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What's harder than killing a tank? Killing him twice (Support)

1 3 10,686
by CutLip updated February 10, 2019

Smite God: Chronos

Build Guide Discussion 40 More Guides
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Chronos Build


Build Item Guardian's Blessing Guardian's Blessing
Build Item Glowing Emerald Glowing Emerald
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Core (Pick 2)

Notes Recommend going at least one aura item and one CDR


Recommend going at least one aura item and one CDR

Build Item Traveler's Shoes Traveler's Shoes
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Heartward Amulet Heartward Amulet
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Genji's Guard Genji's Guard

Damage (Pick 1)

Build Item Void Stone Void Stone
Build Item Celestial Legion Helm Celestial Legion Helm

Late Game (Slot 5 & 6)

Build Item Breastplate of Regrowth Breastplate of Regrowth
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade


Build Item Pestilence Pestilence
Build Item Hide of the Nemean Lion Hide of the Nemean Lion
Build Item Emperor's Armor Emperor's Armor


Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings
Build Item Cloak of Meditation Cloak of Meditation
Build Item Shield of Thorns Shield of Thorns
Build Item Magic Shell Magic Shell

Chronos's Skill Order

Time Rift

1 X Y
Time Rift
2 8 10 11 13


2 A B
3 12 14 15 16

Stop Time

3 B A
Stop Time
1 4 6 7 9


4 Y X
5 17 18 19 20
Time Rift
2 8 10 11 13

Time Rift

1 X
Chronos creates a rift in time, damaging all enemies in the area.

Ability Type: Circle, Damage
Damage: 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 (+80% of your Magical Power)
Radius: 10
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 5s
3 12 14 15 16


2 A
Chronos accelerates himself over time, allowing him to move faster initially and gain speed over time. While active, his Attack Speed is increased. This ability also stops the Wheel of Time.

Section I: Heal 1% Max Health Per Second
Section II: 100% Mana Refund On Abilities
Section III: +35% Magical Power
Section IV: +35% Magical Power Contribution to Basic Attacks

Ability Type: Buff
Movement Speed: 20% Initial + 12 / 14 / 16 / 18 / 20% over time
Attack Speed: 25 / 27.5 / 30 / 32.5 / 35%
Lifetime: 7s
Cost: 60
Cooldown: 12s
Stop Time
1 4 6 7 9

Stop Time

3 B
Shooting forward spinning gears of time, any enemies hit by Chronos' attack have their Attack Speed reduced and Ramp to a Stun, taking damage on the initial hit and again when they are stunned.

Ability Type: Line, Crowd Control, Damage
Damage (Applied Twice): 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 (+45% of your Magical Power)
Stun: 1s
Cost: 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 / 85
Cooldown: 16 / 15.5 / 15 / 14.5 / 14s
5 17 18 19 20


4 Y
Chronos travels through time to where he was 8 seconds ago, gaining Health and Mana back to the values of that time. All of his Cooldowns are instantly reset as well.

Ability Type: Buff
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 100 / 95 / 90 / 85 / 80s


The only threats are your team mates thinking you're throwing by picking chronos support. But I have a lot of fun with this God.

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IceColdPappsi (13) | February 10, 2019 9:25pm
I read the title thinking this was going to be a Kumbhakarna guide lmao what the heck is this?
Kriega1 (143) | February 11, 2019 5:04am
Something that doesen’t work against competent opponents
ThePerfectPrism (56) | February 10, 2019 8:22pm
Being transparent before my review: Those who know me know that I'm a sucker for Aphrodite Support and I can do it if I feel like it, so I'll give you, my non-meta sibling, a more fair review (taking into consideration what you're trying to strive is a non-meta character in the support role).
Also, I'm a support main, so I'll try to give you more valuable feedback on that front as well.
AAAAAAND I didn't read any of the other reviews, so I could just be repeating everyone
- Forget the existence of Traveler's Shoes. While it can look tempting, Shoes of Focus is the better pick, since you'll be able to spam your abilities more often, and it also gives you a nice amount of mana.

- Also, shoes are a must in any character and any build (except Ratatoskr cuz he has in-built mvm speed with his acorn), so you can't say "pick 2" and also give the advice of picking up one aura item and one CDR Item.

- In your core, I would keep Gauntlet of Thebes and change the shoes like I said beforehand. All the other items I would put as "defensive" items. Also, I would put Oni Hunter's Garb as an option as well.

- For Void Stone, always check to see if your solo laner is magical, cuz, if so, they'll most likely pick up this item for themselves.

- I do think you should also mention Spirit Robe if you're going to mention Mantle of Discord. Spirit Robe gives you damage mitigation, which decreases all sources of damage incoming to you, and, if I'm not mistaken (a.k.a Kriega or Bran please correct me on this), damage mitigation ignores the penetration from the enemy's items.

- If I were you, I would add a "Go To" tab in the build, just so people have an idea of what to build in general, so they can do it on the fly. Also, I'd personally put it as Shoes of Focus, Gauntlet of Thebes, Sovereignty, Oni Hunter's Garb, Celestial Legion Helm and Spirit Robe.

