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Smite Item: Mark of the Vanguard

Smite Item Mark of the Vanguard

Item Details

Mark of the Vanguard


Cost: 800


+10 Physical Protection
+100 Health

PASSIVE - All damage taken is reduced by 4.

Item Discussion

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Daelinn (25) | May 14, 2016 3:51am
Well now that I think about it, Mark of the Vanguard sounds like an ultimate counter to Anubis on 1v1 joust- with Death Gaze having 30 ticks it would reduce its total damage by 150 and with additional 150 hp it would ensure never dying to him in the early game, even if he landed the full combo.
Technotoad64 (46) | May 13, 2016 8:29am
People keep saying this is a noob item, like Hastened Fatalis.
Zilby (132) | May 13, 2016 7:32pm
Both untrue. Mark of the vanguard is good in certain matchups in solo and as support, most effective against DoT abilities. Generally there are better options like Watcher's Gift for support or Bluestone Pendant for solo, but it still has niche uses in which it's a very effective option.

Hastened fatalis is mostly just good on gods that need to stick to enemies for long periods of time and is mostly viable on Bakasura, Vamana and Kali
Devampi (105) | May 14, 2016 1:56pm
Liek zilby said there both not noob items like most people consider meditation. However because it's recommended on supports (which can make use of it but normaly watchers is better) they call it a newb item if they see it on supports.

I don't really get why they call fatalis a newb item only for most adc people picking it. It's a good item and in some cases necessary on certain gods (cause Frostbound Hammer is really pretty bad on them (e.g. I paly a better Bakasura with fatalis then frostbound, however I believe frostbound doe give your ult AoE slow. Still fatalis is needed for the extra butcher's blade procs.
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