20
Flames of Muspell
3 8 11 12 14

Flames of Muspell

1 X
Surtr sets his sword ablaze gaining Haste while this buff is active. Surtr’s next successful Basic Attack will deal bonus magical damage, ignite the target causing them to take damage over time as well as spawning a Fiery Imp.

This ability's bonus damage increases per stack (max. of 999). Surtr gains 1 stack when hitting an enemy, or 3 if the target is a god. Surtr also gains 2 stacks when killing an enemy, or 5 if the target is a god.

Ability Type: Buff
Damage per Tick: 10 / 25 / 40 / 55 / 70 (+10% of your Physical Power) every second for 3s
Bonus Damage: 35 + 1 per stack (Magical Damage)
Imp Damage: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (+10% of your Physical Power)
Imp Health: 50 + 50 per rank
Imp Lifetime: 10s
Cost: 50
Cooldown: 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10s
Giant's Grasp
2 4 6 7 10

Giant's Grasp

2 A
Surtr pulls the closest target to him, either an enemy lane minion, a Fiery Imp or a magma rock if neither are in range. Surtr then hurls the object forwards, dealing damage and stunning enemies ahead.

Magma Rock - Stops on first enemy
Lane Minion - Passes through minions, stopping on first enemy god
Fiery Imp - Passes through minions, stopping on first enemy god and exploding in an area

Ability Type: Circle & Line
Damage: 90 / 145 / 200 / 255 / 310 (+70% of your Physical Power)
AoE Damage: 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 (+30% of your Physical Power)
Stun Duration: 1.2s
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 13s
1 15 16 18 19


3 B
Surtr’s fury creates a ring of embers around him providing a Movement Speed buff that increases for hitting enemies, while the ability is active. The ring deals damage and slows enemies once as it expands or when fully formed and again when it contracts.

While formed, the outer ring deals continuous damage to enemies inside. The ring also picks up Obsidian Flesh fragments.

Ability Type: Buff
Damage: 35 / 55 / 75 / 95 / 115 (+20% of your Physical Power)
Bonus Damage: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (+5% of your Physical Power)
Movement Speed: 10% + 5% per enemy hit (max. 3 stacks)
MS Debuff: 15% for 2s
Duration: 4s
Cost: 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 / 85
Cooldown: 15s
End of Days
5 9 13 17 20

End of Days

4 Y
After a short buildup, Surtr surges into the air infusing into a large Meteor. While in the air, Surtr is immune to damage and can choose where to come crashing down.

Before landing, Meteorites split off, targeting enemies on the ground, dealing damage and spawning Fiery Imps.

Surtr’s Meteor deals increased damage and knocks up enemies hit.

Ability Type: Ground Target
Damage: 210 / 285 / 360 / 435 / 510 (+60% of your Physical Power)
Meteorite Damage: 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 (+15% of your Physical Power)
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 100s


Surtr is a very powerful solo laner, but lacks sustainability other than the meager 1% health tick from his passive. This is why I choose to always start with Soul Eater, making him an incredibly difficult target to take down. He can easily take on Bellona/Cu in a fight when Soul Eater is online, even going positive in health in the heat of battle while fighting under a minion wave.

Surtr Leveling

Starting at lvl 1, go for your 1 ability. The 2 is the only other one that competes in dmg when it comes to lane clear, but you want to get your 1 going for your imp and fire DOT, helping with the early JG clear with your mid and JG. The 2 is not good for a start, as the only thing you can pick up is other minions, making your early JG clear slow. Take it as your lvl 2 upgrade. From the start, you should go for Soul Eater ASAP. Getting that online will make you survive solo and even ganks. As soon as that item is finished, I personally go straight for Persistent Teleport, making my lane backing more often and more reliable. Then going for the Core build, with situational differences in the build.

After further play, testing and consideration, I have found that my start wasn't as strong as it could have been in terms of abilities. I made a quick judgement on the 3 ability, but it is clear to me now that starting with your 3 is clearly the best option at lvl 1. with updates to the JG starts and depending on your compositions, getting down the JG camps with blue, yellow and red is paramount to all sides of your team doing well. Doing the max amount of AOE dmg, no matter how small in that JG camp fight is a necessary evil. When you get to lane on first wave is when it gets dangerous to use your 3. I personally do not like positioning myself in the center of the enemy minion wave, potentially hitting the enemy god with my 3, then taking the brunt of aaaall the minion dmg and the god himself (if they are smart to realize the trouble you are in). But, after hitting lvl 2 with your JG camps dead, I get my 2 next, to fling a melee minion in lane to the archers for some more AOE lane dmg, while carefully positioning and judging when I can clean the rest up with my 3. After hitting lvl 3, follow the Surtr Combo section of this guide for the typical fighting style.

Surtr combo

Here is how you should play Surtr:

Lane Clear - Start by using 1 and hitting either the god in lane or the minion with the lowest health, summoning an imp. Use 2 to grab the imp that is in range, and throw from either side of the minions to hit all the rest of the minions, and letting the imp impact area hit and explode on the majority of the minions (preferably archers). Use your 3 while in the center of the pack of minions, hitting all minions with the outer ring to kill them all down the rest of the way.

Boxing in Solo - While keeping lane clear in mind, you should attempt to hit the enemy god with your imp as much as possible. It deals a lot of dmg and stuns the target, setting up for you to hit them with another of your 1s. Keep them in line to either force them to box you, or keep them at bay with your 3. Use your ult to either gank mid or assist a fight in the JG. It has a long range and does a massive amount of dmg. And, depending on your current health, it is a great way to dive towers and get a kill secure.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Promin
Surtr Solo (S10)
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