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_angrytoast's Blog
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February 16, 2015


Views: 3035 _angrytoast
Well, after about 30 matches of 1v1 joust I hit Gold V, and an impasse. There are too many gods that are broken in joust now. The bans are usually just Bakasura, Chronos, Mercury, and Kali, but with the recent buff of Xbalanque joust is becoming less and less fun.

Originally, those characters previously outlined were banned, meaning the joust actually took skill. However, You can't ban all 5 of those gods, meaning he who picks Xbalanque(or anyone else on that list), wins.

To put it in perspective, I recently played 2 matches against a Xbalanque, the person playing him wasn't that good. With this being said his CC immunity and ultimate make it incredibly hard to do anything against this god. For example, at one point in the match (I was playing Ullr) it was tied 2-2. But, his passive allowed him to be 20 physical power ahead of me at all times, meaning that even if we built the same (which we did) I could almost never out box him. That paired with bleeds from Poison D
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January 23, 2015

An If Statement

Views: 3835 _angrytoast
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All4  |  Hi  |  I  |  PIIIEEEEEEE  |  Quit  |  Ramt
I would like to say that if All4's planned rant/tempur tantrum is not censored or removed, I am going to quit Smitefire. I am not trying to blackmail the mods, but if idiotic behavior is allowed to go on when it is specifically and obviously pre meditated and completely overt, there is no point in being here.

Note, if the post is full of love and joy then fine, but if it is 'razz' towards my friends then this is not the site for me.

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December 08, 2014

Making A Large Guide...

Views: 1765 _angrytoast
Hey everyone, _angrytoast here.

I recently began working on a general guide to the solo lane and I feel that my guide will be too large. I've added a part on team composition and am about 5% through the specific god strategy guide (Basically separate mini guides on solo laners) and I have have hit around 3000 words. I feel that if I continue with this much writing I will be publishing a book, not a guide. Mind you my BB coding is quite aesthetically pleasing but only so much can be done to avoid a wall of text... suggestions?

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