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When playing susano you are primary trying to get trans online fast so the level 1 trans is ideal. The reason you need 3 health pots is that susano has the most garbage level 1 clear of any jungler and he needs many health pots just to fight for mids at level 2.
It is important to note that if you are losing heavily early game it may be worth getting hydras before trans in an effort for kill potential in the safe lane. You may want to prioritize mantle if you are losing but titans is better if you are heavily in the lead. You sell assassins blessing for room to buy titans or mantle respectively
This build is if you have an all star carry and mid that lack setup. you're role is purely to setup kills for your mid and support. Jottuns and breastplate/genjis (change based on if youre taking heavy magical or physical damage) are for the early game cdr the susano so desperately needs. after you've received your cdr the focus is set on wide range safety cc this is found in the for of ancile. afterwards is just more tank in the form of mantle and anti heal in the form of beatstick.
Tap each threat level to view Susano’s threats
Big boy geb is the definition of how to counter susano, why is he so good though?
-Tank:widely susano cannot kill tanks thats the whole susasno thing
-CC:geb has a knockup, knockback, purify, and stun. For gods like susano who have to stick to you like glue constantly using abilities and aa cancels this is bad news. If a geb sees you target someone in the backline he can shield them, they are purified and get another half of their health bar. If gebs shield happens to be on cooldwon no problem you can just get knocked up knocked back or stunned off of them.
To avoid the threat of a geb you need to be armed with the knowledge your team is trying susano and you need to ban him. However if you've been thrown into the dragons den against one big rocky boy they'res many options you can consider:
-Build brusier/CC:Geb will make it very difficult to do damage in team fights or succesfully gank at all early game, in order to counter this you should sacrifice the damage and focus on setting up kills for the damage dealers in your team. This can be easily achieved by building the build i mention earlier and succesfully using susanos heavy mobility and CC.
-Build ultra damage: It may sound counter-intuitive based of the other point being the exact opposite thing but with the right playstyle it can work, however it is important to note success may vary against different skill levels. The idea behind this is to build full damage and nuke all the backline before geb can even see it coming, and to win early game so hard by ganking the mid and jungle that they just surrender.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 48 [display_name] => Geb [url] => geb ) [scoreVal] => 1 [notes] => Big boy geb is the definition of how to counter susano, why is he so good though? -Tank:widely susano cannot kill tanks thats the whole susasno thing -CC:geb has a knockup, knockback, purify, and stun. For gods like susano who have to stick to you like glue constantly using abilities and aa cancels this is bad news. If a geb sees you target someone in the backline he can shield them, they are purified and get another half of their health bar. If gebs shield happens to be on cooldwon no problem you can just get knocked up knocked back or stunned off of them. To avoid the threat of a geb you need to be armed with the knowledge your team is trying susano and you need to ban him. However if you've been thrown into the dragons den against one big rocky boy they'res many options you can consider: -Build brusier/CC:Geb will make it very difficult to do damage in team fights or succesfully gank at all early game, in order to counter this you should sacrifice the damage and focus on setting up kills for the damage dealers in your team. This can be easily achieved by building the build i mention earlier and succesfully using susanos heavy mobility and CC. -Build ultra damage: It may sound counter-intuitive based of the other point being the exact opposite thing but with the right playstyle it can work, however it is important to note success may vary against different skill levels. The idea behind this is to build full damage and nuke all the backline before geb can even see it coming, and to win early game so hard by ganking the mid and jungle that they just surrender. ) 1
Bakasura is one of the few junglers that are strong at countering susano.
Cripple: One of the minor but heavy things that can hurt your susano is his ultimates cripple, you cannot dash out of it or through it to finish of the bakasura or squihsy. Now i know this sounds barely impactful but i promise it will be the worst thing you ever feel as susano.
