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It's time for the SMITE 2 Season 0 Guide Contest! Create or update guides during the following 2 weeks to compete for the $2,000 prize pool! 🏆
SherriffTurtle's Profile
Guides: 0     Posts: 2     Videos: 0

REPUTATION: Notable (3)
JOINED: June 11, 2014
LAST SEEN: August 12, 2014
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SherriffTurtle's Bio

My name is SherriffTurtle (ign is the same), and I'm a smite player just like you!
I first played smite when open beta released, but stopped playing for a long time. Then, when I heard it was released, I made a new account, this one!
I really enjoy jungling, however I am also proficient at solo and mid lane. I can also play ADC to some extent.
My favorite gods at the moment are: Thanatos, Hercules, Ne Zha, Mercury, Zeus, Poseidon, Nemesis, Osiris.
Never give up, because you move like a jaguar.

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