I recently began working on a general guide to the solo lane and I feel that my guide will be too large. I've added a part on team composition and am about 5% through the specific god strategy guide (Basically separate mini guides on solo laners) and I have have hit around 3000 words. I feel that if I continue with this much writing I will be publishing a book, not a guide. Mind you my BB coding is quite aesthetically pleasing but only so much can be done to avoid a wall of text... suggestions?
Making A Large Guide...
Views: 1734 _angrytoastI recently began working on a general guide to the solo lane and I feel that my guide will be too large. I've added a part on team composition and am about 5% through the specific god strategy guide (Basically separate mini guides on solo laners) and I have have hit around 3000 words. I feel that if I continue with this much writing I will be publishing a book, not a guide. Mind you my BB coding is quite aesthetically pleasing but only so much can be done to avoid a wall of text... suggestions?
This is actually a really good idea (although I had to quickly look up 'archetype,' to make sure I knew what it meant)...
I will probably do this instead of individual mini guides. This will really make the whole thing shorter and easier to read.
I would recommend to do those mini guides more on archetype unless you got someone who plays way to different from the others within a archetype (in play). (because a mini guide for every god is a bit to much for a general game play guide)
Also general game play guides are mostly wall-of-text guides unless you need to show stuff with help of pictures.