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Vulcan Bruiser/ High HP High Damage May 19,2013

16 2 68,691
by Bluedeathbuny updated May 20, 2013

Smite God: Vulcan

Build Guide Discussion 11 More Guides
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Vulcan Build

Early Game Start

Build Item Vampiric Shroud Vampiric Shroud
Build Item Boots of the Magi Boots of the Magi
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion

Mid Game

Build Item Vampiric Shroud Vampiric Shroud
Build Item Boots of the Magi Boots of the Magi
Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff
Build Item Staff of Mana Staff of Mana

Late Game Max Build

Build Item Boots of the Magi Boots of the Magi
Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff
Build Item Staff of Mana Staff of Mana
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty

Vulcan's Skill Order


1 X Y
2 7 9 11 13

Inferno Cannon

2 A B
Inferno Cannon
1 3 6 8 10

Magma Bomb

3 B A
Magma Bomb
4 12 14 15 16


4 Y X
5 17 18 19 20
2 7 9 11 13


1 X
Vulcan blasts a fireball out of his Forge, pushing him back and dealing damage to all enemies in its path, marking the first god that is hit. The Inferno Cannon prioritizes the marked target and deals 15% more damage to that god.

Ability Type: Projectile, Dash
Damage: 90 / 130 / 170 / 210 / 250 (+70% of your Magical Power)
Mark Lifetime: 4s
Cost: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60
Cooldown: 9 / 8.5 / 8 / 7.5 / 7s
Inferno Cannon
1 3 6 8 10

Inferno Cannon

2 A
Vulcan constructs an Inferno Cannon that shoots fireballs in a cone that deal damage to the target every second. The Inferno Cannon lasts until destroyed or another is placed. This inherits Vulcan's penetrations but does not apply on-hit effects. Inferno Cannon takes 50% additional damage from non-god sources.

Ability Type: Pet
Damage: 45 / 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 (+40% of your Magical Power)
Health: 220 / 300 / 380 / 460 / 540
Protections: 5 / 15 / 25 / 35 / 45
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 12s
Magma Bomb
4 12 14 15 16

Magma Bomb

3 B
Vulcan tosses a bomb that explodes in a radius on impact with the ground, damaging and knocking back nearby enemies.

Ability Type: Ground Target
Damage: 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 (+80% of your Magical Power)
Radius: 15
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 10s
5 17 18 19 20


4 Y
Vulcan launches a rocket that explodes on impact with the ground. The rocket starts at 80% strength, and increases in damage the further it travels from Vulcan.

Ability Type: Ground
Damage: 400 / 520 / 640 / 760 / 880 (+130% of your Magical Power)
Radius: 30
Cost: 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120
Cooldown: 90 / 85 / 80 / 75 / 70s

General Play: Early/Mid/Late Game

Hi everyone! This is my first ever Guide! Feedback and suggestions are welcome! (: Hope you Enjoy!
This is my typical Vulcan build, I mainly play him as a mid god and I play him with high damage and High HP! :D
Reason for Build: I tend to build Vulcan this way because of his turrets and because of the high damage they do. With higher HP your turret re-gen becomes higher. With ethereal staff and Sash it makes your HP go extremely high. Couple this with items like rod and shard and my max build is normally around 3.3-3.5k hp and 555 magic power. This is without Red of Fire Giant :D Insane right?

EARLY GAME: Your early game is weaker than a lot of gods but not to be underestimated! Correct turret placement is KEY. I will start with my inferno cannon and grab a buff with teammates. Red/blue/speed. You can actually body block your turret as well and let it tank! Helpful tip! (: After hitting lane you want to be careful of the enemy god and your turret placement, You want it to be able to hit both melee and ranged minions and Last hitting is key for this build. Farm up finish your Sash ASAP!

MID GAME: Mid game In my opinion is where you start to shine, You have High HP thanks your sash and Ethereal staff as well as some decent damage! You want to let your tank initiate and go in right after, Your carries should follow after this, Once the fight has started get your turrets out your ULT going and watch the damage fly! Hitting your one is very important because it does very high damage. Your ult plus high turret HP will ensure maximum damage. With a good initiation and team coordination. When the ash settles there will be nothing left.

