September 23, 2013

How to Play Fenrir for dummies

Views: 1471 AcHillesxVeil7741
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Hello ,

Here is my Guide on how to play Fenrir, first of all you need to know his skills and what they are and what they do and know how to use them. Fenrir's first skills is basicly a pounch i rarely use it to jump on people for kills but i mainly use it to get away from some gods ULTS like hades mainly because hes sucks you in . 2nd skills is like an attack booster always use that before u go to attack someone soo that u do EXTRA damage. 3nd skill is a kinda of a lunge attack were he hits who ever you lunge at and hits them like 5-6 times on do that when they are about dead soo u can get that kill , AND the last skill Fenrir's ULT where he turns into a giant wolf and can grab other gods in his jaws and drag them were ever you want them too. I only prefer to use his ULT only when stronger tanks are keeping your team by your base soo use your ULT and DRAG THAT ***********ER in your base then use your 3rd skill soo u get the kill, or when you out in the middle of the arena and someone else's ULT is read let them know you will use your ULT to hold them inside of their ULT soo they could get the kill or just hurt them enought to where someone will get the kill .

ANOTHER THING DO NOT TANK WITH FENRIR UNLESS YOU GOT YOUR BUILD RIGHT, there is many good builds on this site for Fen i prefer the KS build, soo if you do the KS build stay back keep your distance from the other team unless your going for a kill know when to get in there and know when to get out

If anyone has any questions id be more then happy to answer them and this has been my guide on Fenrir for dummies Enjoy