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Unkillable Bruiser Fenrir

3 0 47,250
by Diamond Fenrir updated March 15, 2015

Smite God: Fenrir

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Fenrir Build


Build Item Steel Mail Steel Mail
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion

Early Game\Core

Build Item Mystical Mail Mystical Mail
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament
Build Item Frostbound Hammer Frostbound Hammer

Situational Damage

Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer
Build Item Rage Rage
Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais
Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade

Situational Defence

Build Item Bulwark of Hope Bulwark of Hope
Build Item Runic Shield Runic Shield
Build Item Runeforged Hammer Runeforged Hammer
Build Item Witchblade Witchblade
Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade


Mortals must rely on the wisdom of the Gods, but never forget they are fallible. They can be petty, churlish, and worst of all, wrong. What are the consequences for their mistakes? They should have slain the wolf-beast Fenrir, but they chose instead to bind him. Despite the warnings and prophecies he would tear Odin apart at Ragnorok and devour the earth and sky, they did not end Loki's son. Now, terror roams free. It is unknown how, but Fenrir is Unbound.

Thrice they tried to bind him, each time convincing Fenrir that the chains were nothing more than a challenge for his strength, a test to see if he could shatter them. The first two God-forged fetters were easily broken beneath the beast’s terrible power, but the third was a ribbon, dwarf made, and Fenrir grew suspicious of the God’s intentions. As a show of faith, he demanded one of them place a hand in his mouth, and if the ribbon proved magical in nature, he would exact punishment. Brave, if foolish, Tyr put his fist in Fenrir’s maw as the ribbon was secured to the wolf’s leg. Fenrir strained and screamed, but could not break free, and in rage, he devoured Tyr’s hand.

For a time, Fenrir was forgotten, the dire prophecy just a memory. But they were all warned and the Gods did nothing. Fenrir is hungry now, the first hunter, an alpha among sheep, but no flesh will satisfy his need. It is revenge he craves, and now he is Unbound.

Why these items?

    While starting Mystical Mail on an assassin damage build may seem odd, but as I have maimed Fenrir most of my Smite gaming experience, I have come to understand that it is undoubtedly the best possible starting item for Fenrir, if not others. The reasoning behind this is simple. Not only does the early physical protection and health capitalize on his bruiser and towerdiving ability, the Mystical Mail passive is absolutely perfect with his kit. His Unchained and Brutalize put him within very close proximity of enemies, and the 40 extea damage per second in a radius around him is catastrophic. With Ragnarok, even while carrying an enemy, he is still taking damage, allowing for an easy kill when he is dropped, if he does not die during the ult. The Musical Mail passive damage is also magical, meaning Fenrir is dealing both types of damage at all times and is much harder to counter by building defence. Starting this item also doesn't hinder Fenrir's early game because his base damage is very high.

    The second item, Jotunn's Wrath, needs much less explanation. Being an assassin, Fenrir has a small mama pool. Jotunn's gives mana, giving Fenrir much more time in lane, as this build focuses mostly on using abilities to deal damage and kill. It also gives very good power and penetration to ensure quicker and more frequent kills.

    Not only providing a very large damage boost, Hydra's Lament works well to ensure cleaning up enemies that may survive your Brutalize or Ragnarok. The extra cool down also means you'll be leaping and slashing with only very short times cooldowns.

    At this point in the game, the health gained from Mystical Mail will start to mean less, so a Frostbound Hammer provides extra health, ensuring you retain your bruiser qualities. While giving a good damage boost, the passive of a 25% slow with a basic, coupled with Hydra's Lament proc, further takes away all of the enemies hopes of a bare escape.

The rest of the build can be entirely situational. For the damage side, I like to take a Rage, Deathbringer, and maybe Qin's Said. For a takier side, I would build any combination of Bulwark of Hope, Runic Shield, Witchblade, or Runeforged Hammer. Winged blade is also good and gives both help attacking and defensively.

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Silver Holo | September 21, 2015 7:55pm
I would recommend having a "usual finished build" be shown as well, cause... Ya know, for simplicity sake :) Good Luck
Diamond Fenrir | March 19, 2015 12:05am
Thank you for your feedback, its hard to find other Fenrir's in the community as of late
TheZodiacWolf (23) | March 15, 2015 7:37pm
Well almost any build can work outside of Conquest. I recommend removing the lore. Most people already know it and it's unneeded. While I see many ways to improve this build, I see why you went with this. Anyways most people like learning the main mode which is Conquest. Though this would be a cheese build for like arena or assault. Though boots is always needed no matter what.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Diamond Fenrir
Unkillable Bruiser Fenrir
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