LATE GAME: You now have extremely high HP and High damage, your last item is a defensive item, Sovereignty and Hide tend to the most common picks for me! Your damage at this point is incredibly high, You can zone very well you can survive and ton and pump out some crazyyyy insane damage AD carries are your worst enemy though.. A skilled carry will be a problem that is why Hide is one of my favorite last item picks. Again my last item when i sell shroud is generally a High Hp defensive item, my favroite being Hide Sovereignty and Bulwark.

Pros / Cons

Pros are High damage High HP with this particular build.
Can zone very well: Zoning is helpful in denying your enemy lane partner experience and creep farm or buying you time for your allies to get ready for the team fight.
Objective Control: Your objective control is fairly decent with having both your turrets down and correctly placed, not something you wanna walk into. At all. If they do manage to fight you with your turrets down ult if you think it will secure the kill.

Turrets dead=Vulcan has nothing.
Can be shutdown fairly easily.
Bad turret placement can cost you a team fight.
Ranged AD Carries really can ruin your day and just shut down your turrets.
You dont have a escape really, Your backfire is okay but its slow and the distance you cover isnt very far.
YOU ARE SLOW, So slow... i feel like a old grandpa sometimes playing this god *tink tink tink* as if I am using a cane.

Good lane Comps/Bad ones

Odin Odin Odin, OMG ODIN, Seriously Turrets a blasting with Odins speed buff going in his Ult Is Insane! Really in my opinion the best lane partner for you.
Thor: The wall stun plus at a good angle can allow your turrets to pump out some nice damage.
Ymir: Ymir is Ymir the stun is really good and Ymir in my opinion can go with almost anyone.
Vulcan can honestly lane fine with most gods but these are my top three favorite lane partners.

If you choose to do as I do and play Vulcan mainly Mid your worst nightmares are a skilled Agni- becasue his meteors can slowly poke you out of lane or forece you to hug tower.
Poseidon- Early game especially right when he hits 5 is very dangerous and can almost kill you with his ult whirpool wave combo.
An Odin can shut you down just as much as a friendly one can help you. Be careful against this guy.
Anhur: Anhur in my opinion is pretty insane in general be careful early game with your lower HP due to lack of items.
Ymir: freeze is really strong plus wall can block your turret shots.
Bacchus: Enough said, Since you don't really have an escape he can shut you down fairly easily.
Sobek: ^^^ Same as Bacchus.

Turret Placement

So here I go, Vulcan relies on his turrets for about 90% of his damage I would say. A wrongly placed turret can really hurt yourself and your team. Places i personally like to put turrets during laning phase is in the corners of the jungle pathways, for my inferno cannon. or on the edges of the lane in general so it can not easily be hit.
Its hard for me to describe turret placement. You do not want them right behind your minions because then they will just get taken out along with the minions.Your Thumper I would try and place to cover as much as the lane as possible and i would place it to the side of your minions but slightly on the front line kind of in-between the melee minions and the ranged. I hope to expand on this portion of the guide later with visuals and maybe a video (:


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TGA-AGT | July 26, 2013 3:15am
Love this build!!<3
Nubs | June 17, 2013 6:25pm
I think is a good build!
saxonturner (1) | May 31, 2013 12:31pm
does shard work with his cannons? i know they don't work for on hit items like lifesteal and just assumed that pen didnt work either.
Tukezzu (1) | May 30, 2013 9:20am
Awesome! I did 11-1
Bluedeathbuny (2) | May 20, 2013 12:30pm
Kaden wrote:

few things maybe you can give some pointers on, for me at least while i like vulcan he is for me there is just too many bad points to cover the good.

his thumper, is it even worth leveling 1 point early, i say this because the dmg is ludicrously low and its a 5% slow which tbh when i get stuck in it i barely notice and just walk out, the hardest part of him is making sure enemies stay inside your zone, since thumpers dont have cripple and the slow so weak early game its virtually impossible, in the build would gem of iso not proc on towers? i forgot the answer i know i was told a long time ago though.

is shroud really worth the 750 gold early since your really tanky and with meditation you probably dont need the gain back as much.

blink as an ability might be useful as well to close the distance, nothing better then a slow god who needs to close the distance to be useful yet has no gap closer skills, terrible design, worse then artemis who's kit basically forces her to move into melee range to get the full effect.

since your a melee god im not sure why you went sovereignty, it offers decent physical prot but thats it, mystic mark would be dealing more dps since again they are inside your zone or wall of absolution which i think is the strongest physical protection item but also gives you magic power and mp regen.

dealing with ranged gods as well, just about every single range god can shut your down, especially early game, so how to deal with those?

