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Susano Combos - Meta Science

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by Meta Science updated June 14, 2016

Smite God:

Build Guide Discussion 0 More Guides
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Thoughts On Susano

We've completely deconstructed Susano to create a deep and advanced guide. We've taken slo-mo videos, crunched numbers, tested tool-tips, and played him extensively to collect loads of data. We're Meta Science - Check us out!

Susano is an extremely diverse assassin with good target sticking and plenty of top tier outplay potential. His damage comes from his high end power scaling and his auto canceling with generally fast casting abilities. Most gods have one auto cancel per ability, but Susano on the other hand has 3 cancels on his One and 2 on his Three. And lastly what makes Susano's playstyle super unique is his complex combo chains which can reach over 15 inputs within the span of a few seconds.

Purpose Of This Guide!

This is not a general guide for beginning Susano players. We wont be talking about builds or garbo like that, we'll be talking about Susanos more data related info and his more dissected combos. Check back and we're going to upload videos on each of his abilities.


Here I'll put a list of strightforward combos, if you want to see them in play check out the video!

[1 & 3 + Waste Dash] AA - 1 - AA - 1 - AA - 3 - AA - 1 - 3 - AA
[1, 2 & 3 Dash Pull] AA - 1 - AA - 1 - AA - 1 - 2 - AA - 3 - AA - 3 - AA
[1,2,3,4 Ult and Auto] AA - 1 - AA - 1 - AA - 3 - AA - 1 - 4 - 3 - AA(X) - 4 - AA - 2 - AA
[Hit and Run 1,2,3,4] 3 - AA - 1 - AA - 1 - AA - 1 - 2 - AA - 3 - 4
[Run Away] 3 - 1(3)
[Storm Kata Weave] AA - 1 - AA - 1 - AA - 1
[Storm Kata Weave + Extra Autos] AA - 1 AA - 1 - AAx1-4 { more depending on att speed } - 1
[SK Weave + Dash Ult] SKW - 4
[Pull and Prey] ( AA ) - 2 - AA - 3 - AA - D - 3 - AA
[Leaving Fountain] 1 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 3 - 1

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Meta Science
Susano Combos - Meta Science
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