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Mana is an annoyance with Tiamat, so you can rely on your passiv heal and get more mana potions.
Get Barons if available
Casual build that works against almost anything
Replace Soulgem with DIVINE RUIN if you need anti heal
You want the pen totem from your red buff since you dont have that much.
Way better against tanks than the other build due to overcapped pen with obsidian shard passive.
Desolation can be swapped for anti heal or soulgem.
If you build soulreaver you might want to to book of thoth for the power gained through mana.
Swap out divine ruin or soulgem for soulreaver of any pen item of your choice if needed.
Wouldnt recommend Tiamat solo but here is a build I hastily made, that might work.
Change order accordingly (you dont want phys defense vs magical opponent)
Pick whatever Breastplate of Valor glyph you need.
If you remove pestilence make sure you buy an item with at least 70 total protections or you wont get full LONOS MASK stacks (225 prot from items)
Phoenix shield provides insane sustain with your high CD and many abilities.
Arena build I havent tested yet.
Dont build Breastplate if the enemy ha only magical DMG obviously...
Defense is for when your casual arena team sucks and you are getting dived all the time
these items can be replacements depending on the enemy or preference
The 3 builds at the top alreadyd cover most items you should use, but if you want to make your own build, here are some items, that are good on Tiamat and are META in general.
You want to get your 1 up ASAP so you get the extra projectiles and clear wave. MAX your 1 before leveling ult to level 2!
At LvL 2 I suggest going for your 2 because it allows you to clear faster and stun any approching junglers.
You also want to level your movement to get the CD reduction so you can have it up faster again to flee or engage further. You should mainly use the jump to secure a kill though. Hit the enemy with your Flight stance abilities and when they are low and you know you wont die from using your only means of escape as an attack, you jump in and get the kill. This can be coupled with her tornado or slow-minion.
Tap each threat level to view Tiamat’s threats
First Ability:
Air Stance:
Main clear.
If you can level it, you should! It is you main damage ability and should always be priority when leveleing, unless your ult is not yet unlocked.
Be careful of your casttime as you can easily be interrupted by CCs, so use it only when you are a certain distance away from your enemy.
Ground Stance:
cone DMG ability, that can eat low HP mobs (or your small summons) to build passive DMG negation stacks, which stay until they are destroyed by incoming damage. This ability also allows you to pick up 2 jungle buffs instead of one. To do this you simply have to eat the buff-carrying monster when it is low hp with this ability. After that you will get thet buff and can pick up another one. (you cant get the same buff twice at the same time)
Second Ability:
Air Stance:
Triangle with 2 DMG zones. Be sure to hit the middle zone, as it stuns and deals additional DMG.
Ground Stance:
Square line extending forwards, knocking up enemies and damaging them. Can be quickly cast for securing kills or running away.
Third Ability:
This is your Stance switch and should be your Second Priority to level aside from ult, because it will decrease the cooldown dramatically, allowing you to switch stances more often.
Use this to secure kills (be sure you can stay alive after the movement) or jump away from junglers
Ability 4:
If you build Myrddins Staff you should always cast this FIRST no matter the stance.
In Flight Stance:
(1): Small Minions, that you can use to clear wave while you are in Fountain or eat in the ground stance with your 1 to stack up her passive. Can also be used to build pressure in a fight and act as temporary shields.
(2): Big Minion, that stays where it is spawned unless enemies come near it. Once it spots an enemy, it will dash to them and slow them dramatically, which lets you secure kills or run away. It can also be used as a ward or a small shield.
(3): Tornado, which deals DMG and knocks up enemies at the end of its duration. This should be cast intot enemy groups or onto yourself when you get attacked by melee gods.
You can also use it to clear wave very fast and prevent your enemy from engaging in eraly game. be aware though, as its movementspeed is not very fast.
All abilities can be cast through walls except the movement in ground stance.
I suggest you put all abilities in instant cast mode except the second one, as it can be hard to hit sometimes. (You will still have to manually click to place your big minion though)
In groupfights you should stay in air stance to secure a safe escape or to engage enemies that are low HP.
Main Combo:
Flight Stance Start -> Big Minion -> 2 (1) -> 1 (2) -> Enemy low (below 50%)?
No -> wait for CD to Finish and try again
Yes -> Groundstance on enemy -> 4 -> 2 -> 1 -> Air Stance (repeat from beginning)
Escape Combo:
Ground Stance Start -> 2 -> Air Stance away form enemy -> Big minion on enemy or Tornado on yourselfe -> 2 to stun enemy -> run away and use movement to repeat if needed
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