Kaden thanks for the well appreciated feedback! :D Gem of iso does not work on your turrets only on your backfire that is why i personally do not go with that item for this build, And my opinion on shroud is to me it is totally worth it, Your ability to completely clear a wave of minions with backfire is awesome too me! :D The shroud sustain is very high with your turrets being able to proc it now :D it allows you to save a lot of gold on pots and save a lot of time on backing with turrets being fairly mana heavy! The main reason I put sovereignty in my build is that it is my situational defensive! I will take other items over it such as Hide if they have a fed ad or multiple ad's, same goes with bulwark if magic heavy, since your turrets gain a percent of your defense, the passive and hp on sov is what i find is nice about it. Sov can always be swapped out for other items. Wall is an awesome item and is great, but the amount of mana i have with this build i tend to do fine on mana. The only part i dislike about wall is the fact it does not have HP on it. Mystical Mark on the other hand I am going to have to try out with the High hp and passive :D thanks for the comment have a good day/night!
Bluedeathbuny (2) | May 20, 2013 12:24pm
iEnvy wrote:

On my first match with Vulcan, i went 7/1/3 by using this guide, im totally new to judge this item build, but i'm happy with my result.

Awesome! :D I am glad to hear my build worked out for you (: Obviously everyone has good and bad games but i tend to find this build works out well in most cases :D Thanks for the comment, if you liked the guide upvoting is always appreciated! :D have a good day/ night!
Bluedeathbuny (2) | May 20, 2013 12:23pm
sorcerer455 wrote:

Good guide, maybe add a bit more info and don't get gem of Iso since it will only work with backfire.

Thanks for commenting on my first ever build, if you wouldnt mind to upvote if it helped you or if you like the guide it would be much appreciated! :D as well, you made a comment about gem of iso being in the build? I currently did not have it in the build at all, before any edits (: Again thanks for the comment and have a good day/night!
sorcerer455 (3) | May 20, 2013 8:12am
Good guide, maybe add a bit more info and don't get gem of Iso since it will only work with backfire.
Kaden (7) | May 20, 2013 4:14am
few things maybe you can give some pointers on, for me at least while i like vulcan he is for me there is just too many bad points to cover the good.

his thumper, is it even worth leveling 1 point early, i say this because the dmg is ludicrously low and its a 5% slow which tbh when i get stuck in it i barely notice and just walk out, the hardest part of him is making sure enemies stay inside your zone, since thumpers dont have cripple and the slow so weak early game its virtually impossible, in the build would gem of iso not proc on towers? i forgot the answer i know i was told a long time ago though.

is shroud really worth the 750 gold early since your really tanky and with meditation you probably dont need the gain back as much.

blink as an ability might be useful as well to close the distance, nothing better then a slow god who needs to close the distance to be useful yet has no gap closer skills, terrible design, worse then artemis who's kit basically forces her to move into melee range to get the full effect.

since your a melee god im not sure why you went sovereignty, it offers decent physical prot but thats it, mystic mark would be dealing more dps since again they are inside your zone or wall of absolution which i think is the strongest physical protection item but also gives you magic power and mp regen.

dealing with ranged gods as well, just about every single range god can shut your down, especially early game, so how to deal with those?
iEnvy | May 20, 2013 1:48am
On my first match with Vulcan, i went 7/1/3 by using this guide, im totally new to judge this item build, but i'm happy with my result.
Bluedeathbuny (2) | May 19, 2013 4:42pm
Hey Guys! Everyone that looks at the Guide feedback is very much welcome in how to improve! (: I plan on editing it tonight when i get time and going in more in depth with Item picks and why, as well as showing explaining turrets more than what I have already. Have a good day/night everyone!
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