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Tap each threat level to view Thoth’s threats
16.04.2018 Patch 5.6
- Updated the "One Shot Capability Build".
- Added Threats (Only Assassins for now)
- Updated Pros
Will update this Build in the Future (It's not finished yet).
Maybe even turn it to a full Guide..
- Very high DMG
- Very good late game
- Good poke
- High ability range
- Good escape
- He can stun
- Can shoot through walls
- He can cancel his Ult
- His Ult hits Hard
- Squishy
- CC is like poisen for Thoth
- Many hungry in early game
- Item Dependent
One Shot Capability Build
With this build.. ur gonna wreak havoc!
1.764 ULTIMATE DMG! You can One Shot Squishies IF they don't have any sorts of protections or more health AND you gotta have Soul Reaver ready AND Soul Gem fully stacked.
Full CDR Build
With this build you have more CDR, a bit less DMG. Nothing more to say.
More Survivability Build
With this build you have more Survivability, one with the least DMG builds here. Also nothing more to say.
I think because we all LOVE more DMG.
So 8% less movement but a s#*t tons of DMG? HELL YEAH!!
If you still want to build Shoes of the Magi then buy it as second item and remove 5th Item or Soul Gem
BUT PLEASE DON'T BUY Shoes of Focus or any other Boots IT'S GARBAGE ON THOTH!
Because Soul Gem is broken on Thoth.
Just use ur 3 and walk through it to get stacks. Pretty Easy!
You need at least 2 stacks. Because if u have ur 2 and 3 ready you can use ur 2 use ur 3 and THEN shoot it. You now have 4 stacks and u will probably use ur 1 to finish them.
U will deal a lot more DMG now with ur 1. It's like shooting 4 instead of 3.. circle things.. at your enemy!
You can also just stack it full of course..
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Would be nice if u actually read my Build.. :I
The build progression in general is pretty acceptable for most of the example builds, though I think I'd like to see a bit more pen if possible...I know his passive gives him some, but still would like to see a bit more (and the best early answer to that is Shoes of the Magi). shoes. There are pros and cons. (Also note Jump has a brief chapter discussing this)
Pros: Overall, Shaman's Ring is going to provide more damage overall for Thoth. Also, those stacks early mean he'll get the passive damage boost pretty quickly too.
Although he will have less speed, if he's played intelligently, you can work around that. Glyph of Pain has an extremely low CD, so even if it was used a couple of seconds ago, it'll be available again shortly. If he can keep Evade and Punish for escapes, or only use it to dash in offensively when he's got teammate support and knows he'll be safe, then he's got a great long distance dash to get him back to the safety of a tower, or get him a head start on a team retreat if things turn sour.
Cons: The specific reason I think Shoes of the Magi is a better early choice is partly due to the early pen for a bit more poke damage, and the lower price. 800 less gold is significant, at least in some modes where gold spooling is a bit lower. The 10 pen is also nice. It just means you'll be able to get the next item up and running more quickly too, and with that item being Spear of Desolation (which is fairly expensive), he'll want it ASAP for the CDR and pen.
I see the Shaman's alt being better for modes like Clash and Joust, while standard Shoes might be better for a more wide open Arena (and the large jungle of Siege).
I build like this very often in almost every mode (except when I get behind) and I had no problems :D (Except when I get flamed that I didn't buy shoes but I can totally understand that.)
I'm the kind of guy that loves DMG and I have Thoth almost with 5k worshipers so 8% less movement isn't a big deal for me.
Just wanted to share this build and maybe it works for some people too :D.