AA based: Any auto attack based jungler fares well against susano, this is due to the fact he needs to be in your face to do damage. The simple counter to susano being in your face bursting you is to hold down mouse 1. If you want to outplay this as susano keep bakasura in the air using windsiphon and your ult. If bakasure beads' the cc or your ult is down and he's over 2/3 health just utilize what we all know and love susano for his hot mobility.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 19 [display_name] => Bakasura [url] => bakasura ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Bakasura is one of the few junglers that are strong at countering susano. Cripple: One of the minor but heavy things that can hurt your susano is his ultimates cripple, you cannot dash out of it or through it to finish of the bakasura or squihsy. Now i know this sounds barely impactful but i promise it will be the worst thing you ever feel as susano. AA based: Any auto attack based jungler fares well against susano, this is due to the fact he needs to be in your face to do damage. The simple counter to susano being in your face bursting you is to hold down mouse 1. If you want to outplay this as susano keep bakasura in the air using windsiphon and your ult. If bakasure beads' the cc or your ult is down and he's over 2/3 health just utilize what we all know and love susano for his hot mobility. ) 1
Very much the same as Geb. (See Geb for more)
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 58 [display_name] => Sylvanus [url] => sylvanus ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Very much the same as Geb. (See Geb for more) ) 1
similar to Geb but toned down heavily (see geb for more).
It is important to note that you would not build bruiser just to counter a khepri and by no means would you ban him. To counter play khepri keep him away from the backline and he cannot stop you ganking them.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 68 [display_name] => Khepri [url] => khepri ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => similar to Geb but toned down heavily (see geb for more). It is important to note that you would not build bruiser just to counter a khepri and by no means would you ban him. To counter play khepri keep him away from the backline and he cannot stop you ganking them. ) 1
Mercury can fare well in a matchup against susano but is not game ending.
-dash:One of the only reasons merc can be scary as susano is that he can half health you with his dash 1 combo without you being able to do anything about it. Add the stun from his ult and some crit you're using beads just to live.
-AA based: similarly to bakasura (see bakasura for more) mercury can hold down m1 to kill you when youre trying to deal any damage to him. It is important to note mercury's autos are only something to worry about mid to late game, for this reason mercury is not a very very large threat.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 44 [display_name] => Mercury [url] => mercury ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => Mercury can fare well in a matchup against susano but is not game ending. -dash:One of the only reasons merc can be scary as susano is that he can half health you with his dash 1 combo without you being able to do anything about it. Add the stun from his ult and some crit you're using beads just to live. -AA based: similarly to bakasura (see bakasura for more) mercury can hold down m1 to kill you when youre trying to deal any damage to him. It is important to note mercury's autos are only something to worry about mid to late game, for this reason mercury is not a very very large threat. ) 1
Shes auto-attack based but also trash so not such a huge worry. Just keep her cc
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 2 [display_name] => Arachne [url] => arachne ) [scoreVal] => 4 [notes] => Shes auto-attack based but also trash so not such a huge worry. Just keep her cc ) 1
Susano is widely regarded as a high skill god, this is partly due to his complex aa cancels that are admist his combo. These are 100 percent the best combos for every
AA= Auto Attack
+=cancel this auto attacck with an ability
Level 1 Combo (clear) CLOSE RANGE
AA+ 1 AA+ 1 AA+ 1
The no ult Combo
AA+ 1 AA+ 1 AA+ 1
3 2 AA+ 3 AA
The ult Combo
5 2 AA+ 1 AA+ 1 AA+ 1 3
The no ult no 1 Combo
3 2 AA+ 3 AA
These cover all of the combos you will need
Susano can be complex and his early game can feel like walking on thorns, here is my detailed guide on making it through the early and performing in team fights.
As susano theres one important thing you have to realise: you can only kill squishies. Susano is notorious for doing 0 damage to tanks, but most players still dont realise they have to target the backline; don't make the same mistake every trash casual susano does.To make use out of susano you have to position yourself constantly perpetuating around the backline and you must always have one mobility ability up. The long way of doing this is just waiting for the front line to walk past or just flank, but my favourite way for the more lazy players is to just blink or their backline and use your crazy mobility to make it out again.
Tips and Tricks:
-Don't forget you can trigger your ult early if you need just a bit of damage to confirm the kill.
-Never forget the power of susano's autos when you've built hydra's
-Dont forget the strength of juggling a tank to let your team focus the backline
-You can use the first 2 procs of your 1 in the fountain use your 3 tele then use the final proc of your 1 to get a nice boost out of spawn without spending any mana
Early Game:
Susano's early game clear is worse than khepri's to counter this make sure your mid helps with speed and make sure you do not use your 1 on the harpees leading to the mana. And most importantly do not be affraid to let your opposing jungler get the mids so you can blink on their mid pull them with your 2 and do your level 1 combo on them with the help of your mif for a nice first blood.
Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
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Switch talaria for warrior tabi
Switch jotunns for hydras
Switch breastplate for void shield
This way, he doesnt significantly overcap cdr and he still has some damage output.