Recently I have noticed 2 things about smite's community which are 1) The Number of Players doesn't change, smite's community is the same number, not much join in, not much leave, and these are statistics by some youtubers and valve's records for smite. And 2) There is a lot of players who are rather toxic, before you say anything, yes I know, this is internet, this a Pvp competitive game, and this a moba, and that is normal, even I myself get tilted sometimes and get toxic ; however, I don't often be that at all. What I am talking about is rather even muting people at this point doesn't matter sometimes. I occasionally would play duel, and the enemy picks da ji and gets 15 kills on me in duel early game (tower diving, snowballing , you get the point) and when I reach late game, and I actually turn the table around they get tilted af , literally the dude had me so tilted early game that I just tried to surrender in the first 6 minutes, because I can neither play safe, nor play normal, I would just be under my tower and when da ji uses her 3 (Trickester Spirit) and dives me though I would land something like

Another Scenario where I am just chillin and playin casual clash, a random dude, started out of nowhere, I presume out of boredom, started talking **** about the god I played, asked me what good is the god I am playin, I told him high area damage and high single target damage, he said : "I meant teamwise", then he proceeded to pick

My point is I realized that some people are toxic, and the story might be different from their point of view, maybe i am the toxic one for some unknown reason ; however, the reason I am playing is to have some fun and enjoy my time, and this can be quite difficult when you get frequently harassed through chat, I clearly recognize that this is something that is impossible to change ; however, what if we can at least decrease how toxic the community can be, especially that smite's community is neither nor growing, nor dying. I realize there is a report button, but people abuse it for absolutely no reason, like for instance I once played duel and this dude i played against won the game, I didn't mind, I didn't say anything neither in lobby nor in whisper and he just went and reported me.
Personally I'll try my best to be either neutral or generally positive with people even if they are a bit narrow minded, or constantly provoking, or I'll probably put some random russian text that seemed to work with me in other games XD. Either ways thank you for reading and I wish you all best of times.
he basically waited for me to join a new game so I couldn't report him for that.
You can go to the Hi Rez page and to support or something and report someone from there. Just give them the playername and the time of his toxic comments. Got a few ppl banned doing it myself tbh.
My advice though in general is to just don't care, it's only a game after all.
And never ever be toxic yourself, and if you are doing bad. Just saying "sry I know I'm playing like ****, bla bla bla." actually helps calm ppl down most of the time.
Also don't engage the trolls, let them type on their keyboards with their little fingers. Have some fun with their comments, some trolls are pretty hilarious. And just start working on your report comment.
I also like to make a note when ever I meat someone who is toxic (or bad) and put it in my notepad doc. Fun to see if you have met the same person multiple times being toxic.
We all can contribute in whatever way we positive with teammates even if they have a bad game, provide compliments when people do well, try to defuse situations when possible. I also do what I can for the community by maintaining all of my guides and commenting on guides and forum posts here on SF...I hope that my efforts have an effect.
That said, I find the best way to deal with toxicity is to control my own reactions. We're each in charge of only ourselves, and I know it can be tough if you've had a frustrating game. It's also pretty rough if you're a generally nice person and people are just horrible to you...almost like a shock to your soul.
But we can also train our minds...before reacting, work to become methodical in your approach to toxicity. Pity them for being such unhappy people, laugh at their comments because they're so pissed they lost, send those random Russian messages (lol), etc. Also know that if you didn't actually do anything bad, HR has records and any reports on you that have no evidence of toxic messages etc. will be brushed they've wasted their efforts for nothing. If you can control those reactions within yourself, I bet you'll also find yourself getting less upset overall.
Nothing to really do for the game as a whole...too many people hiding behind screens to have much of an individual effect, but you can definitely improve your own experience within yourself.
Story of my life right there. Have you been spying on me, Sir Muffin? ...
I'm sorry I just got dumped soooooooooooooooooooooooooo I'm in a pretty ****ty mood
(P.S.: Never again will you spawn a Specter in a Nightmare mission!)
Yeah. It only took me two times to figure it out and a third to remember not to do it!
No, it's basically the same with me. That was personal experience right there. In game or RL, if someone's overtly hostile, it really does shock me, and sometimes I don't even know what to do.