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Smite Item: Swift Wing

Smite Item Swift Wing

Item Details

Swift Wing


Cost: 800


+100 Health
+10 HP5
+5% Movement Speed

PASSIVE – Whenever you leave the Fountain, you gain 40% bonus Movement Speed for 15s. You will lose this speed early if you enter combat.

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Sodsboy (10) | March 1, 2017 6:43am
I'd say this item is more geared towards Solo and Support gods due to how it allows one to rotate quite quickly after basing such as a Sylvanus who struggles to get places after backing. So it's a pretty good pick up on him and maybe a few others.
Bernardozomer (33) | March 1, 2017 7:11am
The problem is that Watcher's Gift is even better this season, so there's not so much room to buy Swift Wing.

I think that they should make it 500 gold.
Technotoad64 (46) | March 1, 2017 7:05am
Like an alternative to teleport glyph, right?
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