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Use SCIENCE to play Smite Better

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by Cpritch updated June 16, 2017

Smite God:

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Using science can give you unique advantages that most players will never know about. Feel free to watch this video I made or read the steps below.

1. Cast your spells quicker

The first tip is to cast your spells quicker. This doesn't mean stack attack speed. Rather, cast abilities back to back, as quickly as possible.

This capitalizes on humans' natural reaction time. Humans have a .2ms reaction time, from the point they see something happening to their reaction to that action.

If you can string attacks together quick enough, you could potentially cast two abilities before your opponent even reacts.

2. Turn on instant cast

Second, turn on instant cast. Instant cast allows you to cast an ability the instant you press 1, 2, 3, or 4, etc. My only recommendation is: get used to the god before you turn instant cast on.

This again capitalizes on human's natural reaction time. Turning on instant cast will eliminate YOUR delay between clicking the ability and actually casting the ability.

This allows you to cast your spells quicker, but also helps you react quicker. Ultimately, this will allow you to do more damage per second, because of the time saved.

3. Use fear

Use fear. Surprise attacks, high bursts, and ganks are just some of the suggestions to use fear.

When a human is scared, he or she will naturally react in one of two ways. One: he or she will freeze up completely. Two: he or she will start to flee.

If we can get someone to react to fear, we're getting them to freeze up or run away. This will allow us to secure more kills and ultimately more wins.

4. Play Aggressive

Lastly, play aggressive. This is contrary to how a lot of people think, but let me explain why you should...

No new science for this tip, but the use of all the science above. The human reaction time and fear can be combined with aggression.

You should play aggressive, because of all the science listed above. Instead of being the one fighting a .2ms reaction (if you play passive), playing aggressive will always put you .2ms ahead. Additionally, playing aggressive will allow you to capitalize on human's natural reaction to fear, getting more kills more often

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