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Smite Item: Hastened Katana

Smite Item Hastened Katana

Item Details

Hastened Katana


Cost: 1200 (2450)

This item has been removed from the game.

+20 Physical Power
+15% Attack Speed
+7% Movement Speed

PASSIVE - Hitting an enemy god with a Basic Attack grants Haste for 1s, causing you to be immune from Basic Attack Movement Penalty.

Hastened Katana can only be used by Physical Melee gods.

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Branmuffin17 (401) | January 4, 2019 12:07pm
Viability / General Use: High viability. Unique basic attack item for physical gods that allows you to bypass the movement speed penalty when basic attacking, allowing you to "stick" to enemies.

Advantages: Good added mobility both when basic attacking as well as when out of combat.

Disadvantages: No penetration.

Restrictions: Physical melee gods only.

Discussion: This is a utility item meant to be used by basic attackers to provide a consistently relentless attack on their targets. It's typically purchased early to mid build.
overld1 (18) | October 5, 2017 2:07pm
Finally this and the others in this tree finally got a note that it only works with melee gods only. Except Masamune because that's different.
overld1 (18) | October 5, 2017 2:09pm
Wait even Masamune too is it just when an enemy god that comes near you. Da fuq Hi-Rez how an "aura" type passive only works on melee gods only. Now I'm triggered.
Branmuffin17 (401) | October 5, 2017 2:45pm
Yeah, I added the notation on the various items to help remind people that some aren't purchasable by hunters.

Masa is just part of that katana tree, so also falls under the same restriction that hunters can't use. Technically, it's not an aura item. It's triggered by proximity of enemies, but doesn't cast an aura that affects others. Think of any other "aura" item. Sov, Heart, Thebes, Jade, Void Stone, Void Shield, Pest, Pythag, Mystical Mail. Each of those affects others BESIDES yourself. They either give teammates benefits (protections, power, lifesteal) or they negatively affect enemies (reduced protections, damage, lowered healing).

Masa's passive only affects YOU. It's thus not an aura item, and you shouldn't be triggered. Instead, create a smurf account and stomp some noobs to get your spirits back up.
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