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This is heavily based around her deathbane ability. That is her bread and butter in my opinion. I have used this build numerous times and you can easily crit for over 1k damage with it.
As it is standard for most jungles, theses two are the ones you would most likely choose from. I prefer to use eye of the jungle for the majority of my assassins as it gives them bonus attack speed early game. Late game you should choose the upgraded version of this which is Protector of the Jungle, which gives you more attack speed and increased damage and protections while in the jungle.
These two will give you the most power when they are fully stacked. Transcendence stacks up to 50 and can be stacked from killing jungle monsters, lane minions or other players. Rage does take some time to get fully built as it will only receive a stack if you make an assist or a kill. You only need 4 stacks for it to be fully built. Rage will also give you an increase in critical damage.
These two items will give you the attack speed that will help you secure the kill on the opposite player that are damaged by your first ability. They also give you an increase in critical chance with their base stats and passive abilities.
Deathbringer is also another item that will give you an increase in power and critical chance. The passive is a real money maker as it increases the amount of damage your critical hits will do. When this is fully built I recommend picking the Envenomed Deathbringer glyph. This pairs great as it reduces their damage output and slows them. also poisons them for 2 seconds on critical hit.
This can be uses in replacement from one of the other attack speed items if you want more movement speed instead.
Usually standard on relics is the blink rune and the other can be whatever you need such as the purification beads or aegis.
Since year 10 dropped they added shards to choose from and I picked what I think best suits a jungle.
Always buy wards so you can keep an eye on the jungle and keep your teammates safe.
Tap each threat level to view Serqet’s threats
Tap each synergy level to view Serqet’s synergies
Serqet is not a very popular god but when she is in the right hands to can be downright dangerous. With the build that I gave it relies heavily on her first ability, Deathbane.
Deathbane is able to critical hit when it is used on opposing players.
[*] Serqet dashes three times from side to side, dealing damage and applying Deathbane Poison to each enemy hit. This ability can Critical Hit, and Serqet is immune to Knockup while dashing. Deathbane Poison reduces a target's Physical Protection for a short time, and remains in a lingering dormant state for 20s.
As the main focus is on this ability you will need to make sure you can hit all three hits to deal maximum damage. If you miss this ability, back off and wait for the cooldown to go away and try again. If you feel like you can outbox the opposite player then by all means get the kill but be careful.
You also need to be wary on when to gank from the jungle and when you just need to back off. As she is an "in your face god" you need to understand what other gods can do to you and how to avoid them to stay alive. I have left the major threats, from my own experience, to Serqet in this guide as well.
If you need to get away you can use her ability Ambush to jump away. Note that you need to press the to activate it then again to actually leap away. You can be stunned before you can complete this jump and the ability will be on cooldown. If this happens you need to be able to bob and weave and avoid hits if you can so you can blink away.
Her ultimate ability has many functions in my opinion. It can be used to hold an enemy still so your teammates can get the kill or it can be used to hold and enemy still and launch them the other direction away from an injured or retreating teammate. Her second ability Cobra Kiss is also great for this.
I hope this helped and I would love to hear feedback from others who used the build.
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Here's the thing that makes Musiq's argument on point...and even more so than they originally calculated. Typically you want to build items that maximize your potential with that god. You've stated that the build is centered around
And, and Musiq also points this out, based on their opinion Serq also wants cooldown and pen. (Note that I'm in agreement here). Her non-ult CDs are 13, 14, and 16 seconds, so I'd say you definitely could use more than the 10% CDR (and 10% pen) you currently have. An item that provides these two stats that Musiq suggested includes Jotunn's and Hydra's. Between these two, while the higher CDR is nice, I think you're lacking enough in % pen that I would suggest Hydra's if you had to choose between one or the other. You'll get some good added damage out of Hydra's passive as well.
Now, while most crit builds are most efficient at probably around ~70-85% crit chance, I can get the desire on Serq to approach 100%. Getting crits on all 3 hits of Deathbane can be a huge damage difference than 2 crits. So here's what I would propose.
Alternatively, it appears some prots may be popular to pick up depending on enemy comp. I won't comment on most potential items, but one to consider might be
Hope this info helps. Right now, for what I hope is now clear, your build is inefficient and lacking some key components, and you could see definite overall improvement in your success by making some adjustments to fill in these gaps.