I do hope you find your non-meta experience to be entertaining, and hope you have lots and lots of fun and memorable games!
Gulfwulf (81) | February 11, 2019 1:02am
Spirit robe only mitigates damage when you're affected by hard CC: bascially any type of CC that prevents you from moving your character (stuns, pulls, grabs, knockups, knockbacks, etc.). I do not believe it applies to roots, silences, cripples, and fears.
Branmuffin17 (401) | February 11, 2019 1:15am
Blinds, cripples, roots and slows are the CC types that don't trigger Spirit's passive. Those are the soft CCs.

All other CC is hard.
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CutLip | February 10, 2019 8:33pm
Thank you for suggestions. I don't think I've ever even considered Oni in any of my support builds. I think I just over look all CC reduction effects cause not 100% sure how effective they are. The suggested build it self lacks the amount of CDR that everyone has been telling me to go. But considering you are a support main I don't think that's as important.
Kriega1 (143) | February 11, 2019 5:01am
There’s a reason I suggested CDR, the build suggested doesen’t have it which already is an indicator it isn’t going to go well. Oni is a good support item but you wouldn’t build it on someone like Hel Support, same case for Chronos
Kriega1 (143) | February 10, 2019 8:54am
Yeah Chronos Support doesen't work if the enemy team is good, you can be punished early to mid game really easily. The build I used was cdr boots, breastplate, void stone, winged blade, spirit robe, soul reaver, sell cdr boots for pen boots lategame when you buy power pot. Also I would definitely add sprint as a relic option and would usually get it first relic (over say horrific - as Chronos Support doesen't do well with Horrific).
CutLip | February 10, 2019 12:02pm
Yeah I've noticed horrific hasn't been a good pic over say med cloak early game. I haven't been able to do a scrimmage on conquest yet (better than random players) as chronos support but in casuals and ranked I haven't done super bad as long as we didn't play stupid. I haven't tried getting haste 1st relic yet. Usually stick with cloak or shield, but I'll give it a shot here soon. I have noticed a few times against like Arachne ganks that slow is devistating, and haste would help alot
Kriega1 (143) | February 10, 2019 7:05pm
Sprint isn't mainly for the haste (before late game). It's to counter horrific emblem and gods with slows, and I also suggested it as Chronos doesen't do well with Horrific Emblem in support.
Kriega1 (143) | February 8, 2019 11:32am
Chronos Support doesen't work but if I did pick it I would do something like:

CDR boots, breastplate, genji's, situational (e.g winged blade, midguardian, emperor's etc...), aura item (sov, pythags or gauntlet), spirit robe. lategame sell breastplate for mantle of discord or lono's mask and cdr boots for either pen boots or travellers.
boogiebass (46) | February 8, 2019 11:33am
Wait, I thought aura items were better built early game?
Kriega1 (143) | February 8, 2019 11:34am
Do you think "Chronos support" is going to do well with aura items early game?
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Kriega1 (143) | February 8, 2019 11:21am
Chronos support doesen't work. Or it might... but you need selfish items, which means you aren't building like a support. One hard CC doesen't make him a support. The only way you're going to get a shred of viability with this is you force your solo laner to build some support aura items, which isn't going to happen in most games. Also picking Chronos support is asking to lose lane.

Case closed.

Bran you know how builds like these are resolved.

Since im not a support main, we shall wait till what EmilZy produces for his Chronos support build for his A-Z series.
Branmuffin17 (401) | February 8, 2019 12:13pm
Actually I'll be really interested to see how EmilZy builds that...try to remember to make a post / link when he does publish.

Kriega, don't pressure me to archive, dammit, LOL. This was an honest effort to make a non-Meta build, without being troll.

I can agree with wanting to be more selfish to try to get as much out of it as possible.
Gulfwulf (81) | February 21, 2019 4:58pm
EmilZy finally posted his Chronos support video. I have not watched it as of this post, but he did mention in the video's description that it was the fastest conquest game he's had. Take that as you will.

CutLip | February 8, 2019 12:19pm
I am all about being non meta. I hate going characters everyone uses because they are the easiest to play.
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xmysterionz (72) | February 8, 2019 8:27am
You are for some reason making a Chronos support, Ok.

Consider build Breastplate of Valor to get some cooldown reduction and stun more enemies. Celestial Legion Helm is something to you consider on your "damage options" if you are considering Void Stone.

I don't think Shield of Regrowth worth on him? Is the passive activated with his 2? And even so, I think there are better options. Same for Emperor's Armor, in fact is much more situational than Mantle of Discord so I think you should change their positions.

Magic Shell is an excellent relic to be considered.

