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Yemoja Arena season 10

10 7 13,900
by DoomedLuke updated February 8, 2023

Smite God: Yemoja

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Yemoja Build


Notes These relics are great for Yemoja in a moment you've ran out of omi and you desperately need cast your abilities.


These relics are great for Yemoja in a moment you've ran out of omi and you desperately need cast your abilities.

Build Item Horn Shard Horn Shard
Build Item Temporal Beads Temporal Beads
Build Item Cloak of Ascetic Cloak of Ascetic
Build Item Entangling Wings Entangling Wings

Example of full build

Build Item Heroism Heroism
Build Item Prophetic Cloak Prophetic Cloak
Build Item Lotus Sickle Lotus Sickle
Build Item Amulet of the Stronghold Amulet of the Stronghold
Build Item Gladiator's Shield Gladiator's Shield
Build Item Stone of Binding Stone of Binding
Build Item Temporal Beads Temporal Beads
Build Item Cloak of Ascetic Cloak of Ascetic

Core Items

Notes It's been great that Heroism was swapped from a warrior's item to a support item, as it fits greatly for guardians, which use to have a lot of HP. Since many of the defensive items that fit Yemoja now include Health, you'll constantly shielding your allies for about 500 to 600 points. This item is specially great against enemy comps with a lot of CC, let's say for example, a Kumbhakarna and Nox.
Prophetic Cloak was obviously OP when released, but even after the nerf, it's still a great sup item.
As for Lotus Sickle, it seems it was made right for Yemoja. It gives Health, CDR (which is great for her) and move speed, plus its passive which gives defense for allies affected by her heals.
I think these items are core for sup Yemoja. If CC is not a problem, though, you can swap Heroism for another sup starter like Sentinel's Embrace of War Banner.


It's been great that Heroism was swapped from a warrior's item to a support item, as it fits greatly for guardians, which use to have a lot of HP. Since many of the defensive items that fit Yemoja now include Health, you'll constantly shielding your allies for about 500 to 600 points. This item is specially great against enemy comps with a lot of CC, let's say for example, a Kumbhakarna and Nox.
Prophetic Cloak was obviously OP when released, but even after the nerf, it's still a great sup item.
As for Lotus Sickle, it seems it was made right for Yemoja. It gives Health, CDR (which is great for her) and move speed, plus its passive which gives defense for allies affected by her heals.
I think these items are core for sup Yemoja. If CC is not a problem, though, you can swap Heroism for another sup starter like Sentinel's Embrace of War Banner.

Build Item Heroism Heroism
Build Item Prophetic Cloak Prophetic Cloak
Build Item Lotus Sickle Lotus Sickle

Alternative/ Useful items

Notes A note about Stone of Binding. Yemoja is a goddess with CC all over her kit, thus, this items' passive will proc from almost all her abilities.
Talisman of Energy is a nice support item and it goes specially well with War Banner (as they have similar passives) and if you want more aggressive passives to offer your team.
Breastplate of Regrowth, in turn, can be great in a situation you need some speed boost, only problem is you'll need an ally nearby to heal yourself.
Combining Talisman, War Banner, Shogun's and Breastplate of Regrowth will be a great combo to make you and your team to work in turbo mode, specially good if you have in your team basic attack based gods.


A note about Stone of Binding. Yemoja is a goddess with CC all over her kit, thus, this items' passive will proc from almost all her abilities.
Talisman of Energy is a nice support item and it goes specially well with War Banner (as they have similar passives) and if you want more aggressive passives to offer your team.
Breastplate of Regrowth, in turn, can be great in a situation you need some speed boost, only problem is you'll need an ally nearby to heal yourself.
Combining Talisman, War Banner, Shogun's and Breastplate of Regrowth will be a great combo to make you and your team to work in turbo mode, specially good if you have in your team basic attack based gods.

Build Item Shogun's Kusari Shogun's Kusari
Build Item Talisman of Energy Talisman of Energy
Build Item Breastplate of Regrowth Breastplate of Regrowth
Build Item Stone of Binding Stone of Binding
Build Item Amulet of the Stronghold Amulet of the Stronghold


This is my first "guide" and I'm no pro player, I just enjoy playing Yemoja a lot and she's probably my favorite character in Smite, so I wondered if I could give some thoughts on her. So don't take this as much of a guide, as it should be just my opinion on the goddess.

