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Smite Item: Blood-Soaked Shroud

Smite Item Blood-Soaked Shroud

Item Details

Blood-Soaked Shroud

Cost: 1500 (2150)

Can be upgraded from Vampiric Shroud at level 20.

+300 Health
+70 Magical Power
+18% Magical Lifesteal
+15 MP5

PASSIVE - Damaging an enemy with an ability restores 1.2% of your Max Health and Mana. Can only trigger once per target per ability.

Smite Item: Blood-Soaked Shroud

Smite Item Blood-Soaked Shroud

Item Details

Blood-Soaked Shroud

Cost: 2150

+60 Intelligence
+225 Max Health

Damaging an enemy with an ability heals 1% Health and Mana, once per target per ability. Heal an additional 1% Health and Mana if this was a god. For ever Kill you have this game, increase the Heal by 0.1%.

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21csteed | February 25, 2021 1:29pm
This item is by far the worst starter. The best people to use it are Merlin Tiamat and raijin because all of their abilities do AOE damage, but even then, with 6 seconds, the most stacks your gonna get is 20 and that is super rare. The best item is typhoons fang cause your getting 40 extra power from the 20 stacks you have, but sacrificial gives 10 less than that and that’s not including the busted passive sacrificial has. Trash
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