October 02, 2013

Hoarder (Game of the Day 10/2/13)

Views: 2427 AcHillesxVeil7741
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The Game of the day is just horrible. you start with 100k gold that means everyone has their builds done soon as they start and everyone hits hard but has low hp , BUT thats the thing everyone game i was in 2 people would pick Neith and [Artemis]] and they both hit hard if you know how to build them right and all those games i played in the morning i lost horribly in those games no matter who i picked and did good builds with i get killed by Neith or Artemis in like 2 -3 basic hits it was insanely stupid and they wont the game with in 7-8 mins and my whole team had like 10+ deaths and only few kills . I pick Fenrir, Thor , Ares and Odin and did all hp def builds and still died really fast i just wanna say Hoarder is a stupid game type ever made , after the game is over the other team says GG but its not GG because they kept'd you in your base and KILLING YOU in the base and you can do nothing about it and its just down right stupid.

Hoarder game of the day go **** yourself