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Hi i'm Allied and i'm the Solo Laner of Team SNIPE. I am Top 25 in the world on 2 accounts and both are 4k+ elo. This is my guide to Odin. Whether
Odin Is full tank or not hes a quite the beast to deal with. At the current moment in SMITE patch 0.1.1557.1 he is the BESTsolo lane in the game and here is why. He has really good lane sustain, Can 2v1, The best solo lane god to transition into Mid-Late game and he is the 1v1 king.
This is my first guide so any constructive criticism would be awesome. I hope everyone can take something from this and i hope this helps the community a lot with the current meta.
Ok, i'm not going to go into detail his kit is pretty self explanatory and i'm really bad a this but here's why i level up certain skills the way i do.
Passive - Birds of Wisdom (See mad far away)
Amazing Passive for Solo Lane especially considering you always have to be on the worry of getting ganked. Helps you become map aware and view the surroundings. Just overall very solid passive.
Lunge (The Dunk)
This is your jump, escape, initiation tool. At level 1 it does 140 damage! Just a great tool for harass, initiation and escape. I max this skill out 2nd.
Odin's Shout (Attack mad fast)
This is an amazing ability to have by mid-late game. It helps with objective clear and is an amazing attack speed steroid for the team. I max this out last.
Gungnir's Might (The Spin)
This is what makes Odin,
Odin. It gives hp5, passive protection and when activated it does a ton of damage and does a small aoe slow. You use this to harass, kill confirm and bruise anyone that comes your way. You max this out first.
Ring of Spears (Ring of Death)
This is what makes Odin so scary mid-late game. This is one of the best utility ults in the game and everyone fears it. You can only escape if you can jump out of it. Not to mention this gives increased physical power and protection while inside it! You max this out when you can.
Here is a video of a 1v2 Odin vs Apollo / Ymir.
This is the hardest part in the 1v2. You have to understand what you are going against and how to counter it. This is what makes Odin great. He is able to take a lot of punishment and abuse early to force the lane to get pushed. Generally the first thing i do when i run into lane is i run into my archers.
Whatever you do, DO NOT last hit. I understand what you may be thinking "Allied you crazy you should last hit it gives you extra gold". It does give you extra gold however if the enemy 2v1 decides to not last hit you will unintentionally push the wave. This will cause you to be out of position and pushed up and you can potentially get killed / ganked early.
The best thing you can do is hide behind your minions and trust your minions. Minions are your best friends level 1-5 and they will save you big time in this lane. You hide behind archers for a couple of reasons.
[*] They absorb poke damage for you
[*] If the enemy decides to poke you, they unintentionally push the wave
[*] If they hit you, the archers will attack the enemy for you
If you get pushed onto tower here is what you do. You take poke damage undertower if the ranged AD tries to auto attack your tower. With recent nerf to minion damage, early game minions don't do that much damage to your tower and it's ok for your tower to take a little bit of damage. If the ranged AD decides to shoot at the tower, you stand in front of him while letting the minions and tower kill their minions. This causes the ranged AD carry to not be able to chip at your tower because when they attack you they will get targeted by the tower immediately forcing them to run away.
You do this in lane until you finish your first item or until you are big enough to start fighting them 2v1 (which is extremely possible).
Level 5-15
The hardest part is over and you have survived the early game. If you made it this far without dying it is looking good. Here is where it gets extremely easy. If you finished your first item (which in the guide is mystical mark) you are looking pretty big. You should also be 1-2 levels above the enemy 2v1 at this point because you get more experience than them.
At this point is where you go where the Ranged AD goes.
[*] If the ranged AD and the tank decides to rotate to another lane, You rotate with him.
[*] If the ranged AD rotates and leaves the tank in lane, You rotate with the ranged AD.
[*] If the tank rotates and the ranged AD stays in lane, You stay in lane with the ranged AD.
[*] If the ranged AD rotates but the jungler or the mid comes to your lane. You protect your tower and stay and in lane.
These are the few scenarios you will have in mid-late game. This is also where decision making comes into play. For example, you are pooping on your lane and have it pushed to tower and you see a potential skirmish over in right lane. You can make your own decision to rotate to right lane and help gank. Decision making and rotations like that are what win games so if you see a safe opportunity to do so. Then do it.
Late Game Odin
This is where Odin shines depending on his team comp. You want to use odin for initiation on targets that cannot escape or just recently used their jump. That way your team can synergize ultimates inside Odin's ultimate. You should be extremely aggressive with Odin because if the team tries to blow all their damage on you, you can simply Ultimate them and run away. A fed odin is almost a guarenteed win every single time. So abuse your farm and be confident.
To initiate a fight you should start off with Odin's passive spotting off the enemy. You can use his passive to find holes in positioning. You only jump in on the enemy if it is a guaranteed catch with your ultimate. Otherwise you run up and harass and force them to be afraid. However be aware of your teammates and their positioning this is extremely important because if you bait your teammates out of position it could potentially be good game.
Once you cage someone (preferably the AP carry or Ranged AD who are Gods that can't fight Odin 1v1} you have your teammates follow up with extra damage and you should be able to easily handle teamfights with ease.
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Allied, I have played with you in the past. I have followed you since ROOT Gaming. I don't always LIKE you, but I always RESPECT your skill.
Thank you for putting out this Odin guide. He is my favorite god, and now with your analysis I feel more competent in playing him.
I guess Stone of Gaia would only be good then if the enemy had a mage in the lane instead of a Ranged AD.
Also, don't swing at