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Hello everyone to my Aphrodite build. This build will be one my biggest one due to my personal achievements. So this build will cover all three lanes Duo, Mid, and Solo. I made build for Support, Mid, and Solo roles in conquest. So if you want to try Aphrodite in different lanes these are decent builds you could bring to that lane. I hope you enjoy these builds and see you guys later.
Pros of Aphrodite:
1. Could heal yourself and allies.
2. Has a very important Ultimate.
3. Has a good supportive passive.
4. could do damage in mid to late game.
5. Could frontline most of team fights.
6. One of the best support mages.
7. Good in all three lanes in conquest.
Cons of Aphrodite:
1. Very Squishy in early game.
2. Mana hog in early game.
3. Could be pick off easily in early and mid game.
4. Not that much lane clear in start of the game.
5. Rely on CDR to pop abilities quickly.
These builds help rely on damage and protections. Aphrodite is declared one of the most underrated gods in the game. Everyone that see
Aphrodite over think themselves that they are have a easy win over their lane. But they are proven wrong, due to her extreme heals and damage during mid and late game. She is also a perfect tank to go in the frontline in battles. The Support Build is all about be pure support nothing else. The solo build is getting you tank but give you damage to fight against your opponents. The mid lane build is all about damage with little bit amount of protections. This will make you dangerous in the game and they will think again before starting a fight with you. So I hope you like my
Aphrodite build. As always Happy Killing!
5/3/16 - Updated The Build For Season 3 and Added a Update Log.
9/7/16 - Updated The Builds to fit better with the current meta.
10/3/16 - Updated The Ability section to match her current version.
10/17/16 - Updated The Ability Section and Fixed some Grammatical Errors.
1/13/17 - Updated the Support and the Mid Lane builds.
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It's my opinion that building Rod of Ascep before 4th item at the EARLIEST can cripple the duo lane.
I might make a couple of slight changes to the set though, such as placing the rod of Asclepius in my 4th slot rather than my 2nd just because i'd rather have the protection early game than the extra healing [which may come in handy either way] it's just an opinion of mine :) I'll most likely try out both and see which works better for me :)
~Support Build~ I won't discuss about this since I also have a support build and it's somewhat different so yeah
~Solo Build~ You should at least have 1 item of defense for each type of dmg, IF you're actually gonna build defense. TBH I think on S3 Aphro solo will be
~Mid Build~ Looks about right. I would go with
Guide is overall good, want to see you update it ;)