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Buy Speed Elixir lategame and sell Shoes of Focus for either
Soul Gem,
Ethereal Staff,
Staff of Myrddin,
Spear of Desolation, or
Rod of Tahuti.
Buy Speed Elixir lategame and sell Shoes of Focus for either
Soul Gem,
Ethereal Staff, or
Rod of Tahuti.
Buy Speed Elixir lategame and sell Shoes of Focus for either
Ethereal Staff,
Staff of Myrddin,
Soul Gem,
Spear of Desolation, or
Rod of Tahuti.
Buy Speed Elixir lategame and sell Shoes of the Magi for either
Staff of Myrddin,
Soul Gem,
Spear of Desolation, or
Rod of Tahuti.
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The other builds are good, as usual.
I don't really build Book of Thoth on him anyway. My main build is number 1 or number 4.
Edit: Also pen boots is more damage than CDR boots.