Kriega probably will come soon give his feedback, since he is the chronos' master here.
Kriega1 (143) | February 8, 2019 11:22am
Regrowth works on solo lane Chronos.
Branmuffin17 (401) | February 8, 2019 12:14pm
Yes, because he can box like crazy with it, and use it for retreat/chase. In a Support role, I don't see it being functional at all.
Branmuffin17 (401) | February 8, 2019 11:08am
Hi CutLip,

Although it's a weird choice, I can see Chronos support being interesting at least in casuals. That said, some comments:
  • The first question I always feel is important is: what does the god bring to the role? The most common aspect to being a Support is usually by being tanky... to absorb damage so you can front-line, take attention away from your squishy teammates, help siege objectives, etc. This can technically be accomplished by any god in the game by building protections, and your build direction supports this concept.

    The next common aspect to being a GOOD Support is providing utility. This can be by buffing teammates (with abilities or items that provide auras, e.g. Sov/Heart/Thebes/Pythag's), debuffing enemies (with abilities or items that provide auras or other effects, e.g. Binding/Void/Jade/Pest), or providing control / peel via CC (mostly through abilities, but also possibly through things like Iso).

    Chronos lacks CC...the only one he has is a GOOD one in Stop Time (slow to stun), but it also starts with high CD. It's also difficult to hit at what's good here is that by being tanky, he can wade into some damage and hit enemies at point-blank range, making it much easier to confirm the hit. But I think enough focus needs to be given to being able to use that more often, which means some emphasis on CDR. You have since updated your guide after Myst's initial comment above to include Breastplate of Valor etc., which is probably good/important. But I don't know that you need BoV itself, if you pepper in enough items with CDR throughout the build.

  • This brings me to the next consideration. You choose Traveler's Shoes as your MS item. I don't think this is necessary. He's already got a pretty functional MS boost in Accelerate, with high base MS (25% + 12-20% by rank) and actually really good duration (7 seconds). You can almost have your MS boost up 1/2 the time, and more than half the time if/when you get CDR. You don't need the extra 7% that Traveler's gives over the other Shoes choices, as you'll already be pushing past the first MS soft cap and experiencing stat inefficiency there to some degree.

    In addition, you're proposing Shield of Regrowth and/or Winged Blade later in the build. I find those mostly unnecessary as well...the question here is: what exactly is that super high MS doing for you? Quicker rotation is one thing, but in a fight, what is that doing for you that benefits you more than what choosing other items would provide, utility-wise?

    As such, I think Shoes of Focus and its CDR in the early game would help much more than Traveler's. I also would probably not bother with Regrowth, though situationally, Winged Blade's base MS and counter to slows might be somewhat functional...but you'll be tanky, and you have your ult, so getting slowed isn't the end of the world for you, as it might be for squishy gods.

  • Question: how much do you struggle with mana consumption throughout the game? This partly goes with choosing Time Rift as your first ability, and first ability to be maxed. I get the poke potential and low CD, but that's inviting high mana use, IMO. Each use will also not hit the full minion wave.

    Thus, I propose getting Stop Time first. Yes, the CD is very long at rank 1, but it will do more damage per cast compared to Time Rift, and it will hit the full wave. You're not the biggest early-game threat in the first place, and Chronos is historically a late-game hyper carry, so I'd personally prefer biding my time at level 1, and waiting for a couple of levels and other abilities before really trying much. Otherwise, I'd probably stock up more on some early Mana Potions so I can constantly harass with Time Rift if you really want to get it at level 1.

    Also, throughout the game, the question still stands about mana consumption. Although you have Section II of the wheel to help with mana use, I'm thinking making sure you have enough MP5 will be important. You have a variety of items that provide good MP5, so I think that's fine, as long as you do get some somewhere.

  • You also max Time Rift first. That's fine for constant poke, but you might also again consider focusing more on Stop Time, as each rank provides a small CD reduction, and again, the CC it provides has a lot of utility for ganking, peeling, etc.

  • Since we're right on top of the start of Season 6 (in about 4 days), we really should be considering item changes. Here, I'm referring to Soul Reaver probably not being the greatest choice. Keep in mind, the S6 nerf gives a CD to its bonus damage, and its bonus damage is magical...getting more out of it would also mean incorporating protection reductions/penetration, and as you're only suggesting getting 1 of those damage items, if you get Reaver, you're not getting Void Stone, which I feel is the better overall choice in most situations, both because it provides health/protections, and also protection reduction to help other magical teammates' damage.
Whew. I think that's it for my comments for now. Would like to hear your thoughts.
CutLip | February 8, 2019 11:32am
I need friends like y'all. This kind of criticism is what I need. The MP5 was considered when choosing shield of regrowth considering its CDR plus movement boost with his 2 and more health which I lack to get with BoV or genji guard. Soul Reaver is definitely a no go since overall it won't be worth it anymore. Reason I picked traveler boots was also for the extra MP5 with a bonus of more SPD to get in their face to use my 3 for stun. But again going to play around with it tonight and will update my build. Again thank y'all so much. I do believe he has a lot of potential with being a good support
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CutLip | February 8, 2019 8:40am
Thank you so much for your input. I've only played a few games with him as support and tested the waters with a few items. So far that build I've put has worked best but definitely taking your recommendations into consideration for future reference. I'll update later tonight probably. Also shield of regrowth did work with his 2. Only reason I included it in build.
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What's harder than killing a tank? Killing him twice (Support)
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