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Xbalanque- I'm not just a kitty.

1 1 4,830
by mutagrah updated January 6, 2013

Smite God: Xbalanque

Build Guide Discussion 1 More Guides
Tap Mouse over an item or ability icon for detailed info

Xbalanque Build

Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Ankh of the Golem Ankh of the Golem
Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane
Build Item Devourer's Gauntlet Devourer's Gauntlet
Build Item Cloak of Meditation Cloak of Meditation

Build Item Devourer's Gauntlet Devourer's Gauntlet

Xbalanque's Skill Order

Branching Bola

1 X Y
Branching Bola
1 4 8 12 16

Poison Darts

2 A B
Poison Darts
2 6 10 14 18

Rising Jaguar

3 B A
Rising Jaguar
3 7 11 15 19

Darkest of Nights

4 Y X
Darkest of Nights
5 9 13 17 20
Branching Bola
1 4 8 12 16

Branching Bola

1 X
When Xbalanque toggles on this ability, his Basic Attacks deal additional damage. When the bola hits, it splits into 2 that hit enemies up to 30 units behind the target for 37.5% damage (on-hit effects do not apply). Pressing the ability again cancels the toggle.

Ability Type: Area Basic, Damage
Damage: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50
Range: 55/30
Cost: 4 / 7 / 10 / 13 / 16 per shot
Cooldown: .5s
Poison Darts
2 6 10 14 18

Poison Darts

2 A
Xbalanque shoots 15 darts in a cone in front of him, dealing damage with each one. An enemy can be hit by 7 darts, with the other 4 doing 30% damage. Enemies hit are poisoned, taking additional damage every .5s and are Slowed.

Ability Type: Cone, Slow, Damage
Damage Per Dart: 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 (+35% of your Physical Power)
Poison Damage: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (+15% of your Physical Power)
Poison Slow: 20 / 22.5 / 25 / 27.5 / 30%
Poison Duration: 3s
Range: 55
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 15s
Rising Jaguar
3 7 11 15 19

Rising Jaguar

3 B
Xbalanque rushes forward and then jumps into the air, becoming immune to Crowd Control. While in the air, he fires darts at all nearby enemies, dealing damage to all in the area. Any enemies that were poisoned by Xbalanque take additional damage.

Ability Type: Dash, Damage
Damage: 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 (+50% of your Physical Power)
Additional Poisoned Damage: 40%
Damage (Max): 112 / 182 / 252 / 322 / 392 (+70% of your Physical Power)
Radius: 30
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 16s
Darkest of Nights
5 9 13 17 20

Darkest of Nights

4 Y
Xbalanque shrouds enemies in darkness for 3s. During this time, Xbalanque's Basic Attack range, Attack Speed, and Movement Speed are increased.

Ability Type: Buff
Attack Speed: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60%
Movement Speed: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60%
Basic Attack Range Increase: 40
Range/Radius: 95/35
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 90s


WARNING: The following guide is going to totally kick ***. If you like it and or have a large *****, please vote now.

A few suggestions

Ohkay guys, ima say it flat out. Xbalanque is not a easy god to play, i can't tell you how many times i had failed trying to come up with a good set up. You may have to practice with him, for it takes a while to learn his true power.

Some rules and tips.

Xbalanque is the god of the moon, when the moons out it is dark. Hint hint use stealth.

Xbalanque is a very quick damaging god in a short burst. To be honest a VERY short burst. Think of yourself as a hitman with this character you want to get to kill and move.

The biggest problem people have playing as a kitty, is kittys are small aka easy to smash. Get in a 2v1 and say good bye.

Rule #1 Theres only 1 rule.
Rule #2 Pick your fights. At the early levels with my item purchase you can literally fight enemy gods for minutes, they don't have life steal like you do. But in mid game Brawlers beat stick is mainly for the crit and attack. So don't try soloing ymir or vamana.

How to play Xbalanque.

Xbalanque is kinda like a mimic of Arachane or Loki in a way. You don't wanna jungle with our kitty here, but cats do like to hide. Your the assassin on your team. So don't let your enemies know your there till its to late!

Xbalanque has a very unique play type. A hop that can't jump walls, a 3 second poison, and a AoE that dosent do a lot of damage, most people saw themselves at a disadvantage. Smite would not make a god that weak, you have to think.

So our poison may be weak, but it does a bit of burst damage on use.But it also upgrades our Rising Jaguar's damage by 50% just for using a poison? Worth it!

Branching Boa. Oh the fun this move brought me. Ok so just so everyone knows. This is a very weak AoE, because technically, its not. Smite just needed a way to up your normal damage, but also steal your mana. (Artemis's rapid fire) Except they put the little twist in there. Your damage increases greatly single target with this move. Do not take it for granted!

Pros and cons.

Very strong burst
Fast attacks
Harassment of the other team
Good team player

Easily played wrong
Hard to play

My guide.

My guide is meant for players to survive and deal damage.
Smite has introduced what I like to call, their first "honest" god.
With Xbalanque you must play smart, have player skill, and also think 2- steps ahead.

This is the only god i know of that does not have ridiculous stuns or escapes like jumping over walls. Trapping you etc.


You will simply
A) Piss off the enemy team
B) Survive longer (possibly get that double kill)
C) Be capable of soloing.
D) Does not matter they are dead.


I've seen some pretty bad guides on Xbalanque, so far i think mine is trust worthy and works. I tested 3 games with this build went. 13-1 first 9-4 second, and 10-3 last. So far its not a bad build, still gotta throw some stuff in here and there. But hey. I aint got time for this ****. lol.

any questions pm me. IM open to suggestions, if your going to be a critic be hard about it. So i can learn from my mistakes.

Sincerely, Mutagrah

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CoffeeKing | April 4, 2013 2:34am
you totaly stole that warning from youtube.
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