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It's like you're trying to hide the guide from people. Not only that, the spoilers make the guide look pretty empty and aren't as eye-catching as other approaches to making a guide.
Other than that the guide is well made. You explain
Perhaps remove the spoilers and use tables, they seem to be liked alot by the community around here.
Put spoilers in the guides, more and more, to be better for mobile users that have limited data usage and stuff
-People complain that my guides are trying to hide instead of being shownPrism.exe stopped working
Well Imean, it looks empty but.. well it's just me, Oki? Like, I haven't scrolled through hundreds of guides and such.
I just like tables etc.
Plus, with the right BB-coding one can turn a wall of text into the guide of the year, without using spoiler, but ehm, s ok.
I still like your guide though! Truly astounding work.
I might look like a douche to you, sorry :(
Also I'll reboot "Prism.exe", hope that helps you? :|
I apologize if that made no sense but I'm trying to say I though you were a douche but I can see you're trying to be nice :3
And what you're saying is sort of like left-brained people (analytical) vs. right-brained (creative). And like Type A personalities vs. Type B, etc.
Happy the little... "problem" is cleared out! Keep making cool guides! :3
Personally, I like spoilers...I can easily open up the section that I want to see, without having to scroll through huge walls of text, pictures, and other fancy shmancy things.
One compromise I made in talking with nanoyam was to put the icons of the items within the spoiler on the outside...brings in some color and breaks up what would otherwise be spoiler after spoiler. I've done this for the majority of my guides.
Either way, I'm fine with how Prism has organized his guide. Maybe a slight bit on the heavy spoiler side, but, again, it's personal preference.
BBCoding would probably not allow that.
It seems to be acting up recently for me. I type out some code, and when I view it, it only shows the code and not the results.
The tables were just a suggestion, since they seem to do well, at least for me.
Well atleast people liked the tables in my guide.
That may be because I made them really well but I doubt that. Got 3 upvotes for just tables.
In the end, I like the comments more than I like the votes...even if they are pointing out issues with my guide or build or whatever, it's an avenue for me to consider different things and improve on them. I also just like conversation.
Presentation, though, is absolutely the medium by which the information is absorbed. Tables are great for that, as they can help visually separate key pieces of information. But even within tables, it's important to consider how the information is presented. And are you separating things in a way that makes individual sections clear, to the point, and with useful information?
I guess my point is, if the information you choose to provide is presented clearly, it's just a matter of style. I personally don't like too much scrolling, so I appreciate spoilers. I like tables too. I use both.
Let's all go downvote it now.
If you get an upvote for said tables, that means they're done well, and thus you know what style you can generally use in other guides, if you do end up making any.
Not only that, I'm certain that for everybody here that creates these guides, seeing an upvote let's them know they've done well, and can only help to stimulate those people to create more guides.
The upvotes I mentioned are to strengthen my point that tables can be very nice and are fairly appreciated around here.
If I would just say "tables are nice", it'd be so much as my opinion.
By saying they've netted some votes, the "appetite" to use them is strenghtened, in most cases. That's generally how a human mind works.
Either way, forget what I mentioned. I doubt he's going to change it either way. It's just me who said that tables are nice, and who am I? ...
All valid points. I think I need to apologize, if I came across a certain way. The way I provide feedback and criticism is based on my own guidelines. With regard to aesthetics, I do provide constructive feedback if it's a great, in-depth guide but is just walls of grey text with 0 BBcoding...but past that point, I don't personally say much else, because everyone has their own style, they may want it to look a specific way, they may just be learning BBcoding, etc. So if they use no spoilers, lots of spoilers, tables, special graphics, whatever, I figure it's mostly up to them, unless they specifically ask for suggestions.
But that doesn't mean that others can't or shouldn't provide aesthetic feedback like yours, or that it's wrong. You were definitely providing feedback to try to help Prism, and that is cool. Doesn't mean he'll start using tables, but that's up to him.
So, to answer, who are you? A member of SmiteFire that's looking to provide helpful guides and feedback, and your voice is appreciated no more or no less than any other individual. Again, sorry if I made you feel a specific way. Intent wasn't negative, and I talk too much.
The only way you came across is... as branmuffin17, the guy that likes to make stuff complicated :P
But no, in all seriousness, it's okay. Infact I think that your reactions were simply because my "intentions" weren't clear. Why did I mention the upvotes, why did I say this/that/etc...
Now that the intentions are clear, we're both on the same page.
TL;DR, we probably just misunderstood eachother a bit. No biggie, you still look like one of the nicest peeps on SMF.
Thank you for your little speech, appreciated! :P
I have a nagging feeling there are trolls here that are downvoting just because...or maybe some newer member that didn't get a response he/she wanted and started taking it out on others. Just a guess, no official proof.
I guess a 3rd option would be, people have their own "rating" systems. They may be fine with the content, or they may not even read the content, but they see the build, and don't agree with it for whatever reason...e.g. "that's not how I like to build" or whatever...and so they downvote because they don't agree with it or don't prefer it.
Let's start by saying excellent guide PerfectPrism, keep up the good work. You truly explained how the goddess' abilities work and the math for the monolith was also a nice detail to add as well.
However one criticism, I do have is the lack of proper explanation of a actual laning phase. Yes, yours was short and sweet, but how does one properly handle a laning phase? A few quick pointers scattered in the early game section would've been nice. And Ritual Dagger honestly. I don't like the item in my opinion, not that useful. Could be swapped out for something better. However this is my opinion!
Excellent guide and I be hoping to read some of your other works later down the line. Keep it up Prism!
Another options could be Swapping Ritual dagger for Telkhines, but I like the Urchin swap better.
Terra doesnt even really need full CDR, just 20%+, so hitting 50% is just wasting a lot of potential
However PerfectPrism I do agree Spirit Robe is a fantastic item when it comes to taking hits through hard CC, but most people won't use it due to the protections bonus. +40 protections? Why would I get this for a item that can give me more protections in the late game? H.O.U (Hide of the Urchin) is often one of the most useful items for protections out there. While 15% Mitigation is nice. I feel that unless the enemy team consist of almost all opponents having hard CC there is not much use of here.
Sorry, for this lengthy response. I just want to give my opinion on the matter of Spirit Robe. While highly overlooked with good reasons sometimes. It's not a bad item by any means. It's just in a pretty weird spot right now with the tree it's in offering more protections in general than this item. As I have mentioned yes! Yes! Yes! This item is good for heavy CC teams. Perfect the guide you have is honestly amazing. Better formatting than my guide. However, one criticism I must give is the fact, that this guide is better than mine. Ha! But in all seriousness you have really good intentional in becoming a very well-known member with guides like these. Keep up the good work!
Also, I think that
Also, I still think that