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Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
SMITEFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new god, or fine tune your favorite SMITE gods’s build and strategy.
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- There are no players playing League arena at all. That's why we never get into a game. Leagues conquest sure has lots of players.
- Lost two consecutive games in league arena after winning 2, just because of the same nooby guy matched in our team twice, he didn't care about what other players are saying and team balance just took the 2 gods he knew to play. Abused our carries in both games and did worst in the game if anything at all.
- One guy spoiling the show continued in a conquest. Where, in the match lobby our ao and aphro called for duo lane like stupids. And they both were eager on surrender vote and pressed F6 four times, yet we finished the game. Ao was the second worst (my jungle guan was more level than him throughout) and all did well except that aphro going 0/11. What can the carries and other players do.
- One more story, in league conquest our Baka didn't knew wat is jungling. When all teammates were level 14 he was level 5 and mostly AFK and abusing all others throughout. The game ended in a surrender.
What can the team or carries do?
Don't get me wrong. The new patch for what I've played has ben amazing.
Yeah, the visual updates are nice. Some god additions are good as well(
Now, we shall wait to see what happens. Until there, I'll stick to Starcraft II, Dawngate and League of Legends.
I guess all gods are playable in practice mode.. m I wrong?
In jungle practice-yes,but i guess he means arena practice,joust practice etc
Just bring back domination for the love of God and allow use of all gods in practice mode.
I guess all gods are playable in practice mode.. m I wrong?
I also agree with all4 and intuition says that hi-rez must be doing some serious work to bring back or reinvent domination. So we still have hope!
Note: Also we have sent our letter to Kelly. It contains 3 sections:
- The letter subzero wrote
- Summary of my various posts including criticisms from various members.
- A note from the game veterans. ( this section includes some of the stuff from this blog including the whole mid paragraph of the post by jararonatsu.
- +some extras like idea of customizable legendary skins.
You jumped over the wall towards mid, ulted, and got a penta. And once you got
It was also the best game mode IMO for testing gods that you haven't played yet, as you had always where to fight, didn't care THAT much about dying and you'd have both 1v1s and team-fights, unlike the two other game modes I've mentioned, as 90% of Conquest games end up in surrender and I almost never get to late-game.
Smite is just going down a road that I'm not favoring. I don't think that Hi-Rez listens to the community well, unless it's SmiteFire (to an extent, maybe?) and the Ranked players. Hi-Rez can't seem to comprehend how to balance a game and/or the Gods, and overall has made the game not as fun as it used to be.
Each released God is more OP than the next, and nerfs and/or buffs are ridiculous. FPS problems are horrible for me and this was rarely a case prior to the recent patches.
The removal of Domination really did it for me. Not gonna lie.
I would ask that people listen to the last... three Ward Up! podcasts, especially the one that last had Sunfall in it. That explains how we feel pretty well, I must say. The one after is pretty good, but it's mostly me ranting. I love ranting XD