First thing is Yemoja is a ton of fun to play, as long as you don't expect to be top damage of your team, and also has a very relaxing gameplay. That said, I don't play Yemoja as a healer, I think her healing is not as good in early game as other healers like Hel, Sylvanus or Aphrodite. I think Yemoja's strongest point is her Crowd Control capabilities. Her 1 can slow and stun, her 3 can reposition players, save allies and even pull enemies and trap them (just be careful to not to do that to your teammates too), as her ult can also block them.


One thing I think it's vital to Yemoja is cooldown reduction, as it dictates how fast she regenerates her omi. Thus, I use to use items that give me CDR besides of other effects. Luckily, the new season brought a lot of items that fit her greatly, as they bring both CDR and support effects, like the Prophetic Cloak and the Lotus Sickle, which substituted Lotus Crown (which didn't give CDR). Prior to season 10, Pridwen use to be a core item to me because of its defensive stats and 20% CDR, and I could even go with Sphinx's Baubles sometimes. Now, with Prophetic, Lotus, with Gladiator's Shield made available for guardians, relics like Cloak of Ascetic and Temporal Beads, and the new item Horn Shard, we have a lot more options for omi regeneration management.

An observation about Gladiator, since Lotus Sickle doesn't give Power as Lotus Crown did, I've been using Glad for a bit more damage. If you'd prefer favor heals than damage, you can swap it for Asclepius, but then you'll lose the 10% CDR it gives.

I see players play her most as healer and if you focus on this aspect, you can perform well, but since her heal ability uses 3 omi bars, it's kinda expensive and you'll have to be careful to not run out of omi. One thing I think Smite does wrong is on guardians' healing, as it scales with Power and, to augment their heals, you'll have to sacrifice part of your role with support items like Sovereignty, Heartward Amulet, and invest on Power items and Rod of Ascleplius. I really think HiRez should revise that and make guardians' healing scale with ther protections or max health. That would also help disencourage people playing guardians in other positions that not as tanks or supports. Personally, I prefer stick to defensive items as I tend to leroy-jenkins a lot when I'm playing tanks.

That's pretty much that I have to say for now, I hope it helps newer players and I hope you enjoy.

Notes about items:

Horn Shard, Temporal Beads, Cloak of Ascetic:
These relics are great for Yemoja in a moment you've ran out of omi and you desperately need to cast your abilities.

Entangling Wings:
This is an overall great relic to trap enemies an set up for an offensive, and also to help allies to flee in case they are in trouble. You can, for example, use it to trap enemies inside your ult for allies to attack or flee.

It's been great that Heroism was swapped from a warrior's item to a support item, as it fits greatly for guardians, which use to have a lot of HP. Since many of the defensive items that fit Yemoja now include Health, you'll constantly shielding your allies for about 500 to 600 points. This item is specially great against enemy comps with a lot of CC, let's say for example, a Kumbhakarna and Nox.
Prophetic Cloak was obviously OP when released, but even after the nerf, it's still a great sup item.
As for Lotus Sickle, it seems it was made right for Yemoja. It gives Health, CDR (which is great for her) and move speed, plus its passive which gives defense for allies affected by her heals.
I think these items are core for sup Yemoja. If CC is not a problem, though, you can swap Heroism for another sup starter like Sentinel's Embrace of War Banner.

About Stone of Binding. Yemoja is a goddess with CC all over her kit, thus, this items' passive will proc from almost all her abilities.
Talisman of Energy is a nice support item and it goes specially well with War Banner (as they have similar passives) and if you want more aggressive passives to offer your team.
Breastplate of Regrowth, in turn, can be great in a situation you need some speed boost, only problem is you'll need an ally nearby to heal yourself.
Combining Talisman, War Banner, Shogun's Kusari and Breastplate of Regrowth will be a great combo to make you and your team to work in turbo mode, specially good if you have in your team basic attack based gods.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author DoomedLuke
Yemoja Arena season 10
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