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Gooseberries + Vital Amplifier makes up for not having a jungle starter. Just focus on getting Gooseberries finished ASAP. Otherwise your farm will suffer badly.
You won't have any cooldowns with this build as long as you are attacking something. You can chain kills together safely with lifesteal and Deaths Embrace. Chase any god down. Solo any objective easily.
Replace Titan's Bane with any of these as needed.
Magi's: Good if you keep getting CC'd before catching anyone
Winged Blade: Better than Magi's if you are only getting slowed
Bloodforge: Better survivability
Shadowdrinker: similar to Bloodforge but hard to use properly
You can max 1 instead of 2 and max 2 second if you like. Its really all preference.
Tap each threat level to view Arachne’s threats
Tap each synergy level to view Arachne’s synergies
Start with webs and place all 3 on your own speed buff. When farming the jungle, use all your abilities. Your mana will be fine. After Gooseberries, use 1 and 2 to clear very fast. At level 3 you can go for a kill in mid lane but you will be vulnerable. Focus on last hitting minions (use VSS to tell your mid laner) to stack your Gooseberries. Getting Gooseberries finished is your 1st priority. You should have Gooseberries finished around lvl 6. If you don't, then your farm suffers a lot and you need to just focus on Gooseberries over anything until its finished.
Once you finish Vital Amplifier you play like any other jungler. The one difference is that after finishing Malicious Deathbringer, you can solo any objective in the game.
Finishing Serrated, you should be hyper aggressive. You can 1v1 anything with beads up.
Save your ult to escape most of the time.
Team fights are simple, find a target, press 1 and 2, then blink on them and end their life. The hardest part of team fights is choosing when to engage. As an Arachne, you don't start team fights. You can go on full health targets but you need to be able to survive more than 3 seconds, so make sure some of the enemies abilities have just been used.
You are now a true god. Grab yourself speed buff and health totem because you will be un-killable. An invincible 8 legged demon.
Enjoy feeling the true power of a god.
Stay safe.
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I also would swap Rage with the red bow as soon as you get a all of your stacks from Rage, because those are permanent buffs to your crit chance that you can stack onto the red bow, which is frankly a strictly better item if it wasn’t for Rage’s 35% base crit chance.