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Bluestone pandant the only right start item for her because of it passive
Bloodforge makes u not squish
Transcendance empovered ur mana and AD proportional
Griffongwing Earrings gives u good AD and Attack speed which u need
The Crusher and Dominance nice finishing for our build
Max Acid spray cause its ur main way to clean waves on line and try hook an enemies with it then if u nice use Lacerate on enemy u can use ur Q and sniped him well. The Main minus of Medusa for such combo its no escape so use it Only with comrades or when u sure yourself absolutely
Tap each threat level to view Medusa’s threats
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 32 [display_name] => Aphrodite [url] => aphrodite ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => ) 1
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 37 [display_name] => Athena [url] => athena ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => ) 1
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 26 [display_name] => Bacchus [url] => bacchus ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => ) 1
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 68 [display_name] => Khepri [url] => khepri ) [scoreVal] => 1 [notes] => ) 1
Tap each synergy level to view Medusa’s synergies
Great sustain and control with saving and its only 1 god)
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 32 [display_name] => Aphrodite [url] => aphrodite ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Great sustain and control with saving and its only 1 god) ) 1
Great synergy with u cause he could protect u after procasting
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 26 [display_name] => Bacchus [url] => bacchus ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Great synergy with u cause he could protect u after procasting ) 1
Nice initiator thats all
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 37 [display_name] => Athena [url] => athena ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => Nice initiator thats all ) 1
One of the best beetles in the world) hard control and great ult
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 68 [display_name] => Khepri [url] => khepri ) [scoreVal] => 1 [notes] => One of the best beetles in the world) hard control and great ult ) 1
Medusa is awesome and this is the reason why)
I like Medusa very much like character so I tried to play with her permanently but every time I suck hard and dont understand why, I used a lot of builds but nothing changed so I decided to read her spels and VEW ))) Her AD scalings so much Higher (her ult is 100%) than others ADC have so u must emphasize ur build on it
Every support with stun is perfect for u because of Lacerate that u can use free
The same way hard control ur worst enemy because u can't escape after ur procast
I really sucked all my matches before this build during a long time because i built her wrong hope this one helps u be Better with her))
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Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
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I believe Medusa is my most played Hunter. I'll state the things that I've historically preferred, and then propose some adjustments or comments on your build choices, and would like to hear your feedback.
So, some comments about your build: