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Tap each threat level to view Sylvanus’s threats
Bakasura is a threat to almost every god in the game so it's no surprise that he's a major threat to Sylvanus. Stay out of potential 1on1 scenarios with him because he will chunk you down until you're a pile of dust. NEVER EVER RUN IN A STRAIGHT LINE AGAINST A BAKA, TAKE HIS ADVANTAGE OF HAVING HASTENED AWAY BY MAKING HIM KEEP UP WITH YOU. DO THIS BY MOVING LATERALLY WHILE STILL MOVING FORWARD. Best way to avoid baka is to ban him in the first place.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 19 [display_name] => Bakasura [url] => bakasura ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Bakasura is a threat to almost every god in the game so it's no surprise that he's a major threat to Sylvanus. Stay out of potential 1on1 scenarios with him because he will chunk you down until you're a pile of dust. NEVER EVER RUN IN A STRAIGHT LINE AGAINST A BAKA, TAKE HIS ADVANTAGE OF HAVING HASTENED AWAY BY MAKING HIM KEEP UP WITH YOU. DO THIS BY MOVING LATERALLY WHILE STILL MOVING FORWARD. Best way to avoid baka is to ban him in the first place. ) 1
Jorm is the worst match-up you can get as a support. His passive allows him to ignore the pull and knock-up effects of your 3 and ult abilities. In place of a pull, there is a stunning effect applied to Jorm. Use this to your advantage. Treat him like you would any other support, don't let him intimidate you.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 101 [display_name] => Jormungandr [url] => jormungandr ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Jorm is the worst match-up you can get as a support. His passive allows him to ignore the pull and knock-up effects of your 3 and ult abilities. In place of a pull, there is a stunning effect applied to Jorm. Use this to your advantage. Treat him like you would any other support, don't let him intimidate you. ) 1
Don't let this god scare you; she can't effectively hurt you if you stick with teammates because she's a horrible team fight god. The main cause of teams getting destroyed by Arachne players is mainly because they allow themselves to be isolated with her when that's the whole premise of her character since she's a spider. Lure oblivious people into her trap so she can wrap them up and kill them while no one is looking. Avoid being alone mid-to-late game.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 2 [display_name] => Arachne [url] => arachne ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => Don't let this god scare you; she can't effectively hurt you if you stick with teammates because she's a horrible team fight god. The main cause of teams getting destroyed by Arachne players is mainly because they allow themselves to be isolated with her when that's the whole premise of her character since she's a spider. Lure oblivious people into her trap so she can wrap them up and kill them while no one is looking. Avoid being alone mid-to-late game. ) 1
This God is any damaging god's nightmare. They will foolishly and hopelessly slash away at you while wasting all of their abilities in an attempt to kill you. Then, when they least expect it, Sylvanus' teammates come and clean up the struggling roadkill. Sylvanus, at his height, is the definition of a pest. You can't easily kill him, he will torment your family dinners, and he's not going out without a fight. Read this god to get a full insight into what factors are not only important in this build but are also fundamental to how Sylvanus is played as a whole.
Stone of Gaia, Mystical Mail, and Shield of Regrowth are the bread, butter, and jelly to this toast. Stone of Gaia heals you 15% of about 3500 health every time you are knocked up, knocked back, pulled, or grabbed. About every team composition is gonna have a god with a cc ability that procs Gaia, so he'll be gaining about 200 health over 5 seconds on top of the ability passive, which heals you 0.5% of your max health every second. Mystical Mail allows you to be cuddly with your enemies while they will passively take 40 damage per second. Give your enemy a big hug with your 1 and watch as they bleed out without you touching them. Lastly, Shield of Regrowth is the unlocking factor of everything that makes Sylvanus great. S0NIC M0DE. Activate your 2, a.k.a. S0nic M0de, to either chase your fearful opponents down as you ignore their cries for mercy or you can run awa- no, tactically retreat from your enemies to spare their lives of a painful death.
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Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
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And the recommended support start is guardian's, tier 1 shoes, 4 health pots and HoG.
Welcome to the site and thanks for posting your build!
Personally, I would go heavier on utility and would list more item options. As a general support, a decent amount of your itemization consideration should apply to countering problematic enemies.
To that end, I personally wouldn't go
And while
Gulf mentioned
For more CDR, you should have
My preferred standard item build for